Saturday 5 August 2023

Dava's Hitchhikers Guide to Akira..

 Hi random wanderer of the internet!


What is Akira?

It is a legendry anime, with ghosts and sci-fi.

What is Akira REALLY?

It is a overly complicated story .. that is full of mis-directs, confusion but ultimately legendry moments.

Spoilers from now on follow.. Here be Tetsuo!

Akira is the in my humble option the greatest slight of hand in anime storytelling.

The story pushes your focus towards Kaneda or Takashi at every opportunity.. all to filter your perception away from the *real* main lead of this story.. Tetsuo.  

Not even Akira can compete with Tetsuo's heart wrenching storyline. Tetsuo's not handsome, he has no money and his parents beat him.. Kaneda has the looks and coolness that Tetsuo craves. 

While the Espers play politics.. and Akira thinks himself a God.. Tetsuo endures in his agony and humiliation.

After this movie.. I read the subsequent anime's.. which really should be made in to a movie (Akira Part II). Equally as confusing.. equally as epic.

The upshot is.. don't believe the mis-direction.. Tetsuo is the main character of this story.

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