Sunday 27 February 2022

Dark Avengers: Thunderbolts.. My thoughts..


This is a light fun post please feel free to join in with your own ideas.

With the news that Daredevil & the all Defenders are coming to Disney Plus which gives of the alpine scent of a revival* .. one thing has been rattling around in my mind.. Trish Walker a.k.a. Hellcat on the raft.

I was looking to see if anyone else had a list and found Jkorytkowski001's list here:

I liked their take as Valentina as Coulson (but they only list Trish as an extra).. I liked their list.. but wanted to do one myself. A list of already confirmed characters in the MCU... theories come after.

US Agent: John Walker = Captain America (TFATWS)

Red Hulk: Thaddeus Ross: Hulk ..but with William Hurts' age (71yo) we might be going with:

Abomination: Emil Blonsky: Hulk (The Incredible Hulk)

Agatha Harkness = Scarlet Witch/Doctor Strange* (WandaVision)

Goliath: Bill Foster: Ant-Man (Ant-Man 2)

Ghost: Ava Starr: Vision (Since White Vision has experienced a redemption arc in WandaVision) (AM2)

Killmonger:  N'Jadaka 'Erik Stevens' : Black Panther (BlaPan)

Bullseye: Benjamin 'Dex' Poindexter  = Hawkeye (Daredevil)

Hellcat: Trish Walker = Black Widow (Jessica Jones)

Baron Zemo = ?

Yelena Bulova will become the Avengers Black Widow.. even though she worked with Val for revenge, this was resolved.

Trish Walker is much more powerful with much less experience than Black Widow, so much so I would have liked to put her more to the forefront. She is easily on par with Cap's strength, agility and stamina. Perhaps surpassing him in some ways.. being able to jump 30+ feet straight up in the air.


Iron Man & War Machine




Captain Marvel



Baron Zemo is easily a drop in replacement for Tony Stark on this team but does not have the suit.

Diamondback would make a great Rhodey to Baron Zemo's Iron Man.

Photon (Monica Rambeau) while she seems to me to have a dislike for Captain Marvel and Capt. Marvel is a confirmed Avenger..  Monica seems too nice to be controlled by Val.

Spider-Man is a hot potato of rights issues with Sony or I would have suggested Vulture or Scorpion.. but no, best to avoid this as it could end up a mess.

Yon-Rogg could serve as.. someone (?) on the team as his politics could easily align with those of the Dark Avengers/Thunderbolt Ross. But who?

Jeri Hogarth still has that Kilgrave DNA..  just sayin'.

OK.. been doing this for three hours.. and while I would enjoy sharing more ideas.. I better post this and get some food hehe

Just one last thing though..

I really am enthused and excited at the thought we will get an Avengers/Ensemble movie/TV a year.. dunno it it's true.. but between regular Avengers, Dark Avengers, Winter Guard and Defenders*.. that would make maybe one a year.



*(unconfirmed; but no bookie would take that bet)

*(you could add Mordo but I don't think they will go that way with it but I could be wrong)

*I like how this was done.. Defenders after a full cycle of all shows. Like a phase (I think the showrunner said that).

Wednesday 23 February 2022

Infra-Red, Infra-Blue, Infra-Green.. or Eat Radioactive Carrots to See in the Dark..


Years ago I came with a system to enhance infra-red vision.. it always annoyed me that spacesuits let radiation in via the glass in the helmet.. also that this is the weakest part of the suit, if a rock flies up and cracks the glass, well that equals death.

This is dumb.

So in another article I did on my Scottish Politics blog (scotspol) I described a system for seeing while the helmet is enclosed in metal.

The camera that can see through sandstorms which then generates a basic graphical world for the display inside the helmet.

How Does It Work?

"An infrared intemperature probe measures temperature by detecting the infrared energy emitted by all materials which are at temperatures above absolute zero, (0°Kelvin)."

Credit: Omega 

We have infra-red technology to see heat signatures above a certain temperature this is then translated in software to a visual output we can understand.

It's that second bit.. the translation to what we can understand that we can manipulate to give someone the ability to see through sandstorms on say.. Mars.

The temperature for any heat (we set the parameters) is expressed as infra-red.. well not exactly.. it needs to radiate heat, but since we can manipulate, what is requirement for that temperature.. even cold gives off a wavelength of light which we show as blue or black.. we would be able to make an 'infra-blue'.. I'm explaining this badly..

Say.. on Mars at night in a sandstorm, we have wavelengths of light that register -85C and it gives off infra-red. We translate this as blue in the software. So now the ground is blue. The Sandstorm itself would be a different temperature, probably higher say -65C.. in the software we make this light brown, but give the ability to disable it.

Night vision.. we combine night vision with the 'infra-blue' (infra-blue is just a name to understand what it is doing.. it doesn't mean it is this scientifically).., and so we get more output to software increasing the spectrum the software can translate to the display..

And again with different temperature objects.. and so on.


A powerful GPU is used to create a 'world' like a video game on the display with the data amassed from the camera/s.

Realtime translation of visuals on an internal display in the helmet. a Totally metal helmet.. the design of which I have been imagining Halo master chief but with a metal front.

Choose live feed or combination of graphics and live feed or totally graphics.. all done in software. If its night on Mars.. you could set the software to show the terrain as day time and using the input data it simulates this for you.

Can We Do This Today or is This Sci-Fi?

Well .. it'd be very basic right now, but yes we can do this today.. the GPUs to make it look live feed from software don't exist in the extent which they would in the future.. but yes we can have a reasonable if a little janky version of this up and running..

Yes's and No's

No we can't have a screen that curves inside the helmet.. we are working on that tech just now, but as of now its defo not ready and breaks very easily.

Yes we can put three hard displays, left, centre, right, in the helmet and it would work.

Yes we have the cameras.

No.. the power for the suit.. wouldn't give us much time.. well it would take quite a bit of power and we're not there yet. Even with high spec batteries etc.. we would probably be looking at a mini H3 reactor (Helium 3) some lithium batteries and probably.. some mini Stirling engines.

Yes, with lithium batteries we could get a couple of hours.. but like I'm saying this is janky and needs more money and research done.. we need the suit to operate in excess of 24 hours.. and 2h just isn't enough. I am imagining having to trek home at night in a sandstorm.. of course oxygen is a concern.. but I will guess we will get good at tapping perma-frost for oxygen.. like people tapped for water 1000 years ago, the suit just needs a miniature pressurization in/out seal.

In a pinch a couple of hours is better than nothing.

Yes.. we have the metals.. titanium.

No.. we don't have GPUs power efficient enough and powerful enough to bring the idea to full fruition and unlock its potential.. realtime realism. 

Yes.. we can realtime make a plain of a world and populate it with the input data objects and colour them as we please in the software. Even cell shaded.. basic.

We don't have the translation software because.. I'm presenting this idea here for the first time that I know of.

Wish I could talk to someone at.. JPL or idk MIT.



Tuesday 22 February 2022

任天堂ゲーム用の ファンタジー PCクライアント..またはロケット団がValveCorporationをコピーします。 (Google Translate Japanese)


私はこれについて約1週間ずっと考えていて、何年も前にPCでの任天堂ゲームのクライアントのアイデアを持っていました(誰がしませんでしたか?私は正しいですか?)..今私はアイデアを表現したいだけです。任天堂はPC市場のジューシーなスライスを持っていません..ソニーでさえ、Epicクライアントで販売されているゲームで今は持っています(そうですソニー!)私はいくつか購入しました。かなりの数のへへ。これは、「ジェネレーションゲーマー」の文化によるものです。彼らはコンソール世代から来たゲーマーですが、PCのみに切り替えました。現在、私たちの多くは2011年に切り替えましたが、ゼルダを除いてほとんど振り返りませんでした。私たちが何人いるのかはわかりませんが、誰かが私にそれが数十万人で、年間10億ドルの価値があると言ったら、私は彼らを信じるか、そうでなければ、彼らを信じると思いますそれを売っていなかった、そしてそれはもっともっと価値があった。だからソニーでさえスライスを持っている..しかし任天堂はそうではない..もし彼らが「ケーキを持ってそれを食べることができたら?」..彼らのメインゲームを任天堂のコンソール専用に保つが、 PC専用プレイヤー向けの商品?

Team Rocket Client (ロケット団クライアント)

私と一緒に想像してみてください。クライアントがasif〜Team Rocketを作成したのは本物であり、クライアントはJessie、James、Meowth(JJM)によって作成されたと主張しています。 彼らは主人公の二次的でしばしば悪役のバージョンによって行われた任天堂のゲームの「ノックオフ」バージョンを販売しています。 そのような:

Super Wario Bros.

Team Rocket Melee Attack (Super smash bros)

Super Wario Cart (with a C)

Team Rocket; Pokemon Battle Simulator RPG

The Legend of Ganon (若いガノンの権力の台頭)

Waluigi's Resident E-Vole (FPS vs 宝物を探すゾンビのハタネズミ) 

The Dark Samus Chronicles

Wart's Revenge (Donkey Kong set in Doki Doki Panic but 3D)

Princess Shokora's Tea Party (Mario Party + cheating to win)

Wario & Boshi's Bank Heist

King Dedede's Food Fight!




ィ 任天堂が独自のエミュレーターを使用し、エミュレーターが特別なファイル形式、たとえばFreeBSDのUFSからコーディングされ、クライアントとエミュレーターで使用するために唯一のドライブがそのファイルシステムにフォーマットされているという要件がある場合。

私がどこに向かっているのかわかりますか?..これにより、任天堂はすべてを暗号化したまま、クライアントのハードウェアを効果的に使用できます。 エミュレータはソフトウェアです。 これは、まれなCPUをエミュレートしています。XenonCPUのように、固有のファイルシステムを組み合わせて、ドライブからのMACアドレスをクライアントにコード化することです。これにより、非常に安全なパッケージになります。ビデオゲームについて話していることを忘れないでください。 ここと私は、ほとんどの銀行を幸せに保つための提案を提供しました。


正直なところ、私はYouTubeコンテンツクリエーターに関する任天堂の慣行に満足しておらず、現在のコンソールをもう1つ購入することを拒否しました。それは悪意があり、貪欲でした。 そして、彼らが私を彼らの側に引き戻したいのなら、彼らはそれを達成するために多くの仕事をしなければならないでしょう..そしてこれに加えて私は彼らをゲームキューブに置き去りにしました(私は法的なエミュレーションの理由でWiiを所有していますがそれでも) 私のお金を稼いでいませんが、彼らは私が欲しい製品を持っています..ゼルダ..そして上記の他のリストを見てください..私は間違いなくポケモンゲームが欲しいです..そしてマリオゲームを再訪するのはいいことではないでしょうか?。 ..などなど..私がこのクライアントでカタログを購入するまで..そして彼らは私のお金の年間£500-£1000を持っています..PCクライアントなしでは、彼らは何も得られません。


これらは私の考えです..少し大人のテーマがありながら、元の任天堂のコミックスタイルで、二次的なキャラクターがあり、使用されていない可能性のあるキャラクターに光を当て、古いゲームからマップを転送しますが、 新しいストーリーと新しい能力..「チームロケット専用」PCに..そしてあなたがPCを所有しているなら、なぜあなたは買わないのですか?




Original English here:

Thursday 17 February 2022

Red Guardian and the Winter Guard in the MCU.. my thoughts and hopes for the future..

 Hi random people of the internet :)

After watching the Black Widow movie last year (I bought it on Disney+ as I am disabled and there is no cinema in my town.. its very expensive to go all the way to clydebank and get home, also the pandemic, pretty much everything is closed and rightly so) I was fascinated with David Harbours Red Guardian..from the first time I saw him in Stranger Things I knew he was a top shelf actor of quality.

So as the Red Guardian, hoping for the same high quality acting.. result:  I was not disappointed.

Red Guardian to me seems very different than Captain America, with a shift in balance.

Red Guardian seems to have a lot less stamina, but his strength seem almost Hulk like. Somewhere between Steve Rogers and the Hulk, leaning more heavily towards the Hulk.

I'm not saying he is a slouch in stamina.. he has stamina! But Steve Rogers has more.. Steve is also much weaker.. we saw Alexi throw a massive container like it was nothing.

At first I wanted a Red Guardian TV show.. but after watching Falcon and Winter Soldier and not enjoying that particular Disney+ show (the rest I have thoroughly enjoyed, esp Loki) I have changed my mind.

I think a re-do of Avengers Assemble with the Winter Guard would be a great nostalgia trip, of course not 100% re-do.. but bring back those good vibes of the assemble against a great threat to the Earth.


Red Guardian (David Harbour)

Red Widow (Rachel Weisz) I had also thought of 'White Widow' due to her movie costume but Red Widow is already copyrighted as a Marvel character so..

Ursa Major (Olivier Richters)


Uncast.. but I see him as a cross between an Ice Giant and a Dark Elf, with unparalleled powers of illusion mixed with horror. He himself is as strong as an Ice Giant and so not a million realms away from Thor in terms of strength. 

Imagine if.. his mother was a Dark Elf and his father a Ice Giant, both races would cast the other out, if his father died while they were being cast out and his mother raised him, but then Odin during the conquest of the 9 realms with Hela, killed his mother. 

Now what if like Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, Spectrum/Photon .. this already best of both worlds character was 'touched' by the Ether of the Dark Elves.

If he was on a revenge kick to kill Odin and Hela and sought out the Ether.. but while the Ether not accepting him, it gifted him with a terrible ability as recompense for his suffering, that he should be able to share that pain with others. 

Oh flip.. this movie writes itself!

He gets to Asgard and even has a boss fight with Odin, but Odin uses the Odin-Force and banishes him to a pocket dimension. After this Odin begins to re-think his conquest and has an argument with Hela, who says if he won't keep order she will dethrone him. They fight and Odin uses the Odin Force again to win.

When Odin dies Hela is released from her prison.. but in Russia far from any eyes in the winter northern cold.. Chernobog steps out of a portal.

Taskmistress (Olga Kurylenko) I would like to see her become 'Darkstar'.



Doing a straight copy and paste of Vision I feel would be wrong.. so if you come with me..

Ex-Soviet soldier & scientist Anatoly [ redacted ] ran an USSR project parallel to the Winter Soldier (Hydra pretending to be Russian/KGB)  and The Red Room (Leviathan pretending to be KGB).. to replace body parts.

After many failures (deaths of volunteers) and with the project under threat..  he decided to perform multiple procedures on himself, so he created 'The Horror Chamber'.. much like Futurama's suicide booth..

He survived and made himself a cyborg, half-man half-machine..  this was back in the 1960s.. today he is publically forgiven for his past actions (volunteer deaths) he externally fully metal.

Looking like a cross between Iron Man and Vision but black and red. internally he has replaced his muscles and a few organs but has one lung, his heart and brain (plus smell, one eye, taste, some of his junk etc).

His exterior is made of micron frost uru sealed vibranium.

Personality.. formerly arrogant and conflicted, now quiet, wise, patient, humble.

those are my thoughts (so far).. now if you'll excuse me my internet have been awful for ages and I'm going to try to fix it.

покой (peace)


Thursday 3 February 2022

A Daydream PC Client for Nintendo Games.. or Team Rocket does a Valve..


I have been thinking about this off and on for around a week now, and had a client idea (who didn't? am I right?) for Nintendo games on PC years ago.. now I just want it out of my head.

Nintendo don't have any juicy slice of the PC market.. even Sony do now, with their games for sale on the Epic client (yay Sony!) I've even bought a few. quite a few hehe. This is because of the culture of 'Generational Gamers' .. they are gamers who came from the console generations but switched to solely PC.. there many many of us now, I switched in 2011 and almost never looked back.. except that I missed Zelda. I don't know how many of us there are, but if someone told me it was in the hundreds of thousands and was worth a billion dollars a year.. I think I would believe them or if not, I would think they were underselling it, and it was worth a lot more.

So even Sony has a slice.. but Nintendo don't.. so what if they could 'have their cake and eat it?'.. keep their main games exclusive to Nintendo consoles, but have a easy to transfer alternative to sell as a product to PC only players?

Team Rocket Client

Imagine with me.. a Client created asif~ Team Rocket were real and the client purports to be written by Jessie, James and Meowth (JJM). In universe they are selling 'knock off' versions of Nintendo games done by secondary and often villainous version of the main characters. Such as: 

Super Wario Bros.

Team Rocket Melee Attack (Super smash bros)

Super Wario Cart (with a C)

Team Rocket; Pokemon Battle Simulator RPG

The Legend of Ganon (young Ganon's rise to power)

Waluigi's Resident E-Vole (FPS vs Zombie voles to find treasure) 

The Dark Samus Chronicles

Wart's Revenge (Donkey Kong set in Doki Doki Panic but 3D)

Princess Shokora's Tea Party (Mario Party + cheating to win)

Wario & Boshi's Bank Heist

King Dedede's Food Fight!

You get the idea..

Nintendo is super paranoid about security, this is one reason I think they haven't made the jump to a PC client yet.. with that in mind, indulge me to provide some suggestions.


IF Nintendo used a unique emulator and the emulator was coded from a special file format, say FreeBSD's UFS and a requirement a sole drive was formatted to that file system for use with the client and emulator..

You can see where I'm going right?.. it effectively allows Nintendo use the hardware for the client while keeping everything encrypted. The emulator is software emulating a rare CPU.. say Xenon in combination of the unique file system and that the MAC address from the drive would be coded to the client.. this makes for a very secure package.. remember we are talking video games here and I have provided a suggestion that would keep most banks happy.


TBH.. I'm just not happy with Nintendo's practises in relation to YT content creators and I refuse to buy another one of their current consoles, it was nasty and greedy.. and if they want to win me over back to their side they will have to do a dumper truck ton of work to accomplish that.. and on top of this I left them behind with the Gamecube (I own a Wii for legal emulation reasons but still) they aren't getting my money but they have a product I want.. Zelda.. and see the list of the other above.. I definitely want a Pokemon game.. and wouldn't it be nice to revisit a Mario game?.. and so on and so on.. until I have bought their catalogue on this client .. and they have £500-£1000 p/y of my money.. money they weren't going to get otherwise without a PC client.

Wrap Up

Those are my thoughts.. a light in-universe fun client for PC with slightly more adult themes but still with the original Nintendo comic style, with secondary characters, shining a light on potentially underused characters, transfering maps from old games over but giving a new story and new abilities.. 'Team Rocket exclusive' to PC.. and if you own a PC why wouldn't you buy/format a drive for this client and begin your adventure with Nintendo on PC. Of course you would.. as I feel many many others would.



Star Trek Uniforms (fanfic)

  Red = Command Yellow = Engineering / Security Blue = Science / Medical Green = Medical Specialist / Internal Affairs (internal police) / B...