Wednesday 20 May 2020

Thoughts on villians (non traditional) and a Tammy & Phoenixperson spin off

My Original on Reddit:

I hope it's okay to share a few ideas I have had for a long time..

Firstly.. who really.. I mean really can challenge Rick?.. pretty much no-one and isn't that part of the point of the show.. isn't introducing a character that *could* challenge him only devaluing the show as a whole?.. well tbh yes. And Rick himself said that he ends up partying with half the people who try to kill him.. we are in morally ambiguous territory, but there are more non traditional 'villains' that could play a bigger part.. of course we have 'evil Morty'.

What happens after Evil Morty's story arc? My first thought is Cthulhu (ka-thoo-loo) from the initial credits.. I would leave it to the writers to create the backstory themselves, anything I would suggest would be trite and hacky.

Tammy & Phoenixperson

Every show that has this level of success has a spin off, not to mention the level of pressure on the core team must be great. I suggest a second team bringing an 'off season' second show. This would alleviate the core team's (Rick and Morty) pressure, giving more time to create a new season without so many crazy fans.. giving fans their fix for R&M without the direct need for the core team to be there at every stage.

How would that work Dava?

Well.. I imagine, the second team waits until the core team has their scripts finalized and recorded and then the second team starts writing their scripts and recording.
Plot?.. I imagine, a diametrically opposed 'anti-villain'.. that Tammy believes she is *actually* protecting reality from Rick Sanchez, but is willing to employ *any and all* methods to end him. We wouldn't need to see them in each other episodes except for a massive crossover finale .. mentions of of the affects of what Tammy and Phoenix do should be felt, and vice versa, I feel this would add an extra layer of easter egg hunting to both shows.

Isn't this a traditional villain situation?

You could argue that and would have some points of the debate on your side.. however the central theme would be very much about Tammy's heroics.. imagine her like the opposite to Rick in philosophy.. she is T-Total, she believes in the oneness of everything*, that actions not only have consequences but create a greater plan of existence.. to her and the people she helps, she is *truly* the hero of her story.

Not to mention.. well.. I'm all about men's rights, 3rd gen feminists are breaking the balance that 2nd gen feminists (70s/80s) set up.. but I also enjoy gender equality. It might be nice to have a strong female lead opposing Rick. She's not as smart (nothing to do with gender, just that's the point of the show... Rick is the smartest creature alive) but is resourceful, determined, resilient (hard to kill) and convinced she is righteous.

The premise would be she would travelling around with Phoenixperson looking for powerful enough artifacts that could kill 'The Rick'.. while trying to find such artifacts she ends up helping the locals solve their problems in morally ambiguous ways. To her 'kill the bad guys = save the day' as an opposite to Rick's; he'll probably be partying with them later.

What do people think? trite? mundane? A necessary evil?*


*(if you haven't played the game 'Everything'.. recommended. Being read poetry while being shown the entire universe is super chilled)
* (see what I did there?.. Tammy's theme) no evil for evil's sake.. but smaller evil to overcome greater evils. Also.. the core team can continue working as they did.. incorporating the last season of T&PP into their next season if they wish as easter eggs. But who am I to tell any writers who happen across this post how to suck easter eggs.. they know.

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