Hi www
I was meditating on the future of society.. and came to a part of my daydream..
Since time immemorial, women have exchanged safety for food/protection.. provision. Now society.. quite rightly provides this.. it is a function of society that we group together and make laws that protect the whole.
But it occurs to me.. how much do men get out of this deal?
We can no longer leverage our worth to women to attain a family.. indeed even undesirable women become a prospect for family, due to this imbalance in reward provided by society, I have no doubt there are undesirable men also.. but these men are even less likely to find a mate, not more in this system.
(basically they were never going to find a mate.. but a certain amount of equally undesirable females will find a mate only because of how society is set up).
So what would society provide for men to compensate? I mean.. the idea is equality right?
I would say an A.I female companion, a robot to replace the job the women used to do.. someone to care for the men, because the women do not care any longer.
As we move into 4th Gen Feminism.. we wave goodbye to all those brave 2nd Gen Feminists.. the ones that achieved equality of the genders and fought hard for equal rights in the workplace.. heroes every one of them! After them we got the 3rd Gen Feminists... the evil feminism .. spoiled, selfish, hateful, spiteful.. who knows what 4th Gen feminism will be like!?
So why care.. really why should men care? It would be better to have a robot companion.. shaped like a ultra attractive female human.. programmed to meet the needs of men.. or even the needs of each specific man.
Men are programmed to fill a role within the family.. well the good ones are.. the ones not cheating, lying.. but these men are devalued because of these traits.. so why try??
As men become closer and closer to being worthless.. perhaps it has already happened? What value does society put on male existence?
So then.. I have needs.. men have needs.. requirements.. how does society fill those needs?
It doesn't.
So women are getting what they want out of society.. protection. And I cannot state this enough.. that it is right for them to receive this protection and provision.. but this value to worth a lot less to men than women. When society makes men redundant as providers and protectors.. the value of them cannot help but become less. It is simple logic.
So.. what does society provide for men to replace the advantages of what they were worth? Currently.. nothing.
In the future..
I have no idea. I mean is sounds absurd to me right now, that I would advocate female robots in place of real human women.. but as things are shaping up.. I must confront that devaluing of men must lead to a shift in society, which leaves the average man with no value.
Sure sure.. companionship..but if a marriage doesn't work out.. how quickly does each one move on?.. women can move on much quicker, the competition for women is much hotter than for men. Love? I believe in the Lord.. I am a believer.. but I have seen love fail, due to western society.
So we men must think on what do we want?? I would enjoy a caretaker.. who meets my emotional and physical needs.. and I just don't believe Western Society is designed to produce this. And so that means Western Society has failed me. I do not speak for every man.. but for myself.
What does it mean for every man?.. sure you can find a partner for a couple of years.. maybe lucky enough to have children, but the way Western Society is.. this is temporary.. marriage is for a few years.. or partnership.. whatever you want to call it.. then people are moving on.. usually the woman.
There is no penalty for her breaking up a family.. she doesn't get sued for a type of financial fraud.. no shame in causing such destruction to the children.. only protection and reaffirmation..
While male psychology is such that; he is humiliated that someone else is with his wife, that he barely has access to his children.. and pays financially for said children he can barely see.
men = worthless.
Western Society is cruel to men. It is set up now to cater to women only.. with any advantages they had in the past combined with all the 'equality' they have gained since.. on top of this, women are seemingly considered innately glamorous.. it's madness!
So.. the only solution I can think of is for Western Society to provide female robots for men. They then can continue their lives, with their needs met, no women were going to give them a second look anyway.. and yes, its the men giving up on human women.. but there is no solution as I firstly stated.. it is right that society protects and provides for its people.
Thursday, 30 April 2020
Monday, 27 April 2020
Alden Jazzcaster: Wiring Schematics
Alden Jazzcaster: Wiring Schematics
Thanks to RayL over at OSG: offsetguitars.com
Since Photobucket decided to lose the pics down their couch.. I have reuploaded them here for (hopefully) permanent reference.
Thanks to RayL over at OSG: offsetguitars.com
Since Photobucket decided to lose the pics down their couch.. I have reuploaded them here for (hopefully) permanent reference.
Saturday, 25 April 2020
What is with all this rubbishly cut Mother of Pearl??.. the 'sight view' quality of MOP
Hi www
I am fed up of all this mother of toilet seat poorly cut 'real' mother of pearl!!
I got some 'real' mother of pearl from Spain a couple of years ago.. the viewing angle is so sharp it might as well be MOTS..
I made up a term to describe the quality.. think of it like a fine quality scale.. 'Sight View Quality'
See here:

The above has a 15 to 30 degree low viewing angle.. very bad, not worth the money. Should have the same weighted value as Mother of Toilet Seat.
Correctly cut MOP:

Or better still..

The above has a 45 to 90 degree center viewing angle.. but the broader the better!.. the *perfect* MOP sight view quality you want to achieve is 180 degree center.. but I doubt anyone will find such a magnificent piece of Mother of Pearl.
The result of correctly cut Mother of Pearl is this:

And this:

The result of incorrectly cut Mother of Pearl is this:

(credit: Crimson Guitars. Not their fault but should have chosen better MOP)
And this:

(Credit: EY Guitars)
And this:

(Credit: Gibson Guitars.. yes that's a real Gibson.. an SG Supreme.. degree angle looks to be 30 to 45 low.. so not as bad as the others but still incorrect)
And this:

The guitar on the left.. both are my Gibson SGs. I did the inlays myself so I inspected the inlays when they arrived.. they are real MOP, feel like shell.. but look at the poor quality of the cut!!
What you want is..
The minimum translucence sight view quality should be 15 to 30 degrees.. NEVER 'sheen' in the center!! Which is what the above MOP is suffering from.. so then we need to make sure of the quality and for that we need a scale to price the MOP inlays correctly..
Dava's 'Sight View Quality' Mother of Pearl Grade Scale
Q: Hey Dava where did the inbetween ones go?
A: Erm.. as the view gets wider there are less and less degrees to transition between. So you get just get more and more 'Center'.
Q: How do I use this scale?
A: The methodology is simple.. have a normal (usual setting the MOP will be in) single light source, directly above the level fretboard. Put a two armed protractor flat side down on the frets.. when the 'glamour' changes from translucent to sheen; mark it. Do the same again for the other side with the second arm of the protractor. take the measurement then check the scale.
If in doubt.. round it down. No one will be angry with you for getting more than they expect. Everyone will be angry with you for getting less than they expect.
We get charged a fortune for MOP, no matter its quality.. we need to start holding these people to account!
15 Degree low = Trash (MOTS) F-
15 to 30 Degree low = Trash (MOTS) F
30 to 45 Degree low = Almost OK almost MOTS D-
15 Degree Center = OK-ish not MOTS D
15 to 30 Degree Center = OK not great D+ for lower end guitars.
30 Degree Center = Good-ish. C-
30 to 45 Center = The *least* you should expect on every Gibson. Good C.
45 to 90 degree Center = Good. C+
90 Degree Center = Significant quality. What Gibsons should have on
every Standard and above (unless better is available) B-
90 to 105 Degrees Center: Significant Quality. B
105 Degrees Center: Significant Quality. For 'professional' type series and above. non Custom Shop premium guitars. B+
105 to 120 Center = Higher End Pro guitars. Dazzling Quality A-
120 Degree Center = Less expensive Custom Shop. Dazzling Quality A
150 Degree Center = Custom Shop standards. Dazzling Quality A+
165 Degree Center = *Near Perfect* Quality. For all commissioned GCS guitars and handmade luthier guitars (non Gibson). S
180 Center = *Perfect*.Cannot be improved upon. S++
I am fed up of all this mother of toilet seat poorly cut 'real' mother of pearl!!
I got some 'real' mother of pearl from Spain a couple of years ago.. the viewing angle is so sharp it might as well be MOTS..
I made up a term to describe the quality.. think of it like a fine quality scale.. 'Sight View Quality'
See here:

The above has a 15 to 30 degree low viewing angle.. very bad, not worth the money. Should have the same weighted value as Mother of Toilet Seat.
Correctly cut MOP:

Or better still..

The above has a 45 to 90 degree center viewing angle.. but the broader the better!.. the *perfect* MOP sight view quality you want to achieve is 180 degree center.. but I doubt anyone will find such a magnificent piece of Mother of Pearl.
The result of correctly cut Mother of Pearl is this:

And this:

The result of incorrectly cut Mother of Pearl is this:

(credit: Crimson Guitars. Not their fault but should have chosen better MOP)
And this:

(Credit: EY Guitars)
And this:

(Credit: Gibson Guitars.. yes that's a real Gibson.. an SG Supreme.. degree angle looks to be 30 to 45 low.. so not as bad as the others but still incorrect)
And this:

The guitar on the left.. both are my Gibson SGs. I did the inlays myself so I inspected the inlays when they arrived.. they are real MOP, feel like shell.. but look at the poor quality of the cut!!
What you want is..
The minimum translucence sight view quality should be 15 to 30 degrees.. NEVER 'sheen' in the center!! Which is what the above MOP is suffering from.. so then we need to make sure of the quality and for that we need a scale to price the MOP inlays correctly..
Dava's 'Sight View Quality' Mother of Pearl Grade Scale
Sight | Description | Glamour Aperture | Grade | |
15 Degree low | Trash | MOTS | F- | |
15 to 30 Degree low | Trash | MOTS | F | |
30 to 45 Degree low | Almost OK | Almost MOTS | D- | |
15 Degree Center | OK-ish | Not MOTS | D | |
15 to 30 Degree Center | OK. for lower end guitars. | OK not great | D+ | |
30 Degree Center | Good-ish | C- | ||
30 to 45 Center | The *least* you should expect on every Gibson. | Good | C | |
45 to 90 degree Center | Good | C+ | ||
90 Degree Center |
What Gibsons should have on every Standard and above.
| Significant | B- | |
90 to 105 Degrees Center | Significant | B | ||
105 Degrees Center | For 'professional' type series and above. non Custom Shop premium guitars | Significant | B+ | |
105 to 120 Center | Higher End Pro guitars. | Dazzling Quality | A- | |
120 Degree Center | Less expensive Custom Shop. | Dazzling Quality | A | |
150 Degree Center | Custom Shop standards. | Dazzling Quality | A+ | |
165 Degree Center | For all commissioned GCS guitars and handmade luthier guitars (non Gibson). | Near Perfect | S | |
180 Center | Cannot be improved upon. Looks like; 'ghosts dancing in a rainbow at night' from every angle. | Perfect | S++ |
A: Erm.. as the view gets wider there are less and less degrees to transition between. So you get just get more and more 'Center'.
Q: How do I use this scale?
A: The methodology is simple.. have a normal (usual setting the MOP will be in) single light source, directly above the level fretboard. Put a two armed protractor flat side down on the frets.. when the 'glamour' changes from translucent to sheen; mark it. Do the same again for the other side with the second arm of the protractor. take the measurement then check the scale.
If in doubt.. round it down. No one will be angry with you for getting more than they expect. Everyone will be angry with you for getting less than they expect.
We get charged a fortune for MOP, no matter its quality.. we need to start holding these people to account!
15 Degree low = Trash (MOTS) F-
15 to 30 Degree low = Trash (MOTS) F
30 to 45 Degree low = Almost OK almost MOTS D-
15 Degree Center = OK-ish not MOTS D
15 to 30 Degree Center = OK not great D+ for lower end guitars.
30 Degree Center = Good-ish. C-
30 to 45 Center = The *least* you should expect on every Gibson. Good C.
45 to 90 degree Center = Good. C+
90 Degree Center = Significant quality. What Gibsons should have on
every Standard and above (unless better is available) B-
90 to 105 Degrees Center: Significant Quality. B
105 Degrees Center: Significant Quality. For 'professional' type series and above. non Custom Shop premium guitars. B+
105 to 120 Center = Higher End Pro guitars. Dazzling Quality A-
120 Degree Center = Less expensive Custom Shop. Dazzling Quality A
150 Degree Center = Custom Shop standards. Dazzling Quality A+
165 Degree Center = *Near Perfect* Quality. For all commissioned GCS guitars and handmade luthier guitars (non Gibson). S
180 Center = *Perfect*.Cannot be improved upon. S++
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Dava's Tenets of Basic Common Sense in game design.. or too many no-no's don't make a yes-yes!
Here are some Cardinal Rules of game design:
Rule 1:
Don't mess with people's saves. EVER.
Rule 2:
Don't put any invisible walls anywhere inside the sandbox. to cage us inside is fine. But once inside; it is OUR PLAYGROUND.. no longer yours. .. stop picking at it.
Rule 3:
Intuitive control.. beg, borrow.. steal if you have to from other Devs and Dev publishers.. the middle tool is so vastly unimportant, that you, Dev, sweating about it, isn't helping! If a control method is popular use that instead.
Rule 4:
Let us skip EVERYTHING.. cutscenes, cinematics, intro movies (I am aware I own a Nvidia graphics card, no need to waste my time showing me a mini movie about it).
Rule 5:
Don't put things in the game I could mistake as a 'glitch'. Seriously.
Rule 6:
If I have near completed a quest and the final part fails .. not due to me misunderstanding what to do.. but the game did not allow me to do it; ensure you have checkpoints. If the game failed and not me.. that was your problem not mine.. so to stop any arguments between player and Dev.. have checkpoints while the mission is active.. if the player quits; they must *then* and *only then*.. have to restart the whole mission if it is not completed.
Rule 7:
All bugs MUST GO. Even if your game is 20 years old.. if you are making coin off the franchise and a bug is reported. fix it!
Break any of these rules and you are a BAD DEVELOPER.. it's like being a bad parent but instead disappointing 10's of thousands of people in one go.
Have a 'Gamma Team'.. who are much like Beta Testers in reverse. Gamma 'Testers'.. small team that covers all franchised games, that make coin for you as a publisher. Team of 5 to 10 people.. like a dead letter office of games publishing. You send annoyed or concerned players to them instead of your media team having to deal with an old game.
I *may* come back and update this with more.. but that's enough for now.
I would like to thank Ubisoft for inspiring this list.. FLIP!! It's just basic common courtesy.. don't mess with peoples save games! FC5-DLC. Whoever thought it was a good idea over at Ubisoft.. well they probably deserve all the twitter hate the Ubi media team had to deal with and I hope they passed that along to that person.. as 'feedback/suggestions'. I am sure other players had some suggestions what that Dev could do with the game!
Here are some Cardinal Rules of game design:
Rule 1:
Don't mess with people's saves. EVER.
Rule 2:
Don't put any invisible walls anywhere inside the sandbox. to cage us inside is fine. But once inside; it is OUR PLAYGROUND.. no longer yours. .. stop picking at it.
Rule 3:
Intuitive control.. beg, borrow.. steal if you have to from other Devs and Dev publishers.. the middle tool is so vastly unimportant, that you, Dev, sweating about it, isn't helping! If a control method is popular use that instead.
Rule 4:
Let us skip EVERYTHING.. cutscenes, cinematics, intro movies (I am aware I own a Nvidia graphics card, no need to waste my time showing me a mini movie about it).
Rule 5:
Don't put things in the game I could mistake as a 'glitch'. Seriously.
Rule 6:
If I have near completed a quest and the final part fails .. not due to me misunderstanding what to do.. but the game did not allow me to do it; ensure you have checkpoints. If the game failed and not me.. that was your problem not mine.. so to stop any arguments between player and Dev.. have checkpoints while the mission is active.. if the player quits; they must *then* and *only then*.. have to restart the whole mission if it is not completed.
Rule 7:
All bugs MUST GO. Even if your game is 20 years old.. if you are making coin off the franchise and a bug is reported. fix it!
Break any of these rules and you are a BAD DEVELOPER.. it's like being a bad parent but instead disappointing 10's of thousands of people in one go.
Have a 'Gamma Team'.. who are much like Beta Testers in reverse. Gamma 'Testers'.. small team that covers all franchised games, that make coin for you as a publisher. Team of 5 to 10 people.. like a dead letter office of games publishing. You send annoyed or concerned players to them instead of your media team having to deal with an old game.
I *may* come back and update this with more.. but that's enough for now.
I would like to thank Ubisoft for inspiring this list.. FLIP!! It's just basic common courtesy.. don't mess with peoples save games! FC5-DLC. Whoever thought it was a good idea over at Ubisoft.. well they probably deserve all the twitter hate the Ubi media team had to deal with and I hope they passed that along to that person.. as 'feedback/suggestions'. I am sure other players had some suggestions what that Dev could do with the game!
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