Thursday 30 August 2018

Airport ~ Spaceport


Been thinking recently about space travel.. I mean it's 2018. time we were out there!
Ending all resource wars by getting our resources from our solar system.

Using Ganymede as mining colony for Jupiter and Titan as a mining colony for Saturn, the largest moon of each planet. This is because human beings need decent gravity due to bone degradation (a space version of osteoporosis), the closer to 1g the better. Mars has 0.34g, Venus has 0.9g, Ganymede has 0.149g and Titan has 0.14g. Other moons have significantly lower gravity except Io (0.189g) which may be a good candidate, although it seems to be otherwise hostile. I’m sure all the moons of each planetary system will be adventured and evaluated.

We will need a cost effective place to build and launch our space vessels. Launching from the earth is very inefficient as gravity sucks up a lot of fuel. If we had a Spaceport.. an Airport for space vehicles.. on the moon (Luna) this would be a more efficient use of fuel.

Hydrogen can be diffused from the water on the moon and used to power our space vessels.

have a look at a idea (I and others, have had)

A two person 'lighthouse', high powered low focus laser creates the crew quarters. crew quarters consists of basic galley, latrine, bunks.. with the commune area and other facilities inside the Spaceport. crew quarters are very very basic. However, the spaceport would have a full galley, hotel style convenience and showering area, TV and entertainment area.

First prototype of artificial gravity;

Strong magnetic field, visitors to the port are entirely (including hands and feet, think onesie) clothed in unique ball bearing and wire mesh clothing. The whole platform is an electromagnet and should be switched off for vessel entry and exit.

Visitors, staff and passengers are forbidden to bring anything with them. The air ventilation system has high temperature filters that will incinerate most particles including food particles, except metals.

No small metals are allowed anywhere inside the spaceport, except if done by a registered engineer, who will be strictly trained on the matter of carelessness with small objects and death.

The 'Mag-Suit' will have a PDA (smartphone), of your choice, integrated in to the arm of the suit.

An 'Airlock train' which is simply a large airlock capsule on a single railtrack with seats will dock with the vessel once settled. everyone should still remain in their spacesuits until they reach the changing facility within the spaceport. staff will wear mag-suits under their spacesuits until all passengers have arrived safely; that the seal is locked and pressurized.

The foyer should have 2 or 3 snack machines. a specially designed snack dispenser without small parts and without glass. a simulation LCD screen would be acceptable.  all packaging should be edible and taste pleasant. no waste.

Spaceport security requires passengers to be mindful at all times not to disobey any and all safety rules, as there is a taser in the mag-suit that will disable miscreants.

The two person staff should have shifts of 3 months per shift, with 4 teams taking up the whole year.

The staffs daily routine consists of.. retrieving any scheduled supplies, checking for leaks, general maintenance of systems, which due to the size of the port only takes 6 hours. the rest of the time they have to themselves, to play video games, watch every TV show and film ever made. This is what I mean when I said lighthouse. :)

Vaping Hookahs (for nicotine) are allowed so long as the pipe is one piece of metal and have no metal small parts. there should be spare ones for visitors too, that are heat cleaned & washed (sterilized) after each visitor has left the use of it.

Many large LCD screens make up outdoor pictures of a live feed of what is going on outside, with a plastic window made to look asif~ you are looking outside (think a stage set).. why not have a direct window? it is easier to keep the facility sealed with metal rather than glass. The outside should painted to look like the inside, again asif~ looking in a window.

The power source would be three fold, a hydrogen powered generator, solar and a small nuclear reactor, like the kind nuclear submarines have. In fact if we could get an old nuclear submarine on the moon and bury it and use it for emergency power that might be a last ditch power supply for the air ventilation system.

Water on the moon means we can diffuse oxygen; so we won't run out of water and oxygen. it also means we won't run out of hydrogen to fuel the generator.

I also think in the near future we should have remotely controlled avatar robots, the human user slips into a suspended suit that gives full mobility being the 'brain' of the robot.. these robots should never enter the spaceport and should always be outside, far enough away that the arriving and exiting vessels do not cause blastrift, blowing the robots far away.

These robots would be used for retrieving scheduled supplies, and certain external maintenance tasks.

In the early days I imagine.. blasting up supplies to a designated area on Luna, not too close to hit anything but not too far away it becomes a struggle to retrieve. If old earth satellites and space stations were to crash on Luna instead of the Earth, whatever the condition, usable parts could be salvaged.

Spacesuit should NOT have visors but should be totally metal. Why? because glass breaks easily and will suffocate the wearer once broken. The helmets should work on differing bandwidths of infrared, infrapurple, infragreen, infrablue.. but the graphics shown should be immersive, like a 3D video game and not the basic style of infrared from the 80s and 90s movies. It's important to be able to see the ground in a sandstorm.

On Mars sandstorms are common, having camera that can see past this is important, these camera systems should also include Augmented Reality, time of day, map position, scantime of last met other human & distance (tracking them, all the suits talk to each other to calculate distance).

those are my thoughts :)

have a great day :)



Also see my article 'Path to the Planets.. (end all fighting over resources)':

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