Black Lightning

You rated this: 2/5
Erm.. had the potential to be a great show.
But the acting.. oh man! Cress Williams.. nope.
I don't know if he was just badly cast or.. idk. but as Black Lightning he has given continuously sketchy performances,
The daughters have been regularly OK, but when either Christine Adams or Marvin Krondon Jones are on-screen, they outshine the rest of cast by Kelvin-esque Ballast Factor of Lumens. I've seen James Remar in other things, usually a competent actor, but in this he has been wildly sketchy in almost every performance.
This show had huge slice of potential for NF to be brung into the DC Arrowverse, but it seems that idea was rejected.. and what followed, no this imho was a domino effect of people not wanting to pull together because the impetus was not on the focal point of the Arrowverse.
I commend NF however for bringing us show in this release format.. meaning we are not waiting a year or more for our shows from the US. This show however.. suffered from poor acting from the central character, which is pretty much unheard of these days.. but seems it still happens.
Redeeming features? good special effects, good direction, decent wardrobe, good make-up, good setting. The rest of the show was pleasantly acceptable.. I just can't keep watching this. I am an Arrowverse fan.. and the rest of the shows are top drawer.. shame they didn't bring Black Lightning into this world because you better believe the QC would have been tight! CW don't want anyone messing up their golden baby of the Arrowverse.. so crews from across the shows would have pulled together to help this show and it would have hit the mark. imho.
You wrote this on 02/05/2018
Lost in Space Season 1
Lost in Space

You rated this: 4/5
Part fun romp, part drama.. yeah on the whole I enjoyed LiS.
As another commenter suggested.. yes the continuity director was often too busy queuing at the food catering truck instead of doing their job.
I took an instant dislike to Maureen.. dreading this was going to be turned into some sort of femi-drama .. to my surprise she actually had a good/valid reason for being angry with John. wow well done NF! Writing like a grown up and not a spoiled female child.. bravo!
Acting across the board was decent.. with Ignacio Serricchio and Parker Posey really having stand out performances. Parker Posey has been dynamite on screen.. my choice for 'best in cast'..however strangely their scenes together lack any spark. individually great though. Maxwell Jenkins gave very reassuring and moving performances.. but again, I keep seeing this, while they good individually the chemistry isn't spot on for group performances. Aside from West and Smith.. John (Toby Stephens) and Maureen (Molly Parker) together are particularly off-kilter. Robot was perfect.. got the big big feelz.
Direction.. again perfect or near perfect. I will be turning in should NF renew the series.. first season jitters/not knowing each other might've damped the casts chemistry, which can only grow stronger in season 2 and going forward. I hope Dr. Smith falls 'in love as an uncle/aunt' with Will as this part the canon of the show.. Dr Smith will always be the bad guy, betray the Robinsons.. but one that deeply loves his/her adoptive nephew, and could *never* see him come to harm. peace.
You wrote this on 02/05/2018
I've watched this.. I think now three times, most recently tonight. I was spurred on by seeing Molly Parker (who plays Maureen in LiS) in the film '1922'. Wow she looks like Jenny Agutter at the same age.. they could have been twins!
All round I felt the show improved in many places, my only criticism would be that on the Resolute.. things felt claustrophobic and boxed in.. however they well have been the intention.
Molly Parker and Toby Stephens have really improved together as has Taylor Russell, who gave a heart tugging emotive performance during the episode 'Run' S2E5. Mina Sundwall.. is great as Penny and again her performance has improved since last season, not that it was bad before.
Maxwell Jenkins.. I realize he is a child.. I don't want to be too harsh but .. he was on the edge of laughing in one scene that was meant to be him crying. It was pretty bad.. and makes me wonder why the director kept that version.. were all the other takes that much worse?
Story.. Yeah this was all well written.. I may have changed the pace at some points but no.. it was a good story albeit it felt.. a bit like half a season in some ways. That we didn't get *some* conclusion.. something.
I especially enjoyed the gender switch.. from Will to Penny for 'Dr. Smith'.. so Penny is going to be her beloved 'niece' I really dig this, and it's a story unexplored within LiS..
My 'best in cast' for this season.. I would say again Parker Posey but also a surprise of Taylor Russell for her outstanding performance during 'Run'.Ignacio Serricchio was as good as he had been last season.. however he was barely this season of LiS compared to last season.
Posey Parker did have some slight off moments.. that fake smile was just creepy and took me right out of the moment. But again.. her performance is top drawer.
Set, wardrobe,makeup,lighting, special effects.. all top drawer. Sound was.. erm..OK.. I have a Voc. degree in sound engineering and music production.. for a dude wearing headphones, sound was kind of bland.. ohw the mix was good.. but the stereo 'sucked' it felt more like mono with hints of stereo.. I wear expensive headphones, I should be able to enjoy surround.. whoever the engineer is.. they were just lazy. To call this 5.1 is a joke, it's barely even 2.0. I get the feeling this or these people are fresh out of Uni and don't know how to do 5.1 correctly.
The mix itself was of a good quality although the limiter hit too hard and started to compress the natural tones of the voice.. especially with Mina Sundwall throughout the season. This may be a natural tone that she has the limiter/compressor picked up on.. especially while trying to filter background noise on set.. but if the boom mic muffler is too thick.. the limiter is going to do that to her anyway. (Im saying if her voice is very middle-y and your muffler is too thick, you are removing too much treble from her voice for it to be clear.. which also removes some of the acting from her voice)
Music direction has been missing from both seasons.. I get the feeling your music director really likes Tubular Bells as this is all we have been hearing.. ohw I get it has to be 'fanfare' due to it being space and the biggest baddest TV in sci-fi is Star Trek and no one needs 'Rod Stewart doing Country Rock' again.. ala~ Enterprise.. but where is the Apollo 440 rock??
When excitement is called for.. you need to RAWK!
Land of the Lost
Land of the Lost

You rated this film: 5/5
My favorite comedy adventure movie of all time. Huge Will Ferrell fan .. and this (and the cast) is them at their best.. making us laugh.. Do you believe in life after love?
You wrote this on 11/04/2018
Killjoys Season 1 & 2

You rated this film: 5
Really like Killjoys, big fan! but NF get it a year after it's been aired :/.. cmon pleasee NF get it only a couple of months after! a year is too long!
You wrote this on 03/08/2017
Killjoys update 27/12/2019.. this show became useless due to the complicated stories and the SUPER long wait between seasons. I stopped watching.
Approaching the Unknown
Approaching the Unknown

You rated this film: 3
Erm.. not great. As commented the science is a bit of a stretch.. the ending.. well I won't spoil it. but I was generous giving this 3 stars. needed another 30 mins to properly earn those 3 stars. Go watch The Martian, Mission to Mars, Total Recall (original).. Europa Report, Interstellar. hmm.. feel like recommending other movies: Silent Running (classic) Solaris, The Fountain. lots more. check wiki.
You wrote this on 24/07/2017
Plan Z
Plan Z

You rated this film: 5
Very surprising little zombie movie! 5* .. I think this could be built into a NF series, again set in Scotland. I *did* really enjoy the choice of location, seeing Scottish familiarity and sights with me being Scottish, really brought me into that world. The other reviewers.. i have no idea what they are talking about. Cleverly done with a low budget and good acting/directing.. I for one enjoyed it.
You wrote this on 07/07/2017
District 9
District 9
You rated this film: 5
It's one of *those* movies.. a watershed, a classic.. I won't say the acting was 100%, or even at times the budget spent was spent well.. but as far as human rights goes, it's a reflection on the human condition, a 'must watch'.. like when people tell you to watch 'the Godfather' or 'Reservoir Dogs'.. We see a racist coward civil servant turn into.. a feeling emotive hero. And it's this transformation we witness that gives it it's 'if you only ever watch one Sci-Fi movie.. etc' .. ' A Space Odyssey' used to be that one Sci-Fi movie people would recommend ..but if you want something modern, i think you too will be moved.
You wrote this on 05/07/2017
F is for Family

You rated this film: 4
Where did my review go? o.O.. anyhoo.. something along the lines of.. hated the show at first but got into it, as there was little else to watch, iirc a very of-beat simpsons. would have liked this to be renewed, very few good cartoon shows and this has *some* potential, Rick and Morty was excellent, Bojack spoiled with that awful thing. hate it now. This was a late night show.. yknow.. when all the other channels have shut down for the night, and this comes on and you suddenly find yourself liking it after a few episodes kinda thing.
You wrote this on 21/05/2017
The Sniffer
The Sniffer

You rated this film: 3
Seemed okay from first glance but.. no english dubs? they have Russian (native) Polish and Spanish.. im 15 mins in, and think its OK but im not going to continue without english dubs.
You wrote this on 20/05/2017
12 Monkeys
12 Monkeys
You rated this: 4/5
Big fan of this show, but NF have added it very late, as it's been available for over a year elsewhere. would like to see it come on NF weekly as its broadcast.
You wrote this on 28/04/2017
Took forever. MAN.
Your Reviews (31) Santa Clarita Diet

You rated this film: 0/5
tv show about normalizing cannibalism. much like izombie. I am a huge fan of TWD and Z-Nation.. these shows share nothing in common with those shows.
You wrote this on 23/04/2017
A Series of Unfortunate Events

You rated this film: 5
loved it! .. Highly stylized semi-gothic childrens (& adults) tale, well acted throughout, great production, costume, set everything! can't wait for season 2!
You wrote this on 18/04/2017
13 Reasons Why

You rated this film: 0
Review in short: Femi-drama teaches women should hate men because fantasy men are bad. .. Hey where's the story about the brainwashing fascist feminists who destroy families with evil politics and self indulgence?.. oh wait that's right 'men bad - women good'.
This show was.. well acted, well directed, well produced, well cast.. But.. the worst writing I have ever experienced in the history of being a recipient of storytelling. And I used to watch MST3000. NF.. get your money back!
You wrote this on 18/04/2017

You rated this film: 5
Really enjoyed this! it was like a darker superhero origin story, well paced and never bland. If you came expecting some high class sci-fi then, that's not what this movie is about, its a raw dark tale, of revenge and ambition, and somehow, a once ordinary young woman, gets swept up, and becomes something ..else.
You wrote this on 08/02/2017
That '70s Show

You rated this film: 5
The 'Friends' of the 2000's. For the last 2 years myself and my fiancee have been watching this off and on.. for me revisiting the characters was a dip in to 2000s nostalgia.. for her, it was a nicotine patch coz i will no longer feed her 'Friends' addiction. Why NF hasn't picked up a version of say 'That 90's Show' featuring the cast as the parents, with a group of new youths, I'll never know. I seen the weird thing with Danny Masterson (Hyde) and Ashton Kutcher (Kelso).. but man I gotta level with ya.. I did not relate to anything they said or did AT ALL. It wasn't 'unfunny' I just didn't understand any of it, maybe if you come from that part of America you understand it.. I'm from Scotland so.. no. plz NF buy this show! :) #that90sshowNF
You wrote this on 31/12/2016
The OA

You rated this film: 5
liked it. decent acting and story. would highly recommend for a binge one shoot watch. 5*
You wrote this on 18/12/2016
Fantastic Four

You rated this film: 5
Classic. Like if I had imagined it as a child. Wish they had made more of these, but no.. Chris Evans has become Capt. America and it wouldn't be the same. But for what it was, these two movies were spot on, at the time and even endure.
You wrote this on 14/12/2016

You rated this film: 5
Clever without ostentation. Empty wallet elegance. Sound with comfort. A secret travels between thoughts.
You wrote this on 28/11/2016
BoJack Horseman

You rated this film: 1
I didn't like this show at first, but with little else to watch, i got into it. The comedy was awful, but i had started to like the drama. I watched season 1 and 2 and I just stopped halfway through season 3, at the abortion episode. I realise in america this is an issue. Here it seems it is not. 50 years ago in this country women were given a choice. I'm not happy about it, but no one ever talks about it, and as a christian I accept such people go to Hell. .. why am I telling you this.. note the part 'no one ever talks about it' here in my country it is taboo, and rightly so. Drawing people's attention to this subject risks impassioning pro-life, making this an issue again in my country, and people campaigning against it and trying to get the law repealed. If you're an atheist in this country you don't care what the Abrahamic religious think of you as you don't believe in Hell, and don't want to antagonize believers. If you're a believer, you keep your mouth shut and have your beliefs. no one talks about it; and it keeps everyone sane.
You wrote this on 09/11/2016
Rick and Morty
Rick and Morty
You rated this film: 4
erm .. like if Back to the Future got in a car crash with the earlier Eric Stoltz Back to the Future and Doc Brown was a bit gross. Total Fan of this show.. weird meets weirder. Wish Rick wasn't so gross tho, totally breaks my mood. not funny. Rest of the show.. Amazing!
You wrote this on 27/10/2016
Your Reviews (31) Chernobyl Diaries

You rated this film: 3
Reasonable attempt at a Russian (Ukrainian) Cloverfield. Would have been happier if it was movie about *actual* extreme tours, was content to see Pripyat. Aside from that, one of the few movies on NF i actually watched. (most are too old)
You wrote this on 16/09/2016
The Ridiculous 6

You rated this film: 5
Really enjoyed this movie. classic Sandler. If you don't like Adam Sandler.. then don't watch. For me it reminded me of many of his older movies. the NF Sandler movie I have liked and enjoyed. It gives me another reason to keep my subscription.
You wrote this on 18/07/2016
Stranger Things
Stranger Things
You rated this film: 4
Liked this. it was like an episode of the 90's teen show 'Eerie Indiana' for adults. Ms. Ryder's performance was often 'wobbly' but perhaps that's due to her age (44yo) or she felt her fee for the show wasn't met. Shame as this will be what she is known for, for a while, opportunity missed. The rest of the cast excellent, with special note of David Harbour very competent, and reassuring performance, best in cast, out of a great in-show casting. The story I enjoyed very much.. the set lighting wardrobe excellent! giving us an emotive memory of authentic 80's nostalgia. The dialogue wasn't great and I hope to see this improve for season 2. I mentioned 'Eerie Indiana'.. I wish I could re-watch the shows of my youth again, but like this.. how I remember them.. if I were to watch that show now, it would be awful. 'Stranger Things', is exactly the experience I want now; to remember that show back then.
You wrote this on 17/07/2016
Absolutely Anything
Absolutely Anything
You rated this film: 3
was OK. I'm a bit of a Simon Pegg fan, loved Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Star Trek, World's End, Kill Me Three Times.. This movie while having it's moments sits somewhere between World's End and Paul (the alien) which I intensely disliked as a movie.. Kate Beckinsale's looks really carried this movie, maybe that's a bit harsh, as i enjoyed the comedy acting, some dialogue and the premise was interesting. But when it dragged at times, all i did was think how pretty she was.
You wrote this on 22/05/2016
From Dusk Till Dawn
From Dusk Till Dawn
You rated this film: 2
So.. loved the first season. The second however.. we did not love. From the first few episodes that had only gore to the no story to very bad acting.. just done with this show.
You wrote this on 22/05/2016
Better Call Saul
Better Call Saul
You rated this film: 5
Excellent show! 10 episodes is waaaayy too short for a series, i'd of liked to seen 24 episodes per series. give us more!
You wrote this on 22/05/2016
Special Correspondents
Special Correspondents
You rated this film: 4
I liked it. others didn't. imho good little movie that had its moments. entertained me for an hour and half.
You wrote this on 22/05/2016
You rated this film: 5
Outstanding! season 1 and 2 are imho a complete work, with season 3 being the finisher! like umm.. a whole season of specials. great show! Hope the makers can pull more out of their hat like this.
You wrote this on 22/05/2016
You rated this film: 1
If this show was any more american and feminist, chelsea would transmute *POP* into a unicorn with matching star spangled banner horn and aura. note: the horn is magic. purpose: to lure men like a siren, to crash on her rocky shore so she can devour them. Lesson: Stay away from feminists children, while they look attractive and glamorous, their real agenda is devour your soul.
You wrote this on 22/05/2016
Orange Is the New Black
Orange Is the New Black
You rated this film: 1
Was really enjoying this show, until the writers decided to go too far. The comment made in direction to Jesus (S1E5), for no reason other than to pledge allegiance to secular attitudes was appalling. YOU have a responsibility to your customers to filter out offencive material, censorship is not needed, common sense and good taste is.
Z Nation
You rated this film: 5
3.5 stars. reasonable show. not top drawer acting, but for the most part competent. the editing is quite talented. directing can go from impressive to clumsy. you can easily see it was low budget, and only the acting and clever editing is carrying this show.. I'm a WD fan and, could really do with a show like this to stem the gaps waiting for WD.. is this show it?? im not sure.. the dialogue was O.K, not great, and the plot is, surprisingly, excellent. action is good, meaning well acted and well shot.. but the low budget zombies turn my stomach mixed with clever CGI.. im still not sure. not all acting has been great so far..but yknow..early days.
You wrote this on 21/01/2015
Your Reviews (31)

Black Lightning
Erm.. had the potential to be a great show. But the acting.. oh man! Cress Williams.. nope. I don't know if he was just badly cast or.. idk. but as Black Lightning he has given continuously sketchy performances, the daughters have been regularly OK, but when either Christine Adams or Marvin Krondon James they outshine the rest of cast by Kelvin-esque Ballast Factor of Lumens. I've seen James Remar in other things, usually a competent actor, but in this he has been wildly sketchy in almost every performance. This show had huge slice of potential for NF to be brung into the DC Arrowverse, but it seems that idea was rejected.. and what followed, no this imho was a domino effect of people not wanting to pull together because the impetus was not on the focal point of the Arrowverse. I commend NF however for bringing us show in the release format.. meaning we are not waiting a year or more for our shows from the US. This show however.. suffered from poor acting from the central character, which is pretty much unheard of these days.. but seems it still happens. Redeeming features? good special effects, good direction, decent wardrobe, good make-up, good setting. The rest of the show was pleasantly acceptable.. I just can't keep watching this. I am an Arrowverse fan.. and the rest of the shows are top drawer.. shame they didn't bring Black Lightning into this world because you better believe the QC would have been tight! CW don't want anyone messing up their golden baby of the Arrowverse.. so crews from across the shows would have pulled together to help this show and it would have hit the mark. imho.
You wrote this on 02/05/2018

Lost in Space
Part fun romp, part drama.. yeah on the whole I enjoyed LiS. As another commenter suggested.. yes the continuity director was often too busy queuing at the food catering truck instead of doing their job. I took an instant dislike to Maureen.. dreading this was going to be turned into some sort of femi-drama .. to my surprise she actually had a good/valid reason for being angry with John. wow well done NF! Writing like a grown up and not a spoiled female child.. bravo! Acts across the board was decent.. with Ignacio Serricchio and Parker Posey really having stand out performances. Parker has been dynamite on screen.. however strangely their scenes together lack any spark. individually great though. Maxwell Jenkins give very reassuring and moving performances.. but again, I keep seeing this, while they good individually the chemistry isn't spot on for group performances. Aside from West and Smith.. John and Maureen together are particularly off-kilter. Robot was perfect.. got the big big feelz. Direction.. again perfect or near perfect. I will be turning in should NF renew the series.. first season jitters/not knowing each other might've damped the casts chemistry, which can only grow stronger in season 2 and going forward. I hope Dr. Smith falls 'in love as an uncle/aunt' with Will as this part the canon of the show.. Dr Smith will always be the bad guy, betray the robinsons.. but one that deeply loves his adopted nephew, and could *never* see him come to harm. peace.
You wrote this on 02/05/2018

Land of the Lost
My favorite comedy adventure movie of all time. Huge Will Ferrell fan .. and this (and the cast) are them at their best.. making us laugh.. Do you believe in life after love?
You wrote this on 11/04/2018

really like Killjoys, big fan! but NF get it a year after it's been aired :/.. cmon pleasee NF get it only a couple of months after! a year is too long!
You wrote this on 03/08/2017

Approaching the Unknown
Erm.. not great. As commented the science is a bit of a stretch.. the ending.. well I won't spoil it. but I was generous giving this 3 stars. needed another 30 mins to properly earn those 3 stars. Go watch The Martian, Mission to Mars, Total Recall (original).. Europa Report, Interstellar. hmm.. feel like recommending other movies: Silent Running (classic) Solaris, The Fountain. lots more. check wiki.
You wrote this on 24/07/2017

Plan Z
Very surprising little zombie movie! 5* .. I think this could be built into a NF series, again set in Scotland. I *did* really enjoy the choice of location, seeing Scottish familiarity and sights with me being Scottish, really brought me into that world. The other reviewers.. i have no idea what they are talking about. Cleverly done with a low budget and good acting/directing.. I for one enjoyed it.
You wrote this on 07/07/2017

District 9
It's one of *those* movies.. a watershed, a classic.. I won't say the acting was 100%, or even at times the budget spent was spent well.. but as far as human rights goes, it's a reflection on the human condition, a 'must watch'.. like when people tell you to watch 'the Godfather' or 'Reservoir Dogs'.. We see a racist coward civil servant turn into.. a feeling emotive hero. And it's this transformation we witness that gives it it's 'if you only ever watch one Sci-Fi movie.. etc' .. ' A Space Odyssey' used to be that one Sci-Fi movie people would recommend ..but if you want something modern, i think you too will be moved.
You wrote this on 05/07/2017

F is for Family
Where did my review go? o.O.. anyhoo.. something along the lines of.. hated the show at first but got into it, as there was little else to watch, iirc a very of-beat simpsons. would have liked this to be renewed, very few good cartoon shows and this has *some* potential, Rick and Morty was excellent, Bojack spoiled with that awful thing. hate it now. This was a late night show.. yknow.. when all the other channels have shut down for the night, and this comes on and you suddenly find yourself liking it after a few episodes kinda thing.
You wrote this on 21/05/2017

The Sniffer
Seemed okay from first glance but.. no english dubs? they have Russian (native) Polish and Spanish.. im 15 mins in, and think its OK but im not going to continue without english dubs.
You wrote this on 20/05/2017

12 Monkeys
Big fan of this show, but NF have added it very late, as it's been available for over a year elsewhere. would like to see it come on NF weekly as its broadcast.
You wrote this on 28/04/2017
Your Reviews (31)

Santa Clarita Diet
tv show about normalizing cannibalism. much like izombie. I am a huge fan of TWD and Z-Nation.. these shows share nothing in common with those shows.
You wrote this on 23/04/2017

A Series of Unfortunate Events
loved it! .. Highly stylized semi-gothic childrens (& adults) tale, well acted throughout, great production, costume, set everything! can't wait for season 2!
You wrote this on 18/04/2017

13 Reasons Why
Review in short: Femi-drama teaches women should hate men because fantasy men are bad. .. Hey where's the story about the brainwashing fascist feminists who destroy families with evil politics and self indulgence?.. oh wait that's right 'men bad - women good'. This show was.. well acted, well directed, well produced, well cast.. But.. the worst writing I have ever experienced in the history of being a recipient of storytelling. And I used to watch MST3000. NF.. get your money back!
You wrote this on 18/04/2017

Really enjoyed this! it was like a darker superhero origin story, well paced and never bland. If you came expecting some high class sci-fi then, thats not what this movie is about, its a raw dark tale, of revenge and ambition, and somehow, a once ordinary young woman, gets swept up, and becomes something ..else.
You wrote this on 08/02/2017

That '70s Show
The 'Friends' of the 2000's. For the last 2 years myself and my fiancee have been watching this off and on.. for me revisiting the characters was a dip in to 2000s nostalgia.. for her, it was a nicotine patch coz i will no longer feed her 'Friends' addiction. Why NF hasn't picked up a version of say 'That 90's Show' featuring the cast as the parents, with a group of new youths, I'll never know. I seen the weird thing with Danny Masterson (Hyde) and Ashton Kutcher (Kelso).. but man I gotta level with ya.. I did not relate to anything they said or did AT ALL. It wasn't 'unfunny' I just didn't understand any of it, maybe if you come from that part of America you understand it.. I'm from Scotland so.. no. plz NF buy this show! :) #that90sshowNF
You wrote this on 31/12/2016

The OA
liked it. decent acting and story. would highly recommend for a binge one shoot watch. 5*
You wrote this on 18/12/2016

Fantastic Four
Classic. Like if I had imagined it as a child. Wish they had made more of these, but no.. Chris Evans has become Capt. America and it wouldn't be the same. But for what it was, these two movies were spot on, at the time and even endure.
You wrote this on 14/12/2016

Clever without ostentation. Empty wallet elegance. Sound with comfort. A secret travels between thoughts.
You wrote this on 28/11/2016

BoJack Horseman
I didn't like this show at first, but with little else to watch, i got into it. The comedy was awful, but i had started to like the drama. I watched season 1 and 2 and I just stopped halfway through season 3, at the abortion episode. I realise in america this is an issue. Here it seems it is not. 50 years ago in this country women were given a choice. I'm not happy about it, but no one ever talks about it, and as a christian I accept such people go to Hell. .. why am I telling you this.. note the part 'no one ever talks about it' here in my country it is taboo, and rightly so. Drawing people's attention to this subject risks impassioning pro-life, making this an issue again in my country, and people campaigning against it and trying to get the law repealed. If you're an atheist in this country you don't care what the Abrahamic religious think of you as you don't believe in Hell, and don't want to antagonize believers. If you're a believer, you keep your mouth shut and have your beliefs. no one talks about it; and it keeps everyone sane.
You wrote this on 09/11/2016

Rick and Morty

erm .. like if Back to the Future got in a car crash with the earlier Eric Stoltz Back to the Future and Doc Brown was a bit gross. Total Fan of this show.. weird meets weirder. Wish Rick wasn't so gross tho, totally breaks my mood. not funny. Rest of the show.. Amazing!
You wrote this on 27/10/2016
Your Reviews (31)

Chernobyl Diaries
Reasonable attempt at a Russian (Ukrainian) Cloverfield. Would have been happier if it was movie about *actual* extreme tours, was content to see Pripyat. Aside from that, one of the few movies on NF i actually watched. (most are too old)
You wrote this on 16/09/2016

The Ridiculous 6
Really enjoyed this movie. classic Sandler. If you don't like Adam Sandler.. then don't watch. For me it reminded me of many of his older movies. the NF Sandler movie I have liked and enjoyed. It gives me another reason to keep my subscription.
You wrote this on 18/07/2016

Stranger Things
Liked this. it was like an episode of the 90's teen show 'Eerie Indiana' for adults. Ms. Ryder's performance was often 'wobbly' but perhaps that's due to her age (44yo) or she felt her fee for the show wasn't met. Shame as this will be what she is known for, for a while, opportunity missed. The rest of the cast excellent, with special note of David Harbour very competent, and reassuring performance, best in cast, out of a great in-show casting. The story I enjoyed very much.. the set lighting wardrobe excellent! giving us an emotive memory of authentic 80's nostalgia. The dialogue wasn't great and I hope to see this improve for season 2. I mentioned 'Eerie Indiana'.. I wish I could re-watch the shows of my youth again, but like this.. how I remember them.. if I were to watch that show now, it would be awful. 'Stranger Things', is exactly the experience I want now; to remember that show back then.
You wrote this on 17/07/2016

Absolutely Anything
was OK. I'm a bit of a Simon Pegg fan, loved Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Star Trek, World's End, Kill Me Three Times.. This movie while having it's moments sits somewhere between World's End and Paul (the alien) which I intensely disliked as a movie.. Kate Beckinsale's looks really carried this movie, maybe that's a bit harsh, as i enjoyed the comedy acting, some dialogue and the premise was interesting. But when it dragged at times, all i did was think how pretty she was.
You wrote this on 22/05/2016

Better Call Saul
Excellent show! 10 episodes is waaaayy too short for a series, i'd of liked to seen 24 episodes per series. give us more!
You wrote this on 22/05/2016

Special Correspondents
I liked it. others didn't. imho good little movie that had its moments. entertained me for an hour and half.
You wrote this on 22/05/2016

Outstanding! season 1 and 2 are imho a complete work, with season 3 being the finisher! like umm.. a whole season of specials. great show! Hope the makers can pull more out of their hat like this.
You wrote this on 22/05/2016

If this show was any more american and feminist, chelsea would transmute *POP* into a unicorn with matching star spangled banner horn and aura. note: the horn is magic. purpose: to lure men like a siren, to crash on her rocky shore so she can devour them. Lesson: Stay away from feminists children, while they look attractive and glamorous, their real agenda is devour your soul.
You wrote this on 22/05/2016

Orange Is the New Black
Was really enjoying this show, until the writers decided to go too far. The comment made in direction to Jesus (S1E5), for no reason other than to pledge allegiance to secular attitudes was appalling. YOU have a responsibility to your customers to filter out offencive material, censorship is not needed, common sense and good taste is.
Z Nation
3.5 stars. reasonable show. not top drawer acting, but for the most part competent. the editing is quite talented. directing can go from impressive to clumsy. you can easily see it was low budget, and only the acting and clever editing is carrying this show.. I'm a WD fan and, could really do with a show like this to stem the gaps waiting for WD.. is this show it?? im not sure.. the dialogue was O.K, not great, and the plot is, surprisingly, excellent. action is good, meaning well acted and well shot.. but the low budget zombies turn my stomach mixed with clever CGI.. im still not sure. not all acting has been great so far..but yknow..early days.
You wrote this on 21/01/2015
Wayne: APV 26/02/2021
5/5 stars
Understated: Liked it.. season 2 can't come fast enough!
Reminded me of my Scottish childhood on the West Coast, I had no idea Boston and the WC of Scotland were so similar.. as such, it was easy for me to imagine myself as Wayne. 5*'s access the board.. storytelling/writing, acting, direction, music direction and sound direction (although the 5.1 directional sound could be tightened up/better positioned) costume, makeup, effects.. yeah it has the whole lot. And to think I was going to pass on this because it looked like a drama!! .. its a 'real-to-life' superhero/heroine gritty dark comedy, with plenty of action..