Friday, 9 February 2018

Words I like that aren't in usage or proper usage..

Hi www

Foregoing that I am using these tools in English for the benefit of refinery, and my language is Scots, it does not stop me having thoughts or understanding English as a language.

As per title:

like Polymath but for the arts.
I'm one of these :)
Screenplays/Plays/Poetry, Artwork/Design/Style, Music/Musician.


Making Polymath specifically for Academics.

IN versus UN

Indescribable Undescribable

I feel.. IN is emotive of internal intensity and  UN is ethereally emotive. allusive.
Some words are dismissed for using IN.. but I do not feel this should be so..
IN bring the power of emotion which is perfectly expressive, and so, what are words used for if not to express one's self?

Indescribable might be used to signify horror.
Undescribable might be used to signify awe.

That's it for now.. if I think of more.. I *might* be back :)


Star Wars Outlaws.. a review.. (TL:DR Warning)

 Hi After wringing 125+ hours out of Outlaws.. I find myself.. satisfied with my experience. With a few caveats.. The Good Mostly the experi...