Sunday, 26 June 2022

Alice chases The Fermi Paradox Down a Rabbit Hole..

Alice chases The Fermi Paradox Down a Rabbit Hole.. 


Like Alice, I was curious why the rabbit checked their watch.. I'm very very late he said. We've had the ability to study the sky for thousands of years now.. and even in modern times, our abilities in knowing our cosmos, are truly astounding. Where are the aliens? .. are they as the rabbit.. simply running late?

We have mapped our Galaxy.. the star map was completed just this year, in 2022 (Gaia).. I *did* wonder why Starlink didn't contain also multi linked outward facing radio telescopes.. like the Doctor Who 2010 Episode  'The End of Time'..I mean Starlink is basically a network of radio satellites already..  but I digress.

What are these maps for? What is their purpose? A lot of money has been spent on them.. why? All those telescopes pointed outside of our solar system.. why?

It's not like we can ever go to these places.. well not within the next 1000 to 3000 years... but even that is pure imagination.. 

firstly outside of our solar system, are amounts of radiation the like of which we have never seen, the Galactic cosmic rays/radiation would kills us stone dead. And the distances involved are jaw dropping; At a conventional 17.3 km/s, it would take 73,000 years to travel to our nearest star Proxima Centauri.. 73,000 years in deadly radiation. No amount of water is going to wash *that* off! No matter how long the rabbit checks their watch.. 73,000 years is too long..

Sure sure.. one day FTL etc.. but even FTL, brings up paradoxes and even more radiation..

For the next thousand years.. why not turn our Solar system in to our home, we have failed stars that have mini systems of their own, that we can ACTUALLY travel to within a year or two.. It is these system we require mapped..

Astronomers are our cartographers.. but do we really need yet another map of another star system that we aren't going to go to for 1000-3000 years? .. What we DO need however is detailed maps of every single speck, of every valley of every planet, moon, asteroid, centaur and every object inside our solar system.

Imagine.. we had live feeds of satellites, from around every planet and moon available on the internet, 8K, available for everyone to see, to inspire.

Little Green Aliens

I believe in alien life but not in alien civilizations; I believe in alien fish, cows, plants, insects etc, but no civilization.

I *think* the money spent on Telescopes and Radio Telescopes, except for Asteroid/Comet threating Earth or the Sun for sunspots and coronal ejections, needs to be diverted in to.. 'lets go there' rather than 'lets rent a spyglass'.. Even small missions to simply gather video and pictures, mini satellites whose only job is to let us all see whats there. Instead of pie in the sky, aliens who bake..

Also there's no sense in making huge telescopes on Earth, whilst Pluto, Charon or Kuiper Belt worlds would be ideal. Once we occupy all our solar system, building a telescope there would be a simple matter, that would return much more than spending huge sums upon the Earth.

Imagine satellites that can land, refuel from a moons atmosphere and relaunch.. now that would be a mission worthy of creating!

A mini nuclear reactor for electricity, diffuse hydrogen and oxygen from the water/ice on Callisto or Ganymede or Europa, diffuse methane/oxygen/hydrogen from Titan, land, refill the tank and be off again to orbit another Jovian or Saturnian world (moon).. imagine 20 of these mini craft per Gas Giant doing this constantly. They're only job; to send back detailed video.

Astronomy jobs should decrease until we need Astronomers again to map the Oort Cloud, which is best done from a Trans-Neptunian world. For now.. maybe.. searching for craft- suitable landing zones on solar bodies.

I'm getting really tired.. and hungry.. maybe finish this up another time.. but for now I'll publish. It's crazy we have systems here we can get to in a short time and we are spending billions on hippy telescopes.



Update: 27/June/2023 

Thinking about this again..

Q: what is the smartest way for a civilization to create advanced apex technology, with the least amount of effort and resource usage?

A: Develop AI and robotkind smart and able enough that they can develop it on their own to the peak of technological advancement.

Problem: By the time AI were finished doing this, the civilization might have died out.

A: If the civilization (like in the movie Interstellar) lived on a stable planet next to a black hole, time further away would move quicker.

If humans had the ability to reach and live in such a relatively fast place while leaving Robotkind on a  slow place and given them much time, this would quicker the advancement of the technology.

Prose: Not that I believe in Alien civilizations but.. if such a thing existed, their radio signals would be very different.

Why? time dilatation would shorten or lengthen of the light wave.

I have often said.. the speed of light is NOT constant but relative to local gravity.

If such a (alien) signal existed it would would be many Hz below what would be expected.

Friday, 10 June 2022

The Complete Dava's 'Lucy' Fanfic Work..

 Hi and welcome esteemed netizens!

I was really honoured and surprised how popular my Lucy Fanfic series was (from a few years ago) and even today I am proud of the quality of the screenplay writing.

So without further ado.. here is the complete work so it can be read in one sitting, although I highly recommend you watch the movie 'Lucy' with the excellent Scarlett Johansson, first.  

Lucy: Chapter 1. (Movie)

Andrea: Chapter 2.

Sophie: Chapter 3.

The Master: Chapter 4.



Casting main :

Andrea : Jennifer Lawrence
Sergey : Lev Gorn

Note: While this movie is presented in English, the characters are actually speaking Russian, but we are unaware.

Setting: Northern Arctic Russia; Severodvinsk.

Scene : in a shipping dock warehouse.

A KGB Agent investigates a series of 'ethnic cleansings' carried out by a group of Russian gangsters, upon investigating, she discovers they are harvesting the blood in large containers  of a certain ethnic group, the 'Kaldark Gypsies' who have naturally high adrenaline levels. The blood is somewhat congealed due to poor storage, it seems the gangsters were using it as the basis for a new drug.

She attempts to phone the main KGB office, but as soon as her phone rings, the battery dies, at the same moment she is struck on the back of the head and knocked out.

She awakens inside one of the tanks of blood, drowning. through the very slim window she can see two gangsters laughing, talking and smoking.

We see her struggling for air, choking, each time she chokes she takes in some of the blood. Inside her we see her body absorbing the blood, much like Lucy did when she absorbed the drugs.. Andrea's muscles supercharge and she breaks the solid iron container in two. Enraged she punches one of the gangsters with her fist going straight through his head as the other one stands in dumbfound shock, Andrea kicks him and he hits the wall some 20 feet away, all his bones breaking on impact.

Andrea collects her belongings including her phone, her battery is still dead, so she decides to go to the Severodvinsk main office herself. While driving her KGB issued Skoda, we see her skin flash red, she is healing the damage done by her escape and growing in muscular strength.


We meet Sergey her KGB partner, he is standing outside the office, eating a burger and drinking hot tea. She steps out of the car and Sergey instantly starts apologizing that 'my daughter took longer than expected at the dentist, but even you said it was unlikely we would find a good lead.' She rebukes him with 'Northern Russia is a small town in a big place, this is the largest case ever. How do you expect to solve such a large case when you are *that* busy with personal matters?' Sergey is shocked as Andrea is normally very polite and kind, he asks.. 'are you okay?' She replies, 'I was jumped by two mobsters, no I'm not 'okay'. Sergey is struck dumb.

Andrea receives a mysterious email, saying 'let's meet, keep it a secret'.. she stops, thinks, then tells Sergey about the mysterious email, saying hide and back me up should there be trouble. In the background another Agent is teaching 3 Agents on a board about selective breeding, this is to do with a case of Russian domesticated foxes who have escaped and have returned to wild foxes, killing local livestock. He says ' you see, Dmitry Belyayev showed us, it only takes 10% difference in natural stock breeding to change characteristics like temperament, strength, agility, healing ability.. even a creature's appearance  ..' he is interrupted by an Agent 'but what happens when they are 10%?' he answers 'they become a subspecies.. something.. new.'


Andrea drives to the meeting point, which is the dock warehouse we saw earlier, Sergey has taken a taxi to outside the area and is watching through binoculars, Andrea gets out her car and walks inside, there is a lone man standing there, he begins talking about the evolution of human species, Andrea shoots him in the leg, preempting any attempted kidnapping of herself, also knowing that he will have to seek medical attention by a mob doctor.. he runs, and they slowly follow him. He gets on a boat, Andrea pulls out a second gun and fires it at the stern tagging it with a tracker, she pulls out her phone, it's a Sony Ericsson Android smartphone, black, candybar style, we see the red pulsing beacon of the tracker on her map. Andrea is feeling quite clever and pleased with herself as she should.. however she notices.. long white hairs poking out her sleeves from her wrists and forearm, she covers them and gently whispers to herself 'I've got a job to do!'.

She meets up with Sergey inside saying 'it will take them around an hour to two hours to get where they are going.. let's interview those Kaldark Gypsies and see if we can find out more..'

Next scene; we are at a trailer camp inside a trailer, a unshaven man looks at the two Agents with terror.. shaking..

'We are almost wiped out, there are only 10 of us left from 2000.. every noise I hear I jump'
Sergey asks 'why would these people be doing this?'
The man's name is 'Mikhail' and he answers;
'I have no idea, there are legends of our people going back.. I dunno, a millennia, that we have strange breeding, but I always thought it was just racism, I.. I still do.'

Andrea checks her phone and the timer on the tracker says that the boat has been stopped for around 30 minutes, Mikhail interrupts her thoughts 'You have the same eyes as my people' Andrea looks in the nearby mirror and indeed her eyes have changed to a light grey mist colour almost white, it is dark in the trailer and Sergey dismisses his comment as fear, knowing Andrea has light blue eyes. Sergey asks 'where are the others?' Mikhail answers 'they left town, you will be lucky to find them in the whole world nevermind Russia!' Andrea states 'we have to go, thank you for your time, I suggest you leave also, under the circumstances it not wise to remain!' Mikhail says 'oh thank you! I will go as you leave.'

The boat is moored near an abandoned nuclear bunker, Sergey and Andrea are sitting in the car with binoculars there is heavy snowfall outside, it is hard to see through the snow. Andrea suggests 'I will go outside and see if I find anything' Sergey says puzzled 'Are you sure.. you normally let me do the grunt work..' but Andrea answers 'Just wait here!'.


She walks through the blizzard hugging her thick coat, but realizes she is not cold, she pulls up her sleeve and sees thick white fur on her forearms but not just that but her muscles are twice the size they normally are. while marvelling in shock she hears a faint garbled noise.. it's talking, voices.. two mobsters stand by a burn barrel, one is having a pee facing off to the snow. The other mobster sees Andrea and opens fire, Andrea dodges the bullets.. we see her heart inside her chest beat faster and faster..


Hiding behind the burn barrel while the mobsters backed off slightly, her hearing becomes acute, she can hear Sergey eating a sandwich in the car, she can hear the two mobsters breathing she can hear each snow flake fall.. she can hear, something else.. she breathes a noise in her lowest breath.. 'help me'. At that moment 10 black foxes come from nowhere and attack the two mobsters overpowering them, once down, one of the foxes comes up to Andrea.. and she pets him on the forehead. She whispers.. 'you were one of the wild foxes, huh boy?.. glad to meet you!'

Andrea is feeling 'flakey' she decides to phone Sergey, he answers but the mic in the blizzard is bad, he can only hear parts, He says loudly 'I will come.'

Five of the foxes stay with Andrea as she enters the facility, they like how she smells. The place is surprisingly clean.. she hears a voice in the distance.. 'As long as you have the remainder of the drug, we can proceed..' we see it is 'The Englishman' from Lucy's encounter he then says 'Well I can't stand around here all day.. must fly!' he then exits the door to his left and boards a chopper on the helipad.

We see Sergey a little lost in the snow.

A fine suited mobster now sees Andrea because the Englishman is gone that he had obstructed the view down the hallway. He pulls a pistol with a silencer and shoot Andrea in the shoulder, he mutters to the other mobster, 'go get help!'

We see inside Andrea.. her heart racing.. the blood chemical mutating her DNA.


Andrea grows an extra one foot in height, her muscles so tight, she can pop the bullet out of her shoulder just by tensing up, she leaps forward towards the WD (Well Dressed) mobster, ripping his right gun arm off, the foxes start to chase the other mobster.. then 10 more appear


The faster her heart beats the more the blood chemical is pumped around her body, quickening the changes. She rips into a junction box on the wall killing all the lights. pitch black.. except Andrea's reflective cat's eyes. sounds of gunfire in the dark, and noises of tearing flesh and screaming..


Sergey comes into the facility, using a flashlight from his pocket he walks down the darkened hall to find.. a creature, he is shocked.. the creature says 'Sergey.. it's me!'.. much of Andrea's clothing is missing, but replaced with thick blond/white hair, she is significantly taller and has greater muscle mass, but Sergey approaches her and sees Andrea's face under all the hair .. WHAT IS GOING ON ANDREA? this is crazy!'.. Andrea says 'You know me. I am sensible and kind. I know that if the government take me I will be studied. my life will be over.'

We see WD injecting the blood chemical into himself in the medical room, which is still pretty dark, only the light of the refrigerator remains. He has cauterized the wound of his missing arm by tying a bunch of flares together and burning the hole, the flares lay on the ground burnt out.

Sergey and Andrea are standing in the hallway with the five foxes, Andrea sends them away, and Sergey says..' I have no idea what to do.. if I call the office, yes they will come, but then they will ask questions how these men got ripped apart, and to be honest it'd really help if you were here to explain that.. but then you are in trouble.. ultimately, your life is worth more than our careers..'

The scene interrupts, we see WD in the medical room injecting himself with pure adrenaline.


He bursts out of the room enraged, the door goes flying.. he throws Sergey out of the way while attacking Andrea, they fight.

WD 6%
Andrea 8%
WD 7%
WD 8%
Andrea 9%
WD 9%
Andrea 10%

Andrea rips WD's head off his shoulders. His body flops to the ground.

Sergey looks up from the ground, the light from one of the room now slightly illuminating the hallway.. he can't believe what he's seeing..

Andrea is now totally white haired and has no blond traces, she walks outside and into the snow, Sergey stands up and watches his friend Andrea.. a Yeti walk off into the blizzard.




Casting main :

Sophie                   : Karen Gillan
Livy                      : Laura Fraser
Prof. McMichaels : James McAvoy

Note: This movie will be done in Scots, but be available overdubbed in English, also subtitled.

Setting: Aberdeen/ Highlands

Scene : An auditorium for students.

We see a red haired girl attending a lecture on metabolism, she is taking notes.. the professor speaks;

'So as demonstrated the evolution of enzymes is crucial to the furtherment of us as a species, they control digestion, air intake, even our ability to control and beat diseases, it is hypothesised that if we could achieve 30% enzyme evolution in our lifetime, we all could become immortal..' students laugh.

'You're all laughing.. but I'm not joking.. In Scotland we are known for being 'tough' this isn't due.. I would say, to being naturally selected as such, but that we have a unique diet that our enzymes had to evolve to cope with, the diet of a creature over it's lifetime can make many 'personal evolutionary' changes to how that creature works.. and we Scots are no exception, in fact, we are exceptional in how we cope with those mechanisms. The well known story of the Scotsman who with a butter knife removed his infected toe then bandaged his foot in his living room, when asked he said 'Och Ah didnæ like tæ bother the Doctor so Ah sorted it oot masel' :students rabble a laugh: HOW did he fight off that further infection to the wound, when so many around the world die so much easier?.. evolution?? or 'personal evolution' of enzymes?'

'Thank you for attending my lecture, gee'n up yur drinking hours of the night!' :rabble laughter:
'But I remind students, we are NOT invincible, Scots or nay!.. don't overdo the drink as a flying into a tree from a motorbike WILL kill you! goodnight!'

students clap with a big round of applause.

The red haired girl collects her notes and belongings with a smile on her face, having enjoyed the lecture, outside we see it is night, around 10pm, we see her eyes scanning the road for a taxi.. she pulls out her phone and is about to phone one, when a all white taxi drives up.. the drivers says 'looking for a ride?' she answers as she gets in the back 'aye smashing!.. here this is a weird taxi.. all white?' he locks the doors and says 'sorry hen they huv ma family, if I don't hand over someone they will kill them, I'm too old for the trip, but you'll do nicely'. Sophie now notices there is chicken wire over the glass partition between her and the driver, she starts screaming and kicking, the driver has turned the tannoy off however and can't hear her.. then she stops suddenly, she looks in her bag for her phone and phones the police, they sound strange and think it is a student prank call, she hangs up, she then reaches in her bag and puts on her trainers, lays down on the back seat and starts to kick the window, the driver pulls over, takes out a machete and goes to the door she is kicking..he opens it and says 'only way oot hen is death OR you do a job for them, you'll be paid well over 20 grand!.. the job is smuggling drugs' Sophie is startled at first by his honesty but 'Ah'm no interested ya creepy weirdo!' shouts Sophie.. at that he shuts the door, takes Sophie's picture and then makes a phone call. He stands watching Sophie.. 5 minutes later a van arrives.

Sophie is tied to a chair and has a hood over her head, all we see is from inside the hood.

We hear The Englishman talking to the goons.. 'I *thought* I told you NOT to kidnap anyone.. you know how well that went the last time!' one of the goons says 'should we just get rid of her?'..The Englishman replies..'What a waste of life!.. but this matter does not concern me, you will deal with it internally.. and this time find me participant who is WILLING!' (we hear the footsteps of The Englishman as he leaves).

One of the goons comes over to Sophie taking off her hood ..'be a shame to ruin her pretty face' he says with a genuine sad note in his voice ..and shoots her in the stomach. The chair topples and Sophie is on her right side with her head next to the leg of a table.. one the goons commenting 'lets let her cook until shes dead, can't watch that. let's go outside for a smoke'.

Sophie starts doing the only thing she can banging her head on the table leg.. after three concessive bangs a package drops, it looks like a red version of the CPh4, Sophie is in great pain, and figures.. why not? she rips the package open with her teeth and inhales what she can of the drug, then begins eating it.


We see inside Sophie, the drugs evolving her enzymes, even dissolving the bullet, at that point she starts to feel better, she loosens her ropes and ingests the whole package, she looks up and sees 4 more packages in the table and promptly and without question takes those too.. she comments to herself  'this stuff is like pop-rocks when I was a kid, I couldn't stop eating them either!' ..  then she muses: 'I was a fat child.. until they got discontinued!' :sad joke face:

Sophie is still bleeding from her stomach badly but she doesn't seem to feel the pain. She sneaks out the left hand cabin door, with the goons on the right outside.

Her heart is racing, she can hear it beating in her chest, she realizes she is at a railway yard, it's around 2 am. She is about 40 miles from home, she starts walking. Once she is free of the yard, she phones her best friend 'Olivia'.. 'Livy come get me ah'm stranded!!'.. half asleep in bed she says 'it's 2am ur ye nuts?' then she replies..'hawd oan.. i'll git ma coat'.

Sophie and Livy are in the car, Sophie is now wearing a big coat over her blood soaked white sweater, the radio is playing 'My Immortal' by Evanescence. Sophie and Livy are strangely silent for the entire journey, as we fade into the music that makes the scenes a montage of the journey.


Sophie wakes up in the morning in bed to find she fell asleep in her clothes, her white sweater has matted into a suture to her stomach sealing the wound, she cuts around the sutured area with scissors, we can see her skin and blood has absorbed some of the wool material, making it almost transparent.

We scene into an hour later half way through a phone conversation with her professor, she is still at home at her breakfast table sun shining through the window.

Soph     '.. I mean I've done some crazy drugs in my time but nothing like this'
Prof.     ' whoa whoa.. like I told you, you have to look after yourself, you have no idea where this stuff came from or what it's doing to you internally!'
Soph ' ..buuut, I'm still ALIVE' :smiles:
Prof  ' Aye and we want to keep you that way.. come over to the bio lab a.s.a.p., we can run some basic tests there without having to call the polis'
Soph :laughs: 'Okay, see you then.'

Back at the railway yard, the driver is tied to a chair and has blood running down his face, the two goons standing over him, 'where did you pick her up?' the driver answers 'if she LIVED after you SHOT her.. I'm telling you nothing!'.. 'my family are free of you, they are gone!' The goons had picked up the driver at Aberdeen airport, his family already safely on board, the driver was at a cash machine inside the airport getting some money when they kidnapped him by hidden gunpoint.

One of the goons checks the driver's smartphone GPS, 'here.. the auditorium, he stopped here'. they google who was speaking and find out it was for the university biology department.

As Sophie walks towards to the stairs, the two goons pull up in a car and begin shooting at her..


The bullets bounce off her. Like her skin is impenetrable rubber. They ricochet back at the goons, who are in shock. Sophie comments to herself.. 'oh!'. The goons get in their vehicle and speed away, we see their faces as we face the windscreen but also Sophie in the rear view cheekily waving goodbye.

She goes inside the building and to the bio lab, to meet the Professor, who we find out due to his name on the side of the door, is Prof. Damian McMichael. She knocks and instantly enters; 'Prof. McMichael?'

'Yes, Sophie Ah'm here.. Ah heard the shooting outside ur ye okay?'
'Aye Ah'm fine!' answers Sophie
'Good good.. now let's get some blood out of ye! Ah'm not a vampire Ah promise!' :kind smile:
Under her breath as the Prof. takes her blood sample she says 'And good looking!'
he hears this and comments.. 'And married' :kind smile: at that point the needle goes 'ping!' breaking.
Prof: wow, I've never seen THAT. We can just take a sample of saliva.. no kissing required. as he takes a cotton swab to Sophie's mouth.
'Is there anything else you would like to me to know about?'
Soph: 'yes' pulling up her T-Shirt
Prof : 'WHOA'
Soph : 'Don't be silly.. I was shot in the stomach remember?' she now sees the wool has been totally absorbed and her stomach is back to normal, even her belly button.
Prof: 'erm what am I looking at?'
Soph: 'one of the most incriminating but totally innocent short stories ever!' Sophie puts her T-Shirt back on.
Prof: 'erm.. I dunno what to say to that'
Soph: 'I have a nice bra?.. but seriously, have a look at my biology from that swab, you saw how the needle didn't break my skin.'
Prof: 'Righto, will do!'

Sophie starts to feel VERY hungry, and so goes to a local McDonald's.. there she eats; 12 x big mac MEALS, 200 chicken nuggets many many cokes.. this is her body getting ready for


Sophie is a biology student, she is studying for a Masters, unlike Andrea, Sophie has an idea what's happening, but unlike Andrea who accepted it, Sophie hopes things will return to 'normal' .. she is unwilling to believe the change is permanent.

We see Sophie outside of McDonalds she flashes white, she unwillingly, absorbs her shoes, then her t-shirt.. she rushes inside to get more food, she is almost broke but buys 3 more big mac meals, gently rushing the person behind the counter. the meals come she eats them and the absorption of her clothes stop. She pulls out her phone and calls Livy.

'Ye know how.. I never mention it but y'know?'..
Livy: 'what??'
Soph: ' Erm  helped you with that thing then loaned you all that money kinda thing I never would mention again coz BFF n stuff?'
Livy: 'What on earth ur ye jist aboot tæ ask me??'

The goons are now not two goons.. they went and got backup, there are now 20 goons. We see them in a circle with a better dressed (BD) mobster telling them :

BD : 'She has the drugs in her system. we capture her and throw her in a human sized blender. Then we get the drugs back.'
Original Goon
OG: But she has bullet proof skin, how do we capture her sir?
BD: Well I am glad you didn't spill any of her precious blood, that was fortunate! I have suitable weapons to capture her.' BD then hands out Sci-Fi looking net shooting tasers.

Sophie is at Livy's apartment/large flat She is now properly dressed, and in another big thick coat, livy seems to have endless supplies of these types of coats. They are drinking tea, it is cold outside, we join them halfway through the conversation.

Livy: so y'know what you're asking me is crazy right?
Soph: Totally, but I've finally accepted it, without this I'm going to die or worse, absorb random things/and or people. I can't control it.. REALLY I tried, it doesn't work via thought. BUT if I absorb enough energy.. I know it will STOP.
Livy: okay then.. let's go into town and buy you some food and clothes for the journey. :Livy says this like it's a day-trip with her best friend.. like its normal.. this warms Sophie's heart:

In town, they are shopping and buying as much food as will fit in the car as possible, coming out of a Aulds the bakers, the goon-squad surprises the girls three nets around them shock and incapacitate them. They wake up in the rail yard, Sophie is tied to the same chair as before.. she says..'I've been here before..' Sophie absorbs the bag on her head and absorbs the ropes.. time slows, the music of 'Hello' by Evanescence begins to play, we cut scenes from now and the upcoming journey, of Sophie and Livy sitting in the car listening to that song and no native sound, the song only.. :slow motion: Sophie walks towards a goon and puts her right hand on his shoulder, all the while bullets bouncing off her in slow motion, in a white flash he is gone :scene: The Scottish hills roll by :scene: two goons with uzi's and determined faces, Sophie palms out waves her hands downward a ripple goes down her legs and follows a straight path to the goons.. in a white flash they are gone :scene: a lonesome road by a hillside,  the car comes into view and comes towards us going out of view :scene: BD has two of the web tasers, he shoots them at Sophie.. they land on her, and as they do, she absorbs them and keeps walking, she lays her right hand on BD.. and like the others; a flash! and gone! :scene: from afar we see a what looks like a small village and the car heading towards it. As they approach the music goes into the background like on the radio, Sophie gets a phone call from Prof. McMichaels, he says excitedly

'Sophie this chemical engineering on another level, I've never seen anything like it, you HAVE to come in for study!'
But Sophie is unmoved and replies:
'Thanks for being kind.. and for being hot!' :half laughing smile: hangs up.


The music/slow motion resumes.. we now have cut scenes between 2 minutes from now and now. : we see Sophie on a nuclear Submarine shouting 'GET OUT' her skin is now glowing white :scene:  Sophie's skin begins to glow as she steps out of the car, she and Livy are some distance away, there is a warning sign saying 'Naval Base' :scene: Sophie is walking through the parking lot with many many soldiers shooting at her, she is absorbing the bullets as they come, :scene: Sophie is covering the barrel of a rifle with her hand, the guard post soldier face shocked :scene: Sophie is aboard the Submarine at the core laying her hands on the reactor..


Livy sees a white flash in the distance.. and is much relieved is is not a nuclear reaction that will kill her.. she comments to herself 'wherever ye ur ah hope ur better noo Sophie' slight tear in her eye.. she gets in her car and makes speed away.


'Going Under' by Evanescence end credits music.


'The Master'

Lucy :  Zero

Andrea: Zero

Sophie:  Zero

All Plus One

The Master: Zero

The Master:

The Master: The Book.


Casting main :

The Master   : Denzel Washington or Eamonn Walker
Lucy             : Scarlett Johansson
Andrea         : Jennifer Lawrence
Sophie          : Karen Gillan

The Englishman aka The Limey : Julian Rhind-Tutt or recast for Michael Sheen
Korean Doctor : Benedict Wong
Professor Norman:Morgan Freeman
Sergey : Lev Gorn
Richard: recast for Danny McBride

Setting: African Congo

Scene : A dark room, large pyramid shaped, empty-feeling.

Sunlight breaks through into the pitch black room as the triangle windows retract, the occupant of the bed sits up and puts his face in his hands, The Englishman enters 'Good morning sir! I hope the eggs will be to your liking.' and puts the breakfast tray beside the african man, who looks up and says in a deeply african style voice 'yes, that will be fine.'.. the camera suddenly zooms out far into the sky and we see we were in the pinnacle of a solid gold full sized pyramid, besides the pyramid what seems to be a mine and in the near distance the jungle.


'Lucy: Zero'

The Master is attending a fundraiser for pregnancy deaths, there he hears a lecture given about the process. This is where he hears about CPh4 for the first time, next we see him kidnap the doctor from the hospital he worked at. The doctor is Korean.

Richard is working as a DJ in Ibiza, he gets a phone call from his sister saying she is sick and in South Korea.

When he arrives, she is already in hospital and the bills are piling up fast, she has Japanese Typhus (a rare form of malaria) and due to her low weight/anorexia she isn't getting any better with treatment. He goes to a local bar has a few beers, and hears a roar, curious and a little tipsy he finds out they are running a mahjong gambling game in the back.

Richard loses HARD. he is in debt to the local gangsters for 20k..

We see the frightened faces of a Korean family in the back of a aircraft, a Boeing C-17, as we pull away The Englishman comes into shot 'right that's that done!.. next!'

It's 12 hours after Richard lost the money, he is tied to a chair and is being beaten.. The Englishman enters the bar, and looks around with slight disgust, he walks over to the bartender and says 'Do you know a Mr Jang?' .. the barkeep answers 'Yes but he works out of Taiwan, serious serious man.. you might be better to avoid him' The Englishman replies 'Oh drat wrong country! oh well.. thank you for your kindness sir.' He hears the thud of Richard being punched this time breaking his jaw, and ventures into the back.. 'oh hello! I don't mean to intrude.. but what did this man do to deserve you beating him to death?'.. one of the group answers in broken English 'We want money!' The Englishman replies 'He can't give you it if he's dead, surely the sum is not too great that you would kill him?'

Thug : '22 million!'

TE: 'ohw my! that IS a lot of money.. wait 22 million pounds, dollars or won?'

Thug: 'won'

TE: that's around 22 thousand dollars depending on the day.. would you accept a cheque?

Thug: no!

TE: I'll be back in around half an hour, just you wait there not that he will let you go or anything, just being polite.

TE stands in the bank queue, checks his watch.

TE hands over the money to the thug.

He turns to Richard helping hold his shoulder as Richard can barely walk and says '1. don't try to talk and 2. don't thank me too quickly, I just bought your life.'

We are on the private jet to Taiwan with TE and Richard whose face is still a mess.

TE: we will get you into a hospital as soon as we arrive, I hear Taiwan is cheaper than Korea for medical bills.' Richards tries to nod but halfway gets a sharp pain.

Two days later TE comes to the hospital, Richard is looking MUCH better, the swelling his gone down and he can even talk gently. His jaw has a strange looking splint along the side but it seems to help greatly.

TE: I've finished most of my business but I'm going to leave you here as a runner for 'us'.. I have paid for an apartment for 1 month, so long as you do: whatever it is I tell you to. The money will keep coming. I have treated you as a civilized human being, and hope the courtesy will be returned, if it is not however, I will with due diligence return and kill you outright. toodles!'  

Richard spends the next month partying.. 'wooo hoo montage'

We see Richard on the roof of his apartment taking in the night air.. commenting to himself:

I gotta take care of ma sister.. she means the world to me.. looked after me when we was kids.. I wonder if that Limey guy will send me some work and I can pay to get her better.. 4 weeks and nothing.

TE phones Richard the next day with a job..

TE: I want you to deliver a package

R : what's in the package?

TE: A bomb.

R: okay.

TE : 1537 Quagung Street.

R: okay. got it!

TE: the contact is outside now waiting for you. leave promptly!

R: gone!

Richard hangs up and starts to repeat the address over and over to memorize it, as he collects his hat from the bedroom table he sees a girl's phone number on a scrap of paper, it says 'Lucy' above the number, Richard starts repeating the address wrongly.. '5137 Quagung Street' '5137 Quagung Street'..

Richard bursts into his own apartment and slamming the door behind him.


Richard has just bombed one of Mr Jang's businesses and NOT one of Mr Jang's rivals as TE intended.

'Everythings Ruined' by Faith No More is playing on the radio in the background.


All of the men owed a debt to The Englishman, Lucy the only female, did not, however Richard DID owe a debt but was dead.


END of Lucy: Zero.


'Andrea: Zero'

In a dingy poorly lit tiny cabin in the snow a man stands over another man 'Tell me where you hid the gold!' the sitting man replies 'no!' the standing man cuts him..

Many hours later the standing man is on the phone talking to his boss:

It's very strange, the higher his heart rate the quicker he healed..'

:phone noises talking:

'Yes, I'll get that information from him too'

Standing man turns to the sitting man and asks

'where are you from.. what's your ethnicity?'

Much later back at the pyramid TE and The Master discuss the process.. TE tidies while TM sits on the bed.

TM: Why would I want to be 'infinite'? bah! it is for the crows! to squawk!

TE: I'm sure sir would have found a use for it.

TM: We can not even do it anymore!.. :mutters: he made the pig extinct, bah! :louder: He wiped out a whole subspecies of pig and I can not even get a taste?.. for the crows!

TE: Perhaps sir is displeased with our Doctor?

TM: NO! .. that man is a genius! I hope the healing potion he comes up with is better than needing a lot of pigs! :boorish laughing:

TE :genuine smile:

TE is standing in the abandoned nuclear facility talking to the Korean Doctor from earlier

TE: I hope everything will be to your satisfaction, you did splendid work for us on the last project even though it came sadly to an abrupt end, my Master has full confidence in your abilities. If there is anything, any staff or anyone.. and I *do* mean *anyone* you need, just you let us know. There are guards posted in many places around the facility, they are here for YOUR protection, not imprisonment, the trust you give them, they WILL return to you as kindness, *I will* mention that 'part' of their job is to retrieve things and /or people for you, do not hesitate to ask them for whatever you need, they expect it.

TE pauses then jokes: By NOT asking them to retrieve what you need, you are indulging them in their wildest fantasies.

A fox breeder is at her kennels at night :

I am very sorry! I have to leave you now! my people are being killed off and even though I love each and everyone of you, I cannot take you with me and you cannot stay here.

She releases her 20 Russian domestic foxes into the wild with a very sad face.

We see her later, her son has had a nightmare and she is tucking him into bed, saying 'we have a big day ahead tomorrow.. you need to sleep' her boy still seems restless so she says 'I will tell you a story' and she grabs a picture book..

On the radio is 'How it Ends' by Devotchka, the radio blends into the story being told.

'Long long ago, there was a woman, she was beautiful.. so beautiful the men of the village would chase her around the hills trying to kiss or even marry her.. you would think she would be happy to have so many prospects, but no! because she was afraid of all the men it made her sad.

One day a man took much much gold to her father and asked to marry her, her parents were poor but also knew the man was unkind, they thought 'once he beats her for disobeying him, she will run away and he will get angry about the money he gave us and want it back!.. all ways we cannot let him marry her!' They did not want bad things for their daughter either, like beatings, but even if he wasn't going to beat her, she would run away because she didn't love him'

The parents told their daughter that night when she came home from gathering wheat in the fields, that they did not give him consent for marriage.

The next day, the daughter was in the fields and she saw a young goat.. it seemed lost without it's mother. it ran to a craggy rock and up the craggy rock.. she chased it for a very long time.. until she realized she didn't know where she was.. it was getting very cold and she was from a place that was temperate.. she started to see snow on the ground..

She started calling out and calling out.. just then the man who had tried to gain consent to marry her went by on his cart.. he said to her with utter shock: What on EARTH are you doing here?? you are 50 miles from the village at least!' she replied 'please sir, can I have a lift back to the village?' the man slowly got down from his cart and began to chase her saying 'if I have you now everyone will think I was meant to be your husband and no one else can take you!'

She ran and ran and ran, until she was on the mountain top, and the man was still chasing her.. she reached the top and had nowhere to go! the wicked man stood before her..suddenly there appeared a huge man covered in white fur clothing, he was twice the size of any other men she had ever seen!

The wicked man was afraid but decided to scare off the large man because he had done this in the village before and it had worked..but not this time, the large white furred man grabbed him and threw him over the edge of mountain where he fell to his death.

The daughter was shocked, but looked at the man kindly, she climbed upon his chest and he took her to just outside the village.. once a month when the moon was not lit and the night air was very cold, he would visit her, she would stroke his hand and kiss his cheek.. she had finally fell in love.. one night he came and she told him 'take me with you!' and he did..

She was never seen again, but was thought of as happy by the people who remained and imagined what became of her.'


END of Andrea: Zero.


'Sophie: Zero'

A Scotsman in his late 50's is at his laptop, an online dating site, 'Prussian Lurv Connection', he is emailing a woman.

2 years later. visa refusal after visa refusal. We see him on the phone to his nephew saying 'is there ANYONE you know who could get her intæ the country.. even illegally?' he answers 'Uncle Jim.. the guys I know ye don't wa'nt tæ know! ye DON'T wa'nt tæ owe these guys a 'favor'!' .. 'jist.. son, kin ye jjist.. get it done!'.. he answers 'aye uncle Jim if yur totally sure!'.

4 years later, they live together, they have a 4 year old wee boy and a baby girl. They are very happy.

A secret laboratory in the Highlands is developing artificial limbs from human tissue, The Master buys a significant stake in the company and asks for a tour, which they refuse, The Master sends The Englishman over to 'sort them out.'

TE takes the Korean Doctor (KD) and around 10 armed personnel, they quickly subdue the place, however, a GE virus is released in the fracard, killing everyone but 1 guard, TE and KD, who all quickly found out they have a natural immunity.

TE: oh! that was lucky! right!.. you have natural immunity so yes, you can work here, but sadly no one else can.. do you think you can synthesize enough of the compound for our employer on your own?

KD: I think so, it might take a month or two, I'm not sure.

KD goes over to computer and closely see some data..'wow these guys really knew what they were doing!.. while it won't make it faster to synthesize this method of delivery is much much cleaner!

TE: cleaner?

KD:.. erm, like the purer the cocaine the harder the hit!

TE: gotcha! :smiles:

:one month later:

The driver stands in the hallway of his house and receives a phone call from TE.

We see the look of shock/disbelief on his face as he had forgotten all about 'the favor'.

TE informs him that he is to deliver five packages to a courier in South Africa.

The Driver answers :but at 1 kilo each, where do I put them? Ah'm 62 years old!..

TE replies : use your imagination!

the phone call ends and promptly TE phones the one surviving guard: How hard is it to get someone who is willing?? It's not like we are asking them to do it for free! we pay if not handsomely, reasonably at the very least!

OSG: yes boss.

OSG then goes without TE's knowledge and hires two local goons, the goons hear about the driver being unwilling and kidnap his family. One of them works as a guard at the local railway dept for washing the traincars. This becomes the new base of operations, due to the GE virus.

OSG is BD, same person. we don't have to mention it, just cast the same person.

:pyramid room:

We see TM wearing an open robe reading his old fable book, in the background we see two girls frolcing in similar open silk robes around the bed, TM takes his phone out of his robe pocket and calls TE.

TM: I want him (KD) out of the country before we move the product.. better to not have the evidence *and* guilty person in the same place huh?

TE: very insightful sir! you wish.

KD drops off an unlocked case with five packages, to the railway yard cabin. inside are the two goons.

KD: be careful with this stuff! don't just leave it laying around, :checks watch: my flight is very soon I have to go. look after it!

18 hours later

KD is in the pyramid room with TM.

KD : sir, with the EvoEnz you will be able to stabilize the changes of the YetiDNA, the two compliment each other, EvoEnz's job is to keep the original organism intact, it is also a very powerful catalyst.. I am hoping with both combined you will be able to reconstruct matter and energy, without the unwanted side effects of 'being infinite' or heightened requirement of sustenance.

The Driver picks up a white taxi from the goons at the railway yard, who have modified it, as he steps in 'Heart of Glass' by Blondie comes on the radio.


END of Sophie: Zero.


'All Plus One'


Transcendent reality.

Lucy is talking with God.

L:      But why have the shackles of reality in the first place?

God: That you can know what knowledge is. So it can be earned. So it can be respected.

L:     I see. So not everyone can respect what the truth of being is, but they DO respect their own experience and so this syphons truth and respect in smaller doses into their being.

God : That is correct Lucy.

L: :lovingly: Thank you for sharing with me.

Lucy suddenly feels a strong pull.. and is pulled against her will to earth and the moment Sophie absorbs the reactor core. Lucy freezes time, but is unable to leave this moment, unless she starts time, possibly killing herself in the process, but Lucy is more in wonder of the glowing girl..

L: *this* is my opposite.. as much as I am transcendent.. this girl, is permanent.

L: ... ... I'm trapped.


For a split second out of the corner of her eye Sophie sees a blurred figure, and gone.. the reactor detonates, but Sophie has more than enough hunger to absorb all the energy. when the flash subsides she is standing on a chunk of metal, the rest of which has melted into a supporting beam under feet to make a platform. Sophie is glowing quite brightly.

She says with surprise to herself '.. im alive? I'm ALIVE! woohoo!'


Sergey has faced some strange questions since the events of the abandoned facility, he was smart and told them it was 'the wild foxes'  that killed the men and that 'Andrea had started a secret shelter for the Kaldark Gypsies, no one could know where she was.' Both half truths.. it WAS the foxes who killed some of the men..and being a survivor and having their DNA, she was 'sheltering' one of their kind, herself.

This didn't stop him getting suspicious looks from the other Agents.

We see him at his desk, using his computer.. investigating Prof. Norman and Lucy. He sees a phone number at the side and decides to call him, going into a private room and speaking in English & low tones:

S: Hello you Prof. Norman?

Sec: No this is the Prof.'s secretary what can I help you with sir?

S: I am KGB Agent of big case. I have cause to speak with him.

Sec: I'm sorry sir, but unless you know him personally I can't give out his private number.

S: I understand this. okay. goodbye.

Sergey goes online and books a flight to New York.

We see him standing at the secretary's desk four hours later..she approaches sits down her handbag on the floor and coffee on the desk

'Hello can I help you?'

S; 'it is KGB Agent. from earlier.'

Sec: ohw! my!.. do you have proof of what you say?

Sergey pulls out his official ID, while she inspects, he speaks

S: I investigate the 'unusual'. there is joke in office. 'Mulder and Scully'.. Andrea and Sergey.

Sec: well this *does* seem to be in order.. you got here pretty fast!

S: I surprised too. amazing quick going by arctic!

Sec: :kindly: listen.. the professor will be in soon, so why don't you just wait.. I'm sure we can get you meeting for at least 20 minutes.. and talk to him in person?

S: sounds good. :smile:

We scene to the Prof's office, Prof. Norman and Sergey are talking about Andrea..

Prof. 'What you are telling me is highly irregular.. but I have seen the irregular in my lifetime, but again, this is not my field.'

S: it is not myth and monster. I not lie to you.

Prof: the question isn't if you are lying.. the question is, can we find her and will she cooperate with us? traipsing around northern Russia is a young man's game, however if you can find her and bring her here..

Sergey interrupts

S: here is warm. Andrea only cold.

Prof: Ah!.. then we meet at Barrow Airport Alaska, should you find her.

S: no problem! Svalbard to Barrow only hour 30 minutes in little plane!

(Andrea is on Svalbard, and Sergey knows this, but he couldn't find the words to explain to the Prof.)

:scene: we Sergey in the snow, clutching his coat as a blizzard rages at him

:scene: We return to the moment of Lucy and Sophie at the reactor.

Lucy says with respect and a crack of panic in her voice:

'Please, Great God.. get me outta this!'

Lucy finds herself floating above Sophie like a ghost, Sophie is walking away from the platform and remaining dock. Lucy is incorporeal.. Sophie pulls out her phone, which is glitching somewhat, but she manages to google 'most remote place on earth' google says: Svalbard. Sophie 'okay that'll do!' :smiles:

Sergey enters a small ticket office on the north of Novaya Zemlya island.

Speaking Russian which we hear as English:

S: ohw it's crazy out there! I like the cold but someone should have told me to wear two coats :smiles:

Ticket Officer (TO)

TO: hehe, yes you could break off your manhood and not know a thing about it!

S: yes.. hahah.

S: Ticket to Svalbard please..

TO: do you have your papers?

S: Not needed.. :shows TO his KGB papers & badge:

TO: Ah.. that's fine!

:stamps a few stamps and exchanges money:

S: that's great thanks!

The Ticket office is very well lit, clean and seems newly painted, there is glass on the front and side.. as if you were in any normal ticket office, and not on the edge of the world.. Sergey thinks 'I bet that nice guy has a laugh to himself about that hehe'.


END of All Plus One.


'The Master Zero'

We insta-scene into the master standing in poor clothes covered in splatters of blood, from the edge of the screen we see he is holding a machete , we slightly pan out and see a trail in a line of around 20 bodies he has just killed..

TE is chained.. we see TM free him.. then grab him by the shoulders, look him straight in the eyes and say..

'Slavery is evil! only personal debt is right!no slavery of all peoples! slavers are like cannibals to me!'

The music with certain slow motion scenes takes over ..'Crazy' by Gnarls Barkley

:scene quick:

TM is killing quickly and with exacting skill any and all opponents who come at him.

:scene slower:

TE and TM are in an office with some important looking officials sitting opposite the table, there are papers that seem to need signed on the table.

:scene slow:

TM is walking by a petrol station, outside is a small girl around 11 years old, he watches in anger as a militia member grabs her by the arm while she resists. he walks over to the garage and pickups up a machete

:scene slow:

TE is on the ground being kicked by a guard, he has a little blood in his eyes, but through the blur and at distance he sees TM.

:scene slow:

TE and TM are sitting in a police station bench, both covered in blood, both with huge smiles on their faces, almost laughing.

:scene slow:

we see TM in his room in the pyramid open an old book, the book is a fable book, that intertwines the stories of Eden and the Fountain of Youth, like an old bible with ancient illustrations on the opposite page.

:wind down,  'Crazy' drops down to playing on the radio in the background:

The Master's real name is 'Kalim'

The Englishman's real name is 'Alfie'

They introduce themselves as they shake hands:

Kalim and Alfie meet in a bar, Alfie a lonely traveller, and Kalim a curious British Guyanan living in the Congo..

:Much later: both very drunk:

A: The land that the british 'forgot' hehe

K: what did you do? lose it down the sofa?? haha

A: honestly how can you forget about a whole country?.. but then again we do it to the Scots all the time ..HAHAH


:Kalim is face flat, davinci pose, in the dirt outside the pub, the pub lights go off and only the lone street light remains. Alfie is swaying on the spot looking at Kalim wondering what to do:

Alfie picks up Kalim and carries him 2 miles in the dangerous congo dark to his home, Kalim mutters and slurs 'thank you' before passing out on his bed which is near the door. Alfie: 'okay then' salutes a goodbye and shuts the door.

:Music resumes, but mixed lower volume with voice:

:scene: no native sound except one 'chip' sound: music only:

Next we see Alfie outside in the sunshine, half heartedly chiping away at a hard mud wall with a pickaxe, which he is holding by the upmost neck.

:scene: in his house: hands on his head, sitting on the edge of his bed, elbows on his knees:

we see Kalim trying to wake up 'oh my head! that  beer is bad!.. good enough to get you drunk, bad enough you are alive the next day!'

:scene: music only:

Alfie is eating 'warm water and worm soup' from a tin can with a soup spoon. He has a bit of a beard, indicating he has been here almost a week.


The little girl says 'Thank you mister.. hey I know you.. you were with the white guy, I tried to steal his wallet in the bar.. they have him you know?'

Kalim: Who *has* him??

LG: The men.. they took him for the mine.

Kalim pieces together what happened, while Alfie was returning to his camp that night they jumped him. Kalim realizes he owes Alfie a great debt!

:scene: music only:

Alfie's beard is much thicker, he swings the pickaxe properly now, his clothes are much much dirtier.

:scene: music is back on the radio but quietly:

We are back at the bar before Kalim and Alfie got drunk, they are chatting while having sips of beer, Kalim is telling Alfie of his background, and as he does we see the flashback with him..

'I was just 15 years old.. I wanted to be a soldier in the British Army, I had joined the Cadets, not the 'boy scouts' which *was* an option.. I was out in the jungle doing pretend military exercises with my group but a Brazilian gang grabbed me.. of course! I kicked and screamed!..  I was just a boy, soon they brainwashed me to their gang..   couple of years passed.. and I had done what I was told.

In the Amazon, I was collecting runs of cocaine, and I come by a stream ..and on the bank was a dead body..

I look closer at the dead body and there are HUMAN bite marks on the flesh

:scoffs in disbelief:.. my parents never prepared me for that! I know nothing of suchthings as being a cannibal.. noooo, that.. that does not seem right..:screws his face up: WHY would a human being eat other human beings when they have food right there??

K: Well Alfie... I pretty much freaked out. I went on a killing spree the like of which the Amazon had never seen!.. I even picked up a name.. 'the red ghost' ... the natives would say 'the Red Ghost is death' haha

K: flipping hate cannibals!


END of The Master: Zero.


'The Master'

scene: The lower 'tomb' in the pyramid, a large room, filled with refrigerators that have glass doors, inside each one is every kind of chemical.

TM: Finally! I have been waiting on these stupid chemicals for too long now!

:one of the packets looks like black/purple CPh4 and the other two look like red CPh4:

KD: I recommend half a packet each sir..

TM: what am I .. do I look weak to you??

KD: no sir not at all.. I was thinking why the others couldn't control their power and..

TM: they couldn't control their power because they didn't have the 'other' drug to counter it!.. :quieter and kinder:.. now shut up I'm trying to enjoy this!'

The Master takes all of the packets.

We see the chemicals inside him reacting like it had done with Lucy, Andrea, Sophie..

but also reacting with each other..


Professor Norman is waiting at Barrow Airport, he re-checks his phone.. Sergey is late, the plane is late..


A red haired girl, who has stopped glowing, stands on a rocky snowy beach with a curious expression on her face..

Sergey lands in the small plane just outside Longyearbyen..

As he exits.. Andrea can smell his scent.. and starts to head towards the landing site

The red haired girl's face still looks puzzled as she thinks..

'What on earth was I thinking??.. am I just going to live in a cave? chap someone's door and say 'Hi! can I live with you?'  the next boat is a week away.. this is TOO remote for me.. flip! I wonder if there is a plane or something.. looks like Livy will have to pay me back a little more!' And she heads towards Longyearbyen and a bit beyond..

In the distance as she walks she sees.. something huge, tall.. polar bear??? Sophie sees the plane and still walks towards it, remembering she 'has powers now.. no need to freak out!'

Sergey is standing by the plane having a smoke as he wasn't allowed while flying.. Andrea is so glad to see Sergey she is forgetting she is now a Yeti.. and thinks to 'jump at him and shout boo!'

As one speeds up so does the other moving towards the plane, Andrea is oblivious of Sophie she is so glad to see Sergey.. Sophie is imagining things and her imaginations are getting wilder.. 'is IT going to eat that guy?.. should I be 'all super-y?'

Andrea reaches the plane first and goes behind Sergey and shouts 'BOO' which comes out as 'BUURRRG' Sergey panics, slips then hits the ground.. Sophie absorbs all the air behind Andrea creating a vacuum sucking her into a nearby small hill, Sophie is now flying and ticked off, her eyes are glowing white, she has white jets coming out of her hands..

Sergey stands up, his cigarette burning his sweater, mouth open.. 'wow!'

'Young lady! do not do this! she is friend!'

Soph: What??.. I'm trying to get my super on.. what are you talking about?

Sophie turns to talk to Sergey and Andrea rams into her back.. it barely budges Sophie but does enough to make Sophie a little nervous..

Andrea says.. 'leave my friend alone!' which comes out in Russian and Yeti at the same time mixed, Sophie has no idea.. Sergey shouts ENGLISH! Sophie says.. 'hey.. Scottish if ye don't mind!.. oh language.'

Andrea says 'Sergey is my friend.. who are you with such power young lady??'

Sophie '.. 'says the Yeti?'.. wow am I having a crazy week!'

Sergey: I know person know all these things!

Andrea: What do you mean Sergey?

Sergey: a Professor..his name, Professor Norman, he wait for us. Barrow, Alaska. We go in the plane!

Andrea: I will not fit inside.

Sergey: I have thought of this.


Sergey uncovers a very large triangle shaped box, that has some kind of wings, there are 5 bolt holders on the front and Sergey shows Andrea the chain hook..'Don't worry. is fine!'

Sophie looks at them both thinking about her new trick.. and says.. 'remember the vacuum trick I did? well.. buckle up!

In an instant they are sucked into a vacuum and suddenly appear at Barrow Airport.. well not exactly.. about a mile south as it's Sophie first attempt.

Lucy is still tied to Sophie, following her around unseen.. they all approach the Airport waiting area, walk up the stairs, inside Professor Norman stands up to greet the group.. the place is deserted as the Prof. requested (due to his high clearance.. remember the USB key Lucy gave him??)

The Prof. greets them.. 'you must have had a long trip.. I take it this is Andrea.. and who are you young lady?'.. 'Hi I'm Sophie.. I absorb matter and turn it into energy.'

Lucy feels..'Oh Professor Norman.. I have missed you so much!'

At that moment she pops back into reality..

God just wanted to show her the value of being.


We see The Master floating above the Pyramid, The Englishman says leaning out one of the pyramid windows 'Well done sir!'

He turns to KD and says..' this all seems to be going well, good job!'

TM: hey this is crazy.. I can absorb the earth, so no need for workers eh!?

KD to TE :soon he will be able to change the composition of matter.. turning graphite into diamond and lead into gold!

TE: Fantastic.. I'll buy some pencil packs from eBay!

:scene:the gang are already acquainted and talking about their next move:

Prof: I have been trying to get a hold of an expert in the field of genetic mutation, but the person I thought most qualified, seems to have gone missing sometime around 3 and half years ago, he was giving a lecture at a fundraiser in NYC.. and 'poof' he vanished..

Prof: I've asked my contacts in the pentagon to track him down, but so far.. nothing.

Prof: And.. thank you Lucy for that USB key, it has opened many doors to both science and personal freedom.

Lucy: Of course.. your welcome Professor.

Sophie and Andrea are now outside..

Sophie : I *think* i'm getting much more control over this.

Andrea: don't *think*. do.

Sophie : dæ ye want tæ try it?

Andrea: not really.

Sophie : at worst you will just heal it off right?

Andrea: you 'eat' people. I cannot 'heal that off'.

Sophie: YUCK.. I don't 'eat' people, I just make their matter into energy.. or something.

Andrea: one try.

Sophie: okay.

Sophie and Andrea face each other holding palms, fingers interlaced.. Sophies eyes start to glow..

Sophie is changing Andrea to a 'more human state' but helping her retain all her abilities.

Remember Andrea *badly* wants to return to her life, and to help Sergey not have problems with his job.

Wind starts beating on both their faces. Sophie glows hotter and hotter.. determined.

Then suddenly Andrea's height reduces, half her hair goes back into her body.. she is a 'bit' naked now.. they break hands and Sophie say  'oh wow! I'm so glad I didn't eat you!' with genuine surprise. Andrea: what??.  Sophie quickly gives Andrea her thick coat.

(the pattern of hair is that of a two piece bikini, but with hair flare legs and arms at the side. Andrea also has hair like and old fashioned side beard, with long blonde soft hair)

:five minutes later:

Andrea is wearing a red and white side striped 1980s tracksuit & white trainers from the Barrow lost and found.

Prof: are you OK for a warmer climate? it'd be good to get this old man back to the 'normal' cold of New York City!

Andrea: da.

Prof: I hate to ask.. but is there any chance you, Lucy, could take us home?

Lucy: my power hasn't been great since I was at the reactor..

Sophie: wait. what?

Lucy: I could see you.

Sophie: oh. creepy.

Lucy: I'll try Professor

Lucy raises her arms.

Wind swirls in a circle around the group.. a perfect circle, the snow from the ground going crazy outside the circle and not one snowflake inside.

A blizzard like flash and they are gone, the ground now has a 6 inch deep, 10 meter diameter circular hole where the group stood.

They land standing on the ice circle intact, in Central Park.

Sergey: Sophies way was better. Sophies way was better. Next time I fly Sophie air! :then vomits:

Professor Norman receives a phone call on his smartphone from his pentagon contact, it isn't about the whereabouts of the Korean Doctor, but asking for information on a certain 'Englishman'.. the contact send Prof. Norman a photo which he brings up on his phone to look at himself.. looking over his shoulder Lucy and Andrea both say at the same time.. 'hey I know him!'.. The Professor resumes the call, 'I *think* we might have a lead on whoever this gentleman is..'

:scene: back in Prof. Norman's office: everyone is seated:

Lucy: he was in the hotel with the korean gangsters, when they first put the packages in me.

Andrea: I saw him at the abandoned test site.. he spoke.. 'English'.

Lucy: yes.. he was an Englishman..

Sophie: wait.. English.. like *really* posh?

Andrea: what is 'posh'?

Sophie: I heard a posh English guy in the cabin when I was first tied up, before I took the .. stuff.. I mean; 'synthetic evolutionary enzymes'.. I keep forgetting that I'm actually smart.. should I be worried about that at all?

Prof pauses at Sophie's dumb question then says:

So.. HE is our link in the chain of events. HE is the one common factor in all this. HE knows more than we do about certain events.. this is why we MUST contact him and find out what he knows.

The Professor phones his contact in the pentagon and share the information the girls shared, then asks for last known location.

Prof: South Africa, Johannesburg Airport.

Now girls.. I am an old man, and equally pertinent, only a scientist I can't be jetting off around the world, by plane or teleportation or otherwise. But.. this office is now a home to all of you, including you Sergey. You are welcome here. If you call me anytime night or day, I will try to answer and give any help I can.

Sergey: in plane!!


The Master is in the pyramid cafeteria, he has on a tracksuit and is sweating profusely, this is his body reacting to the drugs, but he thinks it is because of the energy spent, he has a towel around his neck for wiping the sweat ' PHEWW'. He bites into a burger that is the size of a small dinner plate  'no wait!.. I can absorb it now!.. with a white flash the burger is gone.

'That was *some* workout!.. I must have found 20 tones of gold and I dunno how many huge diamonds!.. good day of work!'


The group land in Johannesburg Airport and are going through the airport when a man approaches Sophie.

Man: I am your contact. you are late.

Soph: sorry, what?

Man: The driver send me your picture. you have the stuff yes?

Sophie looks to the group and says 'hey..  guys!'

:scene: 2 hours later, airport parking lot, the man is passed out and has marks on his face, a car boot closes with him inside:

Sophie: so.. Congo?

Sergey: I have no money left.

Andrea: I also.

Lucy: wait here..

Lucy goes over to a cash machine and places her hand on the side, it dispenses a huge chunk of money. Lucy splits the money 4 ways.

Lucy: we good?

everyone else nods.

Sergey: wow.. I miss cold!

Andrea: da.

Lucy: well.. it's about to get a LOT hotter!

:scene: we see them aboard the plane in first class, enjoying being in first class.

Sergey: this *not bad*.

Andrea: pravdivo!

Sophie: should I get smashed.. I normally get smashed when I fly, but I don't want to eat the plane or anything.

Lucy: Just relax, enjoy.. and eat all their food. we will need our strength.


:In the Master's room.. we hear over the radio 'Money, Money, Money' by Abba: the music takes over:

 The Master is in his room, counting his diamonds.

The Englishman is in cafeteria kitchen, eating honey on toast and drinking tea, reading a newspaper.

The staff are washing the clothes.

The Korean Doctor is in the tomb sewing a button back onto his labcoat using a microscope.

 The workers outside in the mine, working hard, we notice, they are well dressed, not finely dressed because of the heat, but decently, they also have cyclers drink cups around their necks and golf umbrellas next to where they are working. Many are wearing cowboy straw hats.. to keep the heat off their faces. A couple have Ray-Ban sunglasses, not the fake ones either!

 A very long line of beautiful african women, with baskets under their arms are entering a door in the side of the pyramid, they have huge diamond stud earrings and are wearing traditional african dress except the neckline is plunged to reveal almost the whole breast, with the only the nipples hidden by triangle shaped covering pointing towards the nipple. The dressing seems a very expensive, fine, brilliantly coloured, dark blue with teeny tiny light yellow primrose flowers, fabric. They have a huge gold pin with gems going through their head dress.

 In a school, on the other side of the small jungle, we see the little girl, now grown, she is a primary school teacher, and is teaching her class, who are all well dressed and well fed, she herself is wearing a grey female skirt-suit, it looks very expensive, probably Armani, on her desk is a women's leather ziptop briefcase. The children each have an iPhone on their desks and are wearing an Apple Smartwatch as they listen to her talk.

 On the borderline of the county, one of The Master's armed personnel guards, helps an old man change a flat tire on his jeep. The old man is super grateful. we can see his lips but not hear him, he says God bless you.

 We look into the guard's eye and see him remember meeting The Englishman for the first time at the orphanage when he was 16yo, the Englishman is offering him a contract for higher education in exchange for 4 years tour of duty as one of The Master's Guardsmen.. the guard is very happy.

 :Music stops:

:scene: back on the plane:

Sophie: how do we find him once we get there?

Andrea: he seems rich man. we ask.. you know rich man? people  know rich man.

Lucy: good call!

Andrea: KGB.

Lucy nods.


'We are approaching our destination, please make sure your trays are in the upright position and all personal belongings are safely stowed away, thank you.'


The group are standing by their jeep which has a flat tire.. nearby is a guard station..

Lucy: great..I would teleport us there, but I'm not sure where we're going..

Sophie: let's try that booth

A man exits the booth dressed in a uniform they all know. shocked faces all round.

Sophie reacts..and sucks the booth and the guard into some sort of vortex of air, they get instantly smaller, under one second they are a dot in the center of the vortex which as quickly vanishes.

 Andrea: OK. we know we in right place.

 A local man sees all this and starts screaming.. and screaming and running and screaming..

We next see him in the pub telling the other locals excited and afraid of what he has just seen..

: On the TV, in the background is the Adam West 60's batman TV show in dubbed French, Commissioner Gordon is phoning Batman with some urgency:

The barkeep pickups up the phone on the wall 

He phones The Master.

 :In The Master's room: he picks up the landline:

TM:OH!.. I see.. yes.. okay. Don't worry, we will sort it..yes, I know. If you see them DO NOT approach them they seem most dangerous. :hangs up:


The Master says to the workers and staff  

'please.. make a space, I have to do this while you are here, I want you all safe huh?!'

The workers and staff clearout.. pretty much go home.

The Master starts to levitate, he thinks 'okay. new to this but easy enough'

He flies over to the group, not superman style, but remains vertical like Sophie using her hands.

 he says in a loud voice to the group:


 Lucy is a little angry already.. and says:

Why do *you* treat people they way *you* do?


 Sophie is getting madder and madder..

She decides to 'take him on' she tries to suck the matter out of him..

 The Master is surprised.. 'oh wow!'

 Sophie didn't get far, but now The Master is a bit worried..'this girl has the same power as me?!..better be careful'


Sophie answers: young girl? YOUNG GIRL? UNDERSTAND?

 :Sophie steps forward, the group behind her then causes a shockwave that flips the jeep into a nearby tree, this triggers the radio, 'Cherub Rock' by Smashing Pumpkins comes on the radio.. then the music takes over:


 :The two duke it out, but The Master is a very skilled experienced fighter, right enough Sophie is tough, but she is outmatched in the fight due to his monumental combat skills: he knocks Sophie down with a last blow:


 :TM then flies off into the sky: unbeknownst to the group he is going back to the pyramid:

 Sophie looks at Lucy : ye coulda helped!

Lucy: you seemed pretty mad.. I was giving you two space to work it out.. besides no consultation of the group on attacking him?.. noooo.

Andrea: I not fly so.

 :Sergey picks up all the bags from the back of the jeep, and the group start walking:

:after an hour in the distance they see something gleaming in the sunset:

Sophie: did yous ever see that cartoon? The Mysterious Cities of Gold? I watched that when I was a kid.. ending spoiler: the cities weren't gold, they were sandstone and when the sun set or rose it made the sandstone pyramids look like solid gold..

:just as Sophie says this, they reach a peak in the road and can now see the Pyramid of The Master:

Sophie: yeh.. something like that!

Sergey: can we take break? bags heavy!

Andrea speaks to him in Russian:

You should have said, I will carry them  :smiles: 

:another hour and they are at the mine outside:

Sergey: we camp here, it almost dark.

:group sets up a camp inside the mine, thinking this is normal for it to be deserted:

:the next morning the Englishman is outside their tent and in a loud voice:


:the group emerge from the tent, Sophie is a bit drowsy and says 

'scrambled n bacon would be lovely!'

Lucy comes out:

We want to speak to your boss.

TE: I *think* you already had the pleasure of his company yesterday.. it did *not* go well if rumor is to be believed.

TE: right.

TE leaves.

 Sophie mutter's : toffy git! 
The group look around at all the workers..

Sophie: do you think they are slaves like out the movies?

Lucy: I'm not sure..

Andrea: they seem OK. happy worker perhaps.

Sergey: in africa. exploitation. guards, guns.

Lucy: maybe. 

In the pyramid cafeteria:

TE: I just *refuse* to indulge such rude 'house guests' with 'accommodation' .. it's hardly the 18-30's med around here. We have worked hard for this.

KD: I know what you mean.. anyone could roll up and just take it from you.

TE: well.. not really, but I appreciate the sentiment of pitching in emotionally. thank you.

 The Master wakes up.

 TE brings him his breakfast.

TE: we have squatters, I am most malform'ed to inform sir.

TM: Squatters?

TE: the 'band of bravado with no brains' from yesterday. :under breath: ..'cirque de folie'

TM: oh.. the weirdos!

TE: yes sir.. they are *camped* on what would be our *lawn*.

TM: I can not be bothered with this. Tell them to meet me in the throne room in one hour. 

I want my food. 

I want my shower. 

I want no weirdos on my property.

 TE:    :huge smile:    very good sir!


The Master eats:


The Master showers, and while in the shower he clicks on the radio 'Smooth Criminal' by Alien Ant Farm is playing. the music continues in the background.


 The Master's 'Throne Room' dimly lit, with the same triangle windows, but only one is opened, behind the throne The Master sits on his throne, with TE and KD on  his side, and Lucy, Andrea and Sophie on the other, Sergey has found the cafeteria:

Group/Lucy: so.. we finally talk ..:said with a tone of confrontation:

TM says jokingly: Yes.. I admit it..I am the evil Batman! HAHA :points to TE: and this is my Alfred! :boorish laughter:

TE smiles.. then pauses with apprehension : 


we are simply staying ahead of the curve. life is hard. try to keep up!


:The Master comes down from his throne, his silk robe flowing, his silk pyjama trousers matching his robe:

you! :points to Sophie: blew up a nuclear reactor! 
you! :points to Lucy: killed a lot of policemans: .. 
:he stops at Andrea and looks at TE:..
who is this one?? I do not know this one!
TE: I believe sir, she is the recipient of the YetiDNA..
TM: How on earth did she get it??.. we had not even synthesize it last year!

group/Lucy to KD: and what about you?... we were thought you were held here against your will..

KD: ARE YOU FLIPPING KIDDING ME?  my family live in a solid gold house.. 5 stories.. solid gold!.. I mean I was reluctant at first.. but the work he has me do is revolutionary, then there's my kids! each one has 12 nannies.. my 13 year old son, is tucked into bed each night by a large breasted african women.. HE COULDN'T BE HAPPIER! everytime I see him now, he hugs me and all he says is 'thank you, I love you father' over and over again.. I can't afford to give my kids that kind of attention.

Andrea:but you vanish. is odd.

 KD: Ah.. true.. I was giving a fundraising lecture and afterward The Master approached me..


(the first hall we see is the hospital cafeteria cleared out to host the dinner/lecture, it is a hospital in New York City)

:from stairwell in the hospital where the fundraiser was being held we see a door:
Korean Doctor goes through a door The Master follows..
inside is dark except there are x-rays lighting the room
TM: I like your cufflinks..
KD: yes.. I got such a bargain on them.. I sometimes wonder if they are diamantium
TM: Where did you get them? 
KD: Ohw.. a dealer in chinatown
TM: those are my diamonds.. they are from my mine.. I know I did not sell them, because they are so handsome I would have kept them for myself.. these are stolen diamonds. MY STOLEN DIAMONDS
KD: I don't know what to say..
TM takes out a gun with a silencer and says..
Maybe we can make an arrangement..


KD  in the throne room:
TM: What is your name?
KD: My first name is Haneulbyeollimgureumhaennimbodasarangseureouri
TM: okay. we call you; Korean Doctor.
KD: okay.

:back in the present:

TE: the point stands..

TE: sooo.. evil :points at Sophie:.. evil :goes to point at Lucy:
Lucy: oh c'mon!
TE: you had every opportunity to NOT kill those policemen, the French police *still * have warrant out for your arrest, seven dead, three permanently paralyzed.
... evil :points at Lucy:

TE pauses: Sorry.. I'm still not very sure who you are..I mean I can guess by the look of you, that you took the YetiDNA, but how you got it is a bit of a mystery to be honest, and your life before, all I can presume is that you were probably a good natured citizen of whatever country you were associated with.

TE: *you* may leave if you wish.. in fact you all may leave if you wish, and we will put this down to a learning experience on your behalf.

Andrea: we stay.

TE: We *all* have been in unfortunate positions, and while your predicament, however unlucky, is a persuasive argument, there is no need for anyone to throw a 'hissy fit'. I advise you to all grow up into the adults you aspired to be as children.

TE.. but *as you wish*.. The Master will dispatch you presently.

Andrea: Why he kill ALL Kaldark Gypsies? is evil.

TE:Ah.. you seem to be missing some vital information.. A large group of them worked in one of the mines, they decided to steal a sizable sum of gold, around a ton. My Master tried to be reasonable with those ones we caught but they would not tell him where they hid it, thinking he would not kill them without the information, they were mistaken. 

Andrea: oh!

TE: we DID know about the YetiDNA and decided it was a waste to kill them and not use it as a basis for furthering our research, it was just there anyway. 

.. we have yet to retrieve the gold .. *surely* one of them knows where it is!

Sophie: YOU WERE GOING TO LET ME DIE! I heard you..

 TE: OHW! the bag and the 'scottish'. right! I had stepped in when Mr. Jang had decided to kill Ms. Lucy, saying 'what a waste'.. well we all know how well that worked out. I was VERY reluctant to do this again, especially as this was our third endeavour at retrieving our goods, despite being successful in creating the compound upon our first attempt. It was my fruitless sojourn at washing my hands of local matters.

 Sophie: toffy git!

 Lucy: Whoa Sophie!.. don't get too mad now.. we heard what they have to say.. I'm starting to see the puzzle pieces clear into a sharp image.

Andrea: I too.

 Sophie: you think it's OK for him to have one of his goons shoot me?

TE: now I didn't..

Sophie:  SHUT UP!

Sophie: I was DYING!

 The Master raises his hand and sends a shockwave through the air:


You are upsetting my friends! You are trespassing on my property!

I think you all should go home and be grateful of your lives!

If you do not leave my property, I will take those lives from you.

 Lucy: Sophie has every right to be angry, while you have answered our questions, she is still left feeling worthless..

TM interrupts: SHUT UP! you all chatter like hyena! I have heard enough for today! LEAVE!

Lucy: wait.

The Master sends out a bigger shockwave:


Lucy: Oh you wanna play with me?

:Lucy leaps on to The Master warping his reality:

The Master's eyes glow, but he cannot control what he is seeing, Lucy is showing him EVERYTHING.

The Englishman is becoming distressed and walks over to a statue, pulling a rapier sword from the side of it.

Andrea sees what TE is planning; stabbing Lucy in the side while she is distracted, Andrea leaps at TE, but TE is very quick, the two seem surprisingly evenly matched.. 

 Sophie looks at KD and he says to her.. 'I'm just going to the cafeteria.. they have bacon, you could come if you want?' 

.. Sophie replies: I don't think I should under the circumstance.. but thanks. you go!' 

KD: thanks!'

 Andrea: for starting fight. you do not participate!

Sophie: okay, okay!

 The Master fights back against Lucy, starting to see the throne room again, he sees Andrea and Sophie attacking TE.. he just about loses his mind!

TM grabs Lucy and tries to absorb her.. Lucy starts 'phasing' from reality, but before TM is done, he takes one hand off Lucy to defend TE and fight Sophie and Andrea..

Sophie realizes *something* is pulling her.. she turns round and sees TM..

She flies towards him grabbing his one extended arm and says:

now .. this might sting a bit!'

Sophie starts to glow.

TM's eyes fixated on TE.

TM starts 'phasing'.


                                      :Straight                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ---------------------------------           

                                                                      To                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            END of The Master.

                                   Black:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Master: The Book'


Kalim kicks the door in and we now see we were inside a small shack at the mine, we are sitting on a table.
Kalim mutters to himself.. 'just a table'
he looks below the table and a rectangle shaped object is neatly wrapped with a slightly dirty, very old, very soft cloth.

He unwraps it a little while walking outside..

Alfie comes up to him
A: What's that?
K: I dunno.

A workman comes up to them both and asks what to do with the shack.. 'are we knocking it down?'

A: I dunno.. he's in charge
K: what no!.. he is in charge!
A: what about the agreement?
K: Bah!.. they only put me in charge because you are a foreigner!
A: .. I think you will find it was for much better reasons than that. sir! 
:as Kalim walks away looking at the book:


:they are on the second floor bedroom of what is almost a shanty house, but more 'old west', outside through the two windows, we can see the workers in the bright sunshine removing much of the old devices of the slavers, Kalim is sitting on the bed and on the other side of the room is a table and chair against the wall, Alfie has turned the chair around to face Kalim as they talk about the book:

K: I believe anything is possible..
A: science has shown us, that what can be imagined CAN be done.. yes, I believe that too.
K: so what if.. we take this book.. and make it science?
A: it takes a FORTUNE for research.. honestly.. years of billions of pounds and they still haven't cracked cancer!
K: but we own a diamond and gold mine..!
A: ah.. I had forgotten about that.

:both look at each other and smile:

:::::::Credit Scene::::: 

Sergey and KD are in the pyramid cafeteria, same table sitting opposite, quietly enjoying quite a lot of bacon. They stop for a second when hear thuds of the battle above then continue. They make enjoyment noises about the bacon throughout the scene. 

 :::::::Post Credit Scene::::: 

 One year after they find the book.. They are in the shanty house from earlier, it has been cleaned and painted, their clothes are clean, they are clean, they are wearing nice branded T-Shirts, cargo trousers and Doc Martins. They are eating a late supper at a table in that bedroom, it is now at the two windows, we can hear the crickets chirping in the night outside through the open windows..

 TM: Did you ever see that cartoon..  mysterious cities of gold?

TE: I.. don't *think* I did, no.

TM: *massive spoiler* the ending had no gold.. it was just sandstone that had the fire of dusk! I watched that stupid tv show for 2 seasons.. no gold! anyway.. at one point there is a gold pyramid..I WANT that Pyramid! for us all! then if any of us watches that stupid TV show we will not feel cheated at the end!

TE:.. so.. solid gold know that's a bit nuts..certainly attainable but

TM: how can we believe in everything.. if we cannot dream? if I dream of something and believe.. it is like the book, believing in the book is a crazy man's game.. but we believe and so we dream and so we act.

TE: you are.. 100% correct! wow..I'll phone an architect in the morning..

TM: make sure it has a cafeteria.. that everyone can get snacks and food for free!

TE: :genuine smile: as you wish.


Star Wars Outlaws.. a review.. (TL:DR Warning)

 Hi After wringing 125+ hours out of Outlaws.. I find myself.. satisfied with my experience. With a few caveats.. The Good Mostly the experi...