Sunday 27 February 2022

Dark Avengers: Thunderbolts.. My thoughts..


This is a light fun post please feel free to join in with your own ideas.

With the news that Daredevil & the all Defenders are coming to Disney Plus which gives of the alpine scent of a revival* .. one thing has been rattling around in my mind.. Trish Walker a.k.a. Hellcat on the raft.

I was looking to see if anyone else had a list and found Jkorytkowski001's list here:

I liked their take as Valentina as Coulson (but they only list Trish as an extra).. I liked their list.. but wanted to do one myself. A list of already confirmed characters in the MCU... theories come after.

US Agent: John Walker = Captain America (TFATWS)

Red Hulk: Thaddeus Ross: Hulk ..but with William Hurts' age (71yo) we might be going with:

Abomination: Emil Blonsky: Hulk (The Incredible Hulk)

Agatha Harkness = Scarlet Witch/Doctor Strange* (WandaVision)

Goliath: Bill Foster: Ant-Man (Ant-Man 2)

Ghost: Ava Starr: Vision (Since White Vision has experienced a redemption arc in WandaVision) (AM2)

Killmonger:  N'Jadaka 'Erik Stevens' : Black Panther (BlaPan)

Bullseye: Benjamin 'Dex' Poindexter  = Hawkeye (Daredevil)

Hellcat: Trish Walker = Black Widow (Jessica Jones)

Baron Zemo = ?

Yelena Bulova will become the Avengers Black Widow.. even though she worked with Val for revenge, this was resolved.

Trish Walker is much more powerful with much less experience than Black Widow, so much so I would have liked to put her more to the forefront. She is easily on par with Cap's strength, agility and stamina. Perhaps surpassing him in some ways.. being able to jump 30+ feet straight up in the air.


Iron Man & War Machine




Captain Marvel



Baron Zemo is easily a drop in replacement for Tony Stark on this team but does not have the suit.

Diamondback would make a great Rhodey to Baron Zemo's Iron Man.

Photon (Monica Rambeau) while she seems to me to have a dislike for Captain Marvel and Capt. Marvel is a confirmed Avenger..  Monica seems too nice to be controlled by Val.

Spider-Man is a hot potato of rights issues with Sony or I would have suggested Vulture or Scorpion.. but no, best to avoid this as it could end up a mess.

Yon-Rogg could serve as.. someone (?) on the team as his politics could easily align with those of the Dark Avengers/Thunderbolt Ross. But who?

Jeri Hogarth still has that Kilgrave DNA..  just sayin'.

OK.. been doing this for three hours.. and while I would enjoy sharing more ideas.. I better post this and get some food hehe

Just one last thing though..

I really am enthused and excited at the thought we will get an Avengers/Ensemble movie/TV a year.. dunno it it's true.. but between regular Avengers, Dark Avengers, Winter Guard and Defenders*.. that would make maybe one a year.



*(unconfirmed; but no bookie would take that bet)

*(you could add Mordo but I don't think they will go that way with it but I could be wrong)

*I like how this was done.. Defenders after a full cycle of all shows. Like a phase (I think the showrunner said that).

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