Saturday 12 October 2024

Breast Cup Sizes.. my thoughts on standardization..


After somewhat arguing with my OH.. I have had many thoughts on breast cup size.

Like right now, there is vague ambiguity.. people don't know what it means, even those in charge of the standardization of cup size.. don't know what doubling or tripling etc letters of cup sizes.

So after arguing with my OH for over 6 months.. I'm glad that arguing has ended a couple of months ago.. however I am left with many thoughts on the subject.

Currently.. a lettered cup size is standardized as 1 letter per inch protruded. A = 1 inch. B = 2 inches C = 3 inches. And rib cage size.. usually 30 inches to 36 inches but can be outside of those.

I suggest.. and this is my thought on the subject, the doubling and tripling and quadrupling of letters should reflect the volume vs wideness vs tightness of the cleavage.

So for every 2 inches from the nipple to the underarm, an extra letter is added. but also yet another letter is added for the tightness of the cleavage.. and a letter removed for the wideness, or sagging of the cleavage.

A cups would be exempt as they are pretty much flat, and so all are wide.

But let's imagine.. 3?B vs 3?BB vs 3?BBB



If the cleavage was tighter the above would be a BBB. but a letter off for the wideness of the cleavage.


Thursday 3 October 2024

Star Wars Outlaws.. a review.. (TL:DR Warning)


After wringing 125+ hours out of Outlaws.. I find myself.. satisfied with my experience. With a few caveats..

The Good

Mostly the experience was uniform with the excellent EA 'Jedi' series.. with Nix being BD's counterpart. I like that Ubi have set these games up as twins of sorts.. it means they can focus on the environment and story, which I feel they did.

Voice acting across the board was superb. Direction while not perfect was far beyond competent. Writing again superb. Animation.. especially of Nix again, superb. Environments, easily on par with the EA Jedi series.. and I see no reason EA and Ubi shouldn't colab in the future to standardize environments and assets. 

Chilled out moments sitting.. were relaxing. Combat was good across the board. From space battles to face to face battles, I had a good time.

Experiencing Tatooine was.. special.

The story and side stories were involving, interesting. At certains times heart pulling. 

I won't mention the stories in detail, but I had a good time. As far as RP goes.. I especially enjoyed the ISB uniform.. it made me daydream about Kay joining the Empire and Kay's view on the Empire. While it's easy for us to see the top ranks of the Empire as often corrupt.. fascist.. Kay see's the Rebels as 'just another syndicate'. Kay might see the Empire as a organization that offers a way out of the slums.. offers money for work to those who otherwise wouldn't be able to get a job. Fair day's pay for a fair day's work.

Imagine if we had the option of joining the ISB as a lieutenant and working our way up the ranks of the Imperial service doing radiant quests.. but not just endless nameless quests.. marked with cutscenes and special scripted one off mission for each rank promotion. Outlaws would be a unique chance to experience this in a DLC.. as other Star Wars games we play the straight up 'hero'.

I also repeatedly daydreamed about owning droids.. many times in treasure caves, we would see R2 and C3 units and variations.. just there. I kept wishing we had the ability to repair/buy/recruit them. Currently after completing the game I have LOADS of resources for the speeder and Trailblazer. Using those resources on owned droids in a DLC I feel would be a cool expansion.. with a beginner mission of trading and buying (3PO series) 22-X's head from the Jawas on Tatooine.. and integrating her in to your Speeder.. then 22-X becoming a sort of mentor teaching you how to do basic repair on droids, being able to sell them for a profit too. 

So you'd get taught the basics by 22-X, and fix the basics on the trailblazer workbench but go to droid repairs person to 'upgrade'. Build any Astromech for stealth OR combat OR mobility OR negotiation.

I would hope BD units would be included but that might cause troubles with EA.. so at least.. R-series, C-series, BX-series and perhaps Pip P-series (P1P? from Acolyte.).. there's many more.

Sound effects were good but surround sound definitely needed work. Music was OK.

The Bad

bugs. for me not too bad but still annoying. If I do loads of work to get to a spot and then the swing doesn't take me all the way over the drop.. flip! Whoever insisted on checkpoints/auto save is a flippin' genius.

Missions not completing.

Things that were never explained to me.. the stealthy and non stealthy actions.

Like why does Nix stealth attacking an enemy, say with 'detonate' why does that make everyone start looking for me? The enemies don't look for me when Nix straight up attacks them. This doesn't make sense. You could say it's just because it's OP move but that still doesn't make sense in game.

Like when does the 'fast talking' initiate? Sometimes I would just straight up get arrested or caught and only sometimes would it initiate. This was confusing.

The Ugly

Firstly.. Humberly Gonzalez (who played Kay Vess) is stunning. beautiful. But Kay.. not so much. I mean it's irregular to have 25% of your face be your chin. 

They didn't just hit her with the 'ugly stick' they cut down the whole ugly tree and fashioned it in to some sort of medieval face slapping device leaving Kay's face in perpetual state of being slapped by said ugly sticks. IMO She is repulsive looking.

I mean.. even IF.. IF.. I were to accept her face.. has she never heard of soap or shampoo?? a hairstyle that lessens the impact of her face? but instead her hairstyle emphasises and perhaps exaggerates her ugliness.

Why ohw why.. can't we just have a cosmetic replacement of Ms. Gonzalez's face? put Ms. Gonzalez's attractive face over the repulsive mistake that was Kay Vess's face.

Lastly.. WHO decided it was a good idea to time out out of bounds? This is a trait from games 20 years ago.. that pretty much died and everyone went to the wake and had a party! We danced on it's grave; I believe it was Gangnam style.. when it died around 2012.

Games.. open world games.. are a 'sandbox' inside the 'sandbox' belongs to the player.. outside of the 'sandbox' does not.

The reason games had this was because of limitations of hardware. The reason Outlaws has it.. is a lack of imagination. No wait.. a lack of ingenuity.

Space battles themselves can quickly become a nightmare if you are on the edge of out of bounds. This is dumb!! It's not even needed.. modern games have already solved this problem with infinite space, like if you try to go out on the water in GTA and it just endlessly loops.. no.. I lost space battles too often because of this daft out of bounds mechanic that shouldn't exist in a modern game. 


I enjoyed my month in Star Wars Outlaws.. I have problems on and off with Ubisoft.. back in the day with ACII and the whole 'Anti-catholic' thing.. then more recently Valhalla.. and the Isle of Skye DLC, where some insensitive flump trumpet decided to make all the Scottish people English.. they could have hired Scottish voice actors and actresses for the lines but no, they hired people English people from London.. they still used the Saxon (English) models even though, they had the models for Scottish people sitting there as Mobs. Calling a Scottish person English is as bad as using the N word to a black person. It was horrific.

I decided to boycott Ubisoft again.. but then Outlaws came up.. at first I thought it was made by EA.. until I came to purchase and saw it was Ubisoft.. it was a dilemma.. but as I missed playing the Jedi series and so badly wanted to play it's twin.. I bought it.. and not just bought it, but bought the Ultimate edition. I do this to ensure I get all DLC for a game. In this game Scottish people were represented.. which was a pleasant surprise.

I feel a little warmer to Ubisoft right now*.. we have a few DLC upcoming.. and as I have paid for the Ultimate Edition.. I assume I will be enjoying them too.

Regards from the Outer Rim

ISB Lieutenant Dava

*but still get angry over the Isle of Skye DLC when I really think about it.

Sunday 28 July 2024

Restaurant Brigade (Kitchen brigade).. stuff I keep imagining..


After watching a load of Kitchen Nightmares years ago.. and more recently, watching The Bear and Food Wars.. that SAME thought keeps coming back to me.

It annoys me why front of House is called 'chef' in the Bear.. and at other times it annoyed me why is the head front of house doesn't have a regiment.. like the back of house (kitchen).. so without further ado.. here is my thoughts on that..

Kitchen/Back of House

Head Chef         'Chef'
Sous Chef          'Sous' (Soo)
Sauce Chef        'Saucier' (Saucy-er.. sauces, soups and slow braising meat)
Carvery Chef     ' Carver' (aka 'Rôtisseur') 
Pastry Chef         'Patisserie'
Buffet Chef        'Buffet' (aka Garde manger, cold meats etc) 
Commis Chef    'Commis' (lowest rank Chef, general dogs body for chopping veg etc)

Table/Front of House

Head Front of House                   'House'
Manager of Front of House         'Front'
Concierge of Front of House      ' Concierge'
1st Head Server                            'Room'
1st Bus (plate clearer)                   'Bus'  (note only 1st Bus outranks all the other servers except 1st.)
All servers.
All bus.

Support Staff

1st Kitchen Porter    'KP'    (washes all dishes and manages all other support staff)
Garde Porter            'Porter' (moves heavy items, and washes the most dirty vegetables)
All porters.

For Table.. House, Front and Conseriege take bookings. Each can be 'greeter' at the front house podium. However, House is responsible for front and back coordination.Front is responsible for checking tallies, and financial matters.. ensuring checks are put out, collected and paid, handling the till. Concierge is responsible for ensuring the happiness of patrons.

Room aides House with food updates on all the servers.Room aides Front with check updates on all the servers. Room aides Concierge with updates on the happiness of guests.

Bus reports to Room on the progress of clearing plates.

Porters give a cursory clean to the kitchen for an hour after service is finished.. proper cleaning is done twice a week by the chefs. Every night after service.. Carver and Porter go through the kitchen throwing out any OFF items, anything over 24 hours old gets tossed, and it gets marked who made it and so who wasted the money. Porter reports this waste to Front the next morning.

Bus (1st Bus) bus staff and House are responsible for a clean front of house. After service every night, the front of house is scrubbed and sterilized. By the next day.. This gives the chemicals time to both work and strong smell to dissipate. Scent that would ruin the food. Not to mention.. front of house should be the dirtiest, with all the coming and going of guests.

Thursday 23 May 2024

FTL Warp Factors.. a question..

 I'm wondering if..

0.10c is 'Warp 1'
0.20c is 'Warp 2'
0.90c is 'Warp 9'


1c is 'Warp 1'
2c is 'Warp 2'

It's most likely the first one.. because the second one is time travel.

I read that Helium-3 won't make a good fuel for FTL.. but I don't understand why.

While Matter-Antimatter IS better and I don't deny it.. He3 could be used as fuel via Ion drives, pushing electrons out. It would mean we could send probes to Alpha Centuri system.. the system is a tri-star system.. and we could visit each one and send photos back.

Slowing Down..

Reaching 'Warp 5' or 0.5c makes it so the probe would arrive within 10 years. But slowing down would inhibit travel to the other stars..

Instead why not drop a secondary smaller probe to an Lagrange point of one of the exo-planets? And do the same again for each star?

Just a few thoughts there..

Thursday 23 November 2023

Star Trek Uniforms (fanfic)


Red = Command

Yellow = Engineering / Security

Blue = Science / Medical

Green = Medical Specialist / Internal Affairs (internal police) / Botany Specialist

Orange = Specialist Technician / Star Fleet Music Corp.

Cyan = Psychological Sciences

Purple = Command Specialist

Brown = Xenobiologist Specialist

White = Dress Uniform

Black = Section 31/ Star Fleet Secret Service

Friday 18 August 2023


1. length

2. breadth

3. height

4. time

5. potential

6. paradox

7. escape (collapse the wave function)

8. nullification

9. singularity 

Saturday 5 August 2023

Dava's Hitchhikers Guide to Akira..

 Hi random wanderer of the internet!


What is Akira?

It is a legendry anime, with ghosts and sci-fi.

What is Akira REALLY?

It is a overly complicated story .. that is full of mis-directs, confusion but ultimately legendry moments.

Spoilers from now on follow.. Here be Tetsuo!

Akira is the in my humble option the greatest slight of hand in anime storytelling.

The story pushes your focus towards Kaneda or Takashi at every opportunity.. all to filter your perception away from the *real* main lead of this story.. Tetsuo.  

Not even Akira can compete with Tetsuo's heart wrenching storyline. Tetsuo's not handsome, he has no money and his parents beat him.. Kaneda has the looks and coolness that Tetsuo craves. 

While the Espers play politics.. and Akira thinks himself a God.. Tetsuo endures in his agony and humiliation.

After this movie.. I read the subsequent anime's.. which really should be made in to a movie (Akira Part II). Equally as confusing.. equally as epic.

The upshot is.. don't believe the mis-direction.. Tetsuo is the main character of this story.

Thursday 27 July 2023

Why I think Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania bombed..

 Hi www

In very short.. Katy O'Brian's acting was so poor in her first scene, and so little was explained to Hank, who was us on this journey.. what where the names of the first aliens that helped us? what was the name of the cantina?

Katy O'Brian is *excellent* in the Mandalorian (excellent villain!) .. for Mando I'd give her 8/10. For Ant-Man QM.. 1 or 2 or 3.. 3 at best, no I'm being too generous!.. 1 or 2/10. 

5 being competent. No Oscars won, but in no way hurt the production.

1. Katy O'Brian miscast 2.Poor story layout 3. Too much 'glossing over' what is happening, at times where the audience needed that depth (see above for examples).

The rest was actually good.. especially Paul Rudd.. whose comedic acting was on point. I really can't fault the main cast.. even Corey Stoll raised a smile and didn't let the production down, even with the slightly awkward lines he had.. he just about pulled them off with decent comedy.. and yes FEELZ <3. Well done Mr. Stoll!

I'm a huge Bill Murray fan.. but his character just functioned as a plot device to betray the heroes. He had one comedic moment.. which *did* work.. but with the lack of exposition, the exposition we needed before we met him and J.Van Dyne simply brushing everything off when a explanation was called for.. no.

Ms. Lilly did not have any standout scenes.. however she (along with Ms. John-Kamen as Ghost) took a front seat in the previous movie, while Paul Rudd played for comedy.

I'd enjoy seeing a Goliath/Ghost movie. A pulp fiction of revenge.. think Kill Bill but with phasing superpowers.

Florida Man.. My (somewhat of a ) Review


I watched the first episode of Florida Man on NF.. the thumbnail promo had shown Clark Gregg, so I was looking forward to him starring in this. nope.

By the second episode I had identified the problem with this show.. Edgar Ramirez.

Everyone else were putting in competent performances, Abbey Lee was a little shaky in the first episode but by the second she was really taking her stride with this little bit of fluff part and was acting the flip out it! respect.

I could tell Mr. Ramirez was really struggling to act in English.. I don't know if he is or isn't a good actor in Spanish, but I saw how poor and unengaging he was in English. It felt like he was a drama student with their first performance.

The plot was often over contrived for no reason.. If they had done this properly, they could have done it out of order and so made it a pulp fiction.. as this show so badly wanted to be a detective noir, both these would have fit together nicely if the writer/s were talented enough.

But what we got was meandering mess with no real direction.

Or if not a pulp.. throw in some decent music direction and the first two episodes could have been one, anything montage like to end the monotony of Mr. Ramirez's acting and the poor plot writing.

So.. I'm not going to finish episode 3.. I feel so guilty for reviewing something without seeing as a complete work.. giving those artists a chance to redeem themselves, like Ms. Lee did in the second episode. But I just can't force myself.. I can't do that to myself to watch more of Mr. Ramierez's 'non-acting'.


Wednesday 31 May 2023

Reality-Avengers (Euro-Avengers) Tri-Annual [Fanfic] : Part Three 'The Winner Takes It All'

Reality-Avengers (Euro-Avengers) Tri-Annual [Fanfic] : Part Three 'The Winner Takes It All


This fanfic comic should be rated R21 in the USA. And is only intended for those over the age of 21 (except in countries such as Scotland or Cambodia where the legal age of adulthood is 16 or above). Will contain graphical descriptions of erotica and violence. You have been warned.


A deafening silence falls over Lep and The Beyonder.. all we can hear is ABBA's album version of 'The Winner Takes It All'.

Behind Lep.. Widow Spider lays on the floor, his insides ripped out. Lep is crying..  locked in battle with the Beyonder.

Lep thinking : I-i-if I beat him I can undo it!!

We zoom out to see many of the team have been turned to stone.. many dead police officers, a few crashed police helicopters.. we are in the park next to the giant statue of the Beyonder.

Dave Shaw as the Silver Scotsman is keeping back the hordes of people trying to defend The Beyonder.
The Beyonder is also creating energy spears to strike Lep, but Kang is making the spears not exist.
Ares is on the other side of the planet, throwing fired nukes in to the sun.. because if he didn't, they would be hitting NYC. They would be hitting Lep.

'I Don't Wanna Talk'

6 days earlier.. 

Dave is meeting with Susan at the motel. Dave is nervous as the team have finished the Portal to take them to another reality.. and Dave wants to ask Susan if she will come with them.

Outside the motel Dave stands alone waiting.. it's around 2pm. Dave has dressed smartly, his hair is washed with vosene and brushed with brill cream. He is holding bouquet of flowers.

We take the perspective of an older gent sitting in a rocking chair on the porch of the liquor store across from the motel.

A black executive car rolls up and a lady with blonde hair gets out (Susan). She goes over and hugs the man (Dave). He gives her the flowers and they seem to speak. Suddenly she becomes angry.. we do not *quite* hear what is said but she is shouting.. she throws the flowers back and him and gets in her car.. he takes a few quick steps to chase the car.. but he slows as the car throws up dust and is gone.

'Minds As Cold As Ice'

The next day..We see through the motel security camera, Dave comes out of a motel room alone and walks to the public phone.. after a short phone call, we see he is upset.

That night..We see through the same motel security camera, Dave comes out of a motel room alone and walks to the vending machine, buys himself a drink.. has a drink and a smoke on the motel porch then returns to his room.

The next day again..We see through the motel security camera, Dave comes out of a motel room alone and walks to the public phone.. after a short time, we see he is upset again.

'But What Can I Say? Rules Must Be Obeyed'

2 days prior to the park.. 

From the perspective of Susan's cellphone.. late at night, Susan is in apartment bed tossing and turning, she keeps lifting her cellphone and then putting back on her bedside table.

Susan works up the courage to make the phone call.

Sitting on the police sergeant's front desk; Through a snow-globe of all peoples of the world surrounding the Beyonder in love.. we see Susan sitting on the bench at the police station alone, her mascara running, looking at her knees, her face; miserable.

'I've Played All My Cards'

4 hours before the Park.. a racket of SWAT Helicopters and a veil of police officers dressed in funerial black, weight down mourning the outer compound.

We take the perspective of the compound security cameras.. in the compound lobby camera, we see a flash then a helicopter crashes through the lobby windows, followed by Firegirl.

We then, silently, see Guillotine shouting at Firegirl, but Firegirl defending her actions.

On the canteen camera, many SWAT officers drop in from the ceiling, but Captain England fights them off.. Ultrahawk bursts in breaking the canteen entrance walls and begins stomping the SWAT officers, squashing them like bugs under a boot.. Cap looks shocked.

On the back garden compound camera; La Peregrine is wounding but not killing the herds of police officers. Kang appears next to Peregrine, the two seem to talk, and with a wave of his hand.. many of the police officers vanish.

In the Recreation Room camera.. Ares is asleep on the pool table. holding a bottle with his fingertips.

JJ is in the lower laboratory, we see he is on the phone, looking impatient.. the 'lobby' button on the phone is flashing.. as if he is calling the lobby to find out what the loud noise are.

Alan and Siobhan walk in the lobby.. Siobhan is wearing a summer dress, they seem bemused why a crashed helicopter is in the foyer. 

From the roof camera, we see the many many helicopters fire their missiles .. we can see Zero approaching the front of building from here. He is carrying a pizza. We see he looks up and has seen the missiles heading for the foyer. He drops the pizza box flat and waves his arms outward; stopping time throughout this reality.

In DC, looking through the reflection of a mirror in the oval office, we see the Beyonder feels this shift and becomes aware time has frozen.

We move to the lobby camera, Zero comes in and 'wakes up' Guillotine, Firegirl, Alan and Siobhan. Then we see Zero go through each room 'waking' each of the team members, except that, in the recreational room, even freed from the time freezing, Ares cannot be roused from his drunken sleep.

We see through the rec rooms camera.. Cap and Ultrahawk are arguing, they are going at it, almost at blows until Guillotine steps in and calms them down.

'You've Come To Shake My Hand'

A tourist was taking a video in the park, we see from this screen, the Beyonder summons all the team to the park, including Siobhan and JJ.. we see Siobhan mouth the words to JJ 'this guy is powerful!'. Siobhan changes herself and Alan into their costumes.

The Beyonder crushes his fist and at the same moment, time restarts again, but also Zero clutches his chest in pain and drops to the floor. Ares shouts Zero's name.. we barely hear it as this distance.

The Beyonder waves his hand and many SWAT Helicopters appear surrounding the park, firing missiles. Many police officers appear.. Ultrahawk flies up and throws one helicopter at another causing them to crash in to the police officers below.

The team go to attack the Beyonder, but with the exception of, Kang Ares, Lep and JJ, the Beyonder turns the group to stone.. which Lep undoes.. Widow Spider incensed attacks the Beyonder directly, who catches WS by his throat. And then rips out his lower organs and throws the body on the ground. The Beyonder turns the rest of the team back to stone.

The sky and the very universe itself goes dark.. even the Beyonder feels a quiver of fear race like a cold jolt up his back.

We see Dave say under his breath; his warm breath on the cold air:  'oh yuv done it noo!'.

A shaft of light lens flares upon the park.. upon the two.

We see JJ has teleported himself to a near by tree and has furnished himself with some toffee popcorn.. JJ turns to a little bird in the tree and says 'Don't worry.. I'm 'Plan B'.

'The Winner Takes It All'

The two clash and a blinding light engulfs the park.. inside the light.. 

We resume inside the light:

A deafening silence falls over Lep and The Beyonder.. all we can hear is ABBA's album version of 'The Winner Takes It All'.

Behind Lep.. Widow Spider lays on the floor, his insides ripped out. Lep is crying..  locked in battle with the Beyonder.

Lep thinking : I-i-if I beat him I can undo it!!

We zoom out to see many of the team have been turned to stone.. many dead police officers, a few crashed police helicopters.. we are in the park next to the giant statue of the Beyonder.

Dave Shaw as the Silver Scotsman is keeping back the hordes of people trying to defend The Beyonder.
The Beyonder is also creating energy spears to strike Lep, but Kang is making the spears not exist.
Ares is on the other side of the planet, throwing fired nukes in to the sun.. because if he didn't, they would be hitting NYC. They would be hitting Lep.

Lep begins to draw on other realities.. on other powers from other realities... shores of power wave over her, as we see these other realities in a chatoyant effect.. faster and faster like a DBZ power up.

Lep fuses with the Beyonder to overcome him and learns he was a renegade Watcher called Aron*.. then she sees all realities and learns that the original reality still exists.. Suddenly Lep becomes aware of Admiral David Haller, Legion in their original reality.. she whispers to him.. 'help me and I will fix this all!'

David Haller reaches in to the Beyonder's reality and vampirically absorbs the Beyonders power.. this weakens the Beyonder enough for Lep to use the Beyonder like a battery.

She imprisons the Beyonder in JJ's closet in the quantum realm. She along with JJ and Legion move 'Kobik Earth' to the 616 universe, but at the opposite side of the Milky Way. We shift the planet via Mount Olympus.. the 'pocket dimension'. ..They move the planet to a star in the new 616 reality, equally as far away to the center (but on a different arm) of the Milky Way.. she recreates the solar system.. and now there are two earths in the galaxy Sol 1 (616 .. shield) and Sol 2 (61311.. hydra)

A flash of light and 'Tempus Ex Machina' all the team are restored even all of Sol 2.

The team look up and see they are in the park and can see the statue of Liberty, they hear  a sizzling sound and look down, Lep's skin and body is black charred; cooking due to overuse of her powers. La Peregrine whips out a bottle of water and feeds it to Lep while holding her head.. WS is stunned. He looks down.. and even though she has passed out.. she is holding his hand tightly.

Guillotine: Let's recoup in the Marquis!

Cap: agreed!


Part One : Reality-Avengers (Euro-Avengers) Tri-Annual [Fanfic] : Part One
Part Two: Reality-Avengers (Euro-Avengers) Tri-Annual [Fanfic]  :  Part Two


Next time on 'Sol-2 Euro-Avengers'..

Will Lep recover in time to save the team from an old returning enemy?

Will Dave ever get over 538-Susan? 

Wednesday 1 March 2023

The Fermi Paradox; The Horrors and Delights of Free-Will

 Hi .. 

Scottish Politics : Politics. Peace. Intersolar Travel. (

I'll write this in English as to reach out to a wider audience. (Although my first language is Scots) I also have a faith based slant, so that is in there too. I am Catholic and Abrahamic.

Why are humans the only civilization.. forgoing ecumenical spiritual beings*.. why are humans the only civilization we are aware of?

Shouldn't we have already made contact if an alien civilization exists? I believe that alien life exists, such as fish-like, plant-like, insect-like and cow-like.. but I do not believe that any alien civilization exists.. the Bible does not mention alien life, however omission is not a proof of a fact. And just because I suppose something; does not make it fact.. The Lord said He repented making Man.. but we are creating a '4th kind' in AI &  robot-kind. 

Now that's out of the way.. lets discuss why we don't have aliens summer vacationing in Florida.

The Horrors of Free-Will

As humans spread out and become more and more frontiers people.. law will recede and people will be more and more free to do whatever they want as there will be no one around to stop them.

Imagine something that would seems Sci-Fi to us just now but in 2000 years.. born on Earth, then buy a ship with the ability to go anywhere in the universe, own a galaxy/solar system where no other human will ever come as space is so vast; no one will ever find you.

Acting out forbidden horrors like Genetic Engineering and manipulation.. a reasonably intelligent human could create beings and rule over them.. making them slaves and making them worship that human.

Every evil we could imagine..

Now put this into the context of an authoritarian civilization.. an alien one.. imagine random aliens with alien morality coming and experimenting on life here.

Well.. if their government at least have the morality that those alien citizens shouldn't be doing that, they will keep those citizens most likely in places they control, such as their own solar system.

Prose: If aliens exist it is unlikely they allow their kind outside of their reach.

Everything is Trying to Kill Us

Everything from the radiation to the distances involved.. but even if we overcome these things, I posit even on arrival of an earth-like twin.. everything would try to kill us.

Basic biology of two systems in hostility; we would literally be entering an alien environment never designed for us.

Remember what killed the aliens in War of the Worlds? That's right.. Terran bacteria.

If we blindly go to other planets.. that planet will kills us. And likewise the thought occurs to me, if a alien civilization went to another planet.. it would, I think, mostly likely kill them too. That's a pretty good deterrent to leaving your own solar system.

Remember when Australia was overrun with rabbits?.. now imagine that but in an alien body with our bacteria.. or vice versa alien bacteria and our body.

The common cold could easily wipe an alien planet out.

Max Capacity 1600KG or 21 Persons

Staying in the solar system means you get to have children.. going off in to the unknown, means you are  unlikely to ever meet another.. you will be alone for the rest of your life, unless you take humans with you.

This is the same for an alien civilization.

Our solar system will be packed full of humans.. 10's of trillions of humans, on every moon and major planet and dwarf planet and asteroid giant.. in the solar system, in the Oort Cloud.. but outside endless space and self reliance and loneliness.

That loneliness can lead to madness.

Cheer Up And I'll Buy You An Ice Cream

To get to this point we would have had to solved all the worlds problems.. and that is a remarkable achievement. 

Humans are a mix of good and evil.. if we express goodness with consistency and teach our children to do the same .. then they are more likely to be good to any creatures they come across.

As we become spacial frontiers folk and resource mining based.. we become free and so long as we do not degenerate.. we are fit to inherit this Galaxy and all Galaxies.

The Delights of Free-Will

A life devoted to your own pursuits.
Never breaking another persons rules as you are always alone.
Robot-kind companionship.
You-do-you without interference.




*Angels & spirits.

*what if aliens have their equivalent of the common cold that would kills us etc.. if they are civilized they would not go to other worlds for fear of the chance of spreading the bacteria and killing whole planets

*4th kind.. either way you look at it.. Spirits, Angels, Man and Robotkind.. or Man, Woman, something inbetween, like Eunuch (trans) and then 4th kind AI/Robot

Breast Cup Sizes.. my thoughts on standardization..

 Hi After somewhat arguing with my OH.. I have had many thoughts on breast cup size. Like right now, there is vague ambiguity.. people don&#...