do do do dooodo do do do there for you when the rain starts to fall do do do dooodo scene fades in to monica standing by a table decorating a cake
chandler is standing by her and says 'thats some very MANLY pink icing for Joeys birthday cake.. hoo RAh!' audience laughs.. Monica : its pretty. its cheap. its all we had left at work!' audience laughs.
Made up a Friends story for my ex while she was bored waiting on a job interview.
Phoebe comes out of monica and chandlers bedroom.. the couple are startled by her appearance. Phoebe ' oh did you not know I was in there.. I fell asleep about an hour ago..' Chandler turns to monica and says 'but we were just having.. 30 mins ago; Monica: I know!.. Phoebe.. did you perchance hear us doing anything in there? Phoebe: no. why? what did you do in there? Monica: nothing. Monica turns around to finish decorating the cake and Phoebe sexy-growls at chandler
Monica: this icing has to set, while chandler and I pickup the noisemakers Phoebe DO NOT LET anyone touch this cake!' Phoebe agr
Scene: chandler and monica leave, phoebe watches them leave then shrugs her shoulders and goes back to the bedroom to sleep. few minutes later Joey enters.. sees the cake and speaks out loud to himself: WHAT DID MONICA TELL YOU? DON'T EAT THE CAKE.. DON'T EVEN TOUCH IT.. DON'T EVEN LOOK AT IT! now where that milk for my milkshake Joeys got a thirst on! Joey covers his eyes from the cake to 'NOT EVEN LOOK' at it.. he is struggling to open the fridge door with one hand and as he manages to get the milk out he slips and his other hand goes SPLAT in the middle of his birthday cake.. at the moment Phoebe comes out and is shocked.. 'Joseph Francis Tribbiani.. what do you think you are doing??
Joeys tries to lick the cake off his fingers.. Phoebe: joey Joey JOEY! stop stop you're making it worse!.. Joey: 'Deliciously worse!.. it was an accident!' Phoebe 'Call me skeptical' Joey: noo.. I was just trying to some milk and I slipped .. honest!'..Phoebe: well if Monica shouts at me enough .. I'll crack and lie and say you planned it" audience laughs.
Scene: Ross in the coffee house eyes the new female Barista.. her name tag says Keighley, she is pretty. They have a brief exchange of words that has a slight sexual tension. We pan out and see Rachel. Rachel: I'M RIGHT BEHIND YOU' audience laughs.
Rachel: hey! hey! snap out it! what did you get Joey for his birthday? Ross; the same thing I get him every year.. 12 coupon Sub Sandwich voucher. Rachel: so you think I shouldn't have got him sneakers? .. Ross: WHY would you get him sneakers??.. Rachel: your probably right stupid gift. hmm.. they ARE the right size for me, maybe I should just keep them? audience laughs.
Monica and Chandler enter the coffee house: Chandler: Hey guys.. guys: heyyy.. Rachel: whats that?? looking at a box monica was carrying.. Monica: THIS is the REAL cake'..Chandler: C'MON no way Joey isnt going to eat that cake.. its a fake one. one for him to ruin and a real one for all us .. Scene back at Monica and chandlers apt. Joey and Phoebe are using toothpaste to fill the hand print in the cake
Phoebe.. not just the lettering icing.. Joey comes out with some pink toothpaste, when they are finished the cake looks pretty close to before Joey smooshed it.. Phoebe: now lets just HOPE no one tastes it! Joey :which is uncommon for cakes.. as NO ONE LIKES CAKES! audience laughs.
Monica and Chandler return home. Monica notes: WOW Joey new life for you! you didnt touch the cake!' Joeys 'Yeah well.. you said.. DONT TOUCH THE CAKE!'
Scene: later at the party.. Ross comes up to Rachel and says: This chick is seriously weird! She said she ate seahorses! SEAHORSES! I told her how weird that was.. and I DONT think I will be having sex tonight! not that I really want to SEAHORSES REALLY!?' Joey approaches Keighley ' How you doin?' Keighley 'I'm good thanks.. your friend Ross freaked out at me earlier.. I dont think he likes me..' Joey' dont mind Ross .. he is a bit of a dork when it comes to fine looking women.. except Rachel.. wow he got LUUCKYY.. hehe'.. Keighley cuts off a slice of the fake cake.. as Monica comes up to him and says : Joey I have a confession to make..Joey: Keighley you might now want.. oh what is it Monica?
not want*
Monica: I did something you might be mad about.. but once you see.. I think you'll be OKAY with it' Joey: It's funny you mentions all that I did something YOU might be mad about.. but once you see.. I HOPE you'll be OKAY with it
Keighley eats some of the cake. Joey looks horrified. Keighley: Who made this cake? Monica: I did.. I'm a chef!.. Keighley: its very.. minty! audience laugh.
Phoebe comes out of Monica and Chandlers bedroom.. and comments to herself ' I HAVE GOT TO STOP SLEEPING IN THEIR BED.. I almost missed Joeys party!' Everyone in the party starts sing Happy Birthday to Joey.. we can see Keighley has loads of mashed toothpaste and cake stuck to her teeth.. at the end of the song Keighley comes up to Joey and says ' I know I came with Ross.. but that seems like a bust..fancy a kiss Birthday boy?' Joey leans in to kiss Keighley and then pulls back and says ' OH MAN THAT TOOTHPASTE IS OVERPOWERING what are you trying to do.. kill me with Minty freshness?' audience laughs. Monica scowls at Joey. Joey nervously smiles.
Scene: its the middle of the night in the apartment: Chandler screams out.. 'GET OUT GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE!' Phoebe sheepishly walks out of their bedroom dischevlied .. WOW that was a good sleep

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