Monday, 28 August 2017

Once In A Generation.. TV Shows.. The 'Friends' of each era..


Been thinking this for a few years and commented/posted about it so I'll just put this here too, but with exposition.

1950's : notable mention: Bilko.

1960's : notable mentions: MTM, Odd Couple.

1970's : Taxi .. defined what the idea was: Friends going through life.

Notable mention: Diff'rent Strokes. Happy Days.

1980's : Cheers

Notable mentions: Roseanne, Simpsons. 

Married..With Children much like HIMYM, fell in between generations, see below.

1990's : Friends
Main Rival: Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Notable mention: Seinfeld.

2000's : That 70's Show

Notable mentions: HIMYM, which really should have a place for itself on this list, however sadly it did not fit into a generation, it was the 'Friends resurgence' that was badly lacking from all TV Schedules, more of an evolution than a direct Friends clone. 

HIMYM : 2005-2014

My Name is Earl.  
IT Crowd

2010 's : The Big Bang Theory.

Notable mention: Rick and Morty.

I can't watch Cheers these days, for some reason I find it claustrophobic. Cheers and Friends both had second shows, of Frasier and Joey. Taxi had Andy Kaufman, Christopher Lloyd (Doc Brown/BTTF) and Danny DeVito (Taxi, Twins/multi-talented Producer) and his wife Rhea Perlman (Cheers, Frasier). That 70s Show, Ashton Kutcher and Topher Grace, Ashton of MTV fame, Butterfly Effect and Dude Where's My Car?, and Topher of the Venom role in the 2007 Spiderman movie.

Hank Azaria (Simpsons- Apu,Moe,Chief Wiggum. Friends- David. Mad About You - Nat) Hank has been in two major shows on this list.. but also played two different characters set in the same universe- the Friends/MAU Universe.. Nat and David.

Judd Hirsch (of Taxi) has played Leonard's Father in TBBT.
Johnny Galecki happens to have also been in Roseanne.. besides this being impressive it also means :
Laurie Metcalf (of Roseanne) has played Sheldon's Mother in TBBT.
Sara Gilbert (of Roseanne) has played Leonard's ex girlfriend in TBBT.

Alyson Hannigan played main cast in both Buffy and HIMYM. wow. (also guest on That 70s Show.. 'Suzy Simpson')

Sarah Chalke (of Roseanne) has played as 'Beth Sanchez' Morty's Mother/Rick's Daughter in Rick and Morty and played as 'Stella Zinman' who dated Ted Mosby in HIMYM.

Katey Sagal (Peggy of Married.. with Children) also played Leela of Futurama, the Simpsons second show. Update: She has now also played as Penny's mother in TBBT.

Judd Hirsch (of Taxi,TBBT) and Katey Sagal  (M..w/C, Futurama) star with the rest of the cast together in 'Superior Donuts'.. a cool little chilled out show, not well known, but recommended.

Jerry O'Connell (of Sci-Fi 90's cult smash 'Sliders' and Star Trek: Lower Decks) plays Sheldon's brother, George Cooper Jr.

Christine Baranski (of cult Hollywood show; Cybill) has played Leonard's Mother in TBBT.

Buffy's spin off show was of course 'Angel' with David Boreanaz. 
Glenn Quinn (of Roseanne) actually had a main cast role in Angel, the very popular Buffy second show.

As far as TBBT goes.. I would say it's a lot closer to That 70's Show in terms of format than 'Friends', and because of this, it's surprising they haven't had any 70's Show guest stars or recurring actors on.

Donna = Penny

Foreman = Leonard

Fez = Raj

I *could* try saying 'Wolowitz is an amalgam of Hyde and Kelso' or 'Bernadette is like Jackie' but that's not true and I would be just arguing a point I didn't believe myself. The above three is enough to be closer in format to '70s Show' than 'Friends'.

Laura Prepon (of That 70s Show) also has played Ted's ex-gf Karen in HIMYM (no last name given, sugg. Bronski for 'Sorry, Bro').

Note, Xander Harris of Buffy and Chandler Bing of Friends are pretty much an identical character. Before anyone says 'ripoff' or anything.. I really liked this and it made watching both shows more light hearted. While Buffy was designed to be a 'teen horror comedy-drama' and often leaned in to this genre, some episodes were an out and out sitcom.

Danny DeVito (of Taxi) also has played 'Roy Goodbody' a male stripper in Friends. 

Christina Applegate (Kelly of M..w/C) also played Rachel's sister Amy in Friends.


There is a noticeable lack of TV shows from England in this vein, Shows like 'Dad's Army' and the much more cerebral and often darker 'Shelly' had a go at being these things .. but no. Dad's Army while a feel good TV show in it's era, now just comes off as English pomp.

One show that DID make it was 'Last of the Summer Wine'.. a hit and miss per episode TV show about old English friends from the Yorkshire dales.

Another feel good English TV show was 'Only Fools and Horses'. Excellent TV.

Open All Hours.. another excellent English sitcom.

The iconic Red Dwarf should also have a place on the American/Global list, but due to its low budget compared to the American shows I just couldn't do it, they make Red Dwarf cobbled together.. but if you ask me honestly in my heart of hearts.. is Red Dwarf better than half the shows on this list?.. yeah it is! <3
It's the astute writing, the casts portrayal of that writing.. that gives laugh out loud moments on a scifi show.

Watch Red Dwarf folks.. it's Star Trek gone wrong in a very loveable way. 

Blackadder. A story of reincarnation through generations told from the view point of the same villain. wow.



'Absolutely' was the 90's Scottish Monty Python.. however new Tory management took over C4 and realized that: 

1. 80% 75% of the cast were Scots. 

2. they were all comic geniuses.

After that Channel 4 quickly buried the show by moving the air day every week until people had given up.

This was done by blaming 'the Tennis' but the show still succeeded in pulling in adequate viewing figures as it was the hit C4 show of the time (Monty Python was wildly popular at this time also) however despite not having the excuse they were planning cancelled the show anyway.

I changed it.. should I have left it 90% Scots?.. Welsh are Celts.. idk hehe. but not 'Scots' but Welsh so Celts so extra 10%? idk. See here:

Peter Baikie (Scottish)
Jack Docherty (Scottish)
Moray Hunter (Scottish)
Gordon Kennedy (Scottish)
John Sparkes (Welsh)
Morwenna Banks (English/Cornish)

Technically, they are ALL Celts, Morwenna being Dumnonii (Kernow = Cornish/Devonian) but the English Tory management just hated Scots.. so that's why I phrased it the way I have.

Spin off: The *excellent* .. Mr. Don and Mr. George.. 'Would all food please report to the kitchen,. thank you.' .. and 'Yes George.. I seem to have ate ALL the cornflakes.'

Still Game
An outstanding sitcom of much legend in Scotland.. but not internationally, as they speak Scots.

Father Ted
A much beloved Irish sitcom. but didn't have as much success outside of the 'British Isles'.

IT Crowd (Irish + English)
Have you tried turning it off and on again? I need say no more.


NOT a sitcom.

These are shows that were not essentially comedies but had an ensemble casts who bonded and defined a generation in their own right.

Notable mention through 3 decades. 60s,70s, and 80s : Charlie Brown and Snoopy.


An English TV show called 'Doctor Who' is I feel the most worthy.

Main Rival: Star Trek.

notable mention: Batman TV series. Lost in Space. Twilight Zone

Batman was ridiculed and derided when it was released and it wasn't until much later it gained its status as the definitive cult tv show: Being the first TV show to gain and hold cult fan status.


The 70s were kinda dry..Monty Python*? Mork and Mindy? MASH?

Mork and Mindy was *meant* to be a sitcom.. but never really was, as the strange turn it took de-railed it from sitcom-hood.

Monty Python while, yes; comedy, is not a 'sitcom'.


'Knight Rider'

Notable mentions:

A-Team, Magnum P.I. Moonlighting
(Animated : Garfield and Friends, Ghostbusters, TMNT.. but by far the best animated drama was Dungeons and Dragons TV Show. it was awesome! .. nothing to do with the crappy movies.)



Notable mention: Baywatch. X-Files. Quantum Leap.

Frasier while designed as a sitcom and having funny moments, did not become what it was set out to be; a sitcom. but instead it became a comedic drama the laugh track becoming the extra cast member of the show. It was excellent at drama.. the whole cast could play drama in their sleep and so.. when those moments came.. the show shone.

The Niels Daphne dichotomy was enthralling, especially piqued by the superb acting of all the cast.

It was in many ways far superior to its forbearer Cheers.

One fault I will point out however with both shows.. which is probably a producer problem, sets were few and far a hemmed in atmosphere.. this was alleviated slightly in Frasier with the illusionary skyline of the home set.



Notable mention: Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles. The Sopranos. Heroes.


'Breaking Bad'

BB has its own spin off show in Better Call Saul, 'same high quality at low low prices!' haha

Main Rival: The Walking Dead

Notable mention: Game of Thrones. Man in the High Tower. The OA. 

[there are many many shows I'd like to mention here.. Marvel's Defenders. Lillehammer. The Arrowverse shows. Black Mirror. The Americans. AHS.]

Scott Bakula (of Quantum Leap) also played Capt. Archer in the 2000's 'Star Trek Enterprise'.. The show itself was great TV but paid a huge penalty as fans HATED the intro music and slowly started abandoning the show due to the producers not listening to the audience. In reference to the music the words 'Universally hated by fans' is closely associated with this music and in definitive fashion. It was undoubtedly the 'Jar Jar Binks' of the Star Trek franchise. it was clown shoes on a super-model.

I feel, they changed the music to mark the passing of the great Gene Roddenberry, an 'admiral' sentiment but this was a huge mistake.. every Star Trek either had Space Rock + fanfare (TOS) or just had fanfare (TNG,DS9,VOY).. not everyone likes prog rock country music. ESPECIALLY for Star Trek.

Including me.. I hate country music! It's like : Rod Stewart does country.

I'm currently watching the show on Netflix as I gave up after the first season as the intro music was seriously lowering my morale of the show. As I write I'm in episode 18 of season 2.

update.. 14/Nov/2023. Cleaned this section up.

Both sections:

Katey Sagal: 
Ms. Katey has an impressive career!..
Married w/ Children (Peggy Bundy), Futurama (Leela Turanga) , Lost (
Helen Norwood John Locke's GF  That 70's Show (Hyde's Mother Edna) and TBBT (Penny's Mother Susan Teller)
Bryan Cranston; 
Baywatch, Seinfeld, X-Files, HIMYM, Breaking Bad ( + BCS).

Kurtwood Smith;
While Smith's acting creds are impressively extensive, most notably in this case; Red Foreman (That 70s/90s Show) and Star Trek, many roles, however he was the main Bad Guy 'Annorax' in Star Trek: Voyager. In which episode he was feature starred.

Bob Odenkirk: Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, HIMYM.
Frances Conroy: AHS (Main Ensemble cast) HIMYM (Barney's mother)
Kathy Bates : Misery (movie) TBBT (Amy's mother) AHS (Main Ensemble cast) 
Cristine Rose : Heroes, Friends (Mother of Mike), HIMYM (Mother of Ted).

Tom Selleck ;
Magnum PI who was also in Friends as Monica's BF 'Richard'. 

Prisoner Cell Block H, Neighbours.
Notable mention: Round the Twist (Twilight Zone for kids).

New Zealand
While I wish there were more Kiwi shows.. sadly there were none, neither comedy or drama, that defined a generation. Honestly.. I'm Scottish and Kiwis are family.. it's true that Kiwis have an amazing movie industry (for set location).. 100% Kiwi original TV work is slim to non existent.

Trailer Park Boys.
Notable mentions: Kids in the Hall, Just for Laughs. Being Erica. Continuum. Due South.

updated for succinctness:
(Note: Katey Sagal is the only one in both sections, having played Helen Norwood in Lost, John Locke's GF, except Tom Selleck (Magnum PI) who was also in Friends as Monica's BF.. But I'm giving the edge to Ms. Sagal ..coz Ms. Katey has an impressive career!.. Married w/ Children, Futurama, Lost and TBBT.. and after looking at her wiki page.. she was also in 70's Show.. wow)

Update Oct. 2023: Kurtwood Smith is also in both sections, while his acting creds are impressively extensive, most notably in this case; Red Foreman (That 70s/90s Show) and Star Trek, many roles, however he was the main Bad Guy 'Annorax' in Star Trek: Voyager. 

Update Nov 2023: Bryan Cranston; Baywatch, Seinfeld, X-Files, HIMYM, Breaking Bad.

My Name is Earl
Star studded with A list guests.. easily a 2000s legendary programme that was cut too short. Due to the writers strike and the recession, this show was cancelled even though its was one of the top shows of the decade.

With Disney buying Fox and ownership passing to Disney.. I hope we can get either an additional 6 seasons.. or a final 5th season + movie. 

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

==Truth and Propaganda== Milo and Kate

==Truth and Propaganda==

Okay so I'll just say.. while it's true that microsoft did say it was meant to be only a tech demo. It obviously wasn't. what happened? endless jokes on Blog comment pages and internet threads about pedophiles, You can pretty much tell MS had never even thought of this point.. so MS reacted to this by 'softly' shutting down the project.. and they couldn't outright tell Molyneux this but this project was his baby and life's work. He poured his heart into it and MS ripped that heart out. I know what I am saying is essentially speculation (regular part of talk pages on wiki.. don't get too shocked :)) ) but then again it's pretty obvious the budget for the game was massive and you wouldn't pour that kind of cash in without expecting a game/more cash in return.

I believe MS was right btw.. while I would have loved to play this game, some people would've took it as a sign of acceptance to hurt children and that's never OK.

[[User:Dava4444|Dava4444]] ([[User talk:Dava4444|talk]]) 07:58, 21 August 2017 (UTC)

Monday, 21 August 2017

Habitat Groupings..

Thinking about this for years since I realized what a hamlet was..


one of those is from Judge Dread.. Megaopolis.. Mega City 1. I riffed the rest.

-Let is/was Hamlet
-Ville is/was a Village
-Ton is/was a town
-Burgh is/was a county (burgh is the Scots word for county)
-Land is/was a dock for ships.
-Lin is/was a village near a river.
-Field I *think* this means it was grazing land for cattle.

"Megalopolis" is the rough state just before two or more metropolis join to become a Megaopolis..
(its also a town in Greece)

New Jersey Metropolis (cities of Jersey City, Newark, Paterson/Passaic, Hackensack and New Brunswick) and New York Metropolis's (suburbs as cities such as Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens/Long Island, The Bronx, Staten Island) being the closest I can think of to becoming/are a Megalopolis..

But since these cities are in separate states it's actually unlikely they will ever become a Megaopolis. it would be the first ever, as far as I know, Megaopolis in human history.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Fantastic Four ..Trilogy that never was.. or how 20th Century Fox messed up a franchise!


Let's get into this.

New fantastic four abysmal failure.. old Fantastic Four movies classics!


Why did you do a reboot??

All you needed to do was:

re-enlist the actors who were FF with re-cast for Matt Damon as Johnny Storm, tell the Doctor Doom Sorcery storyline set ten years later when he becomes imbued with super high levels of mystical power* At the same time Sue becomes pregnant with FBR (Franklin Richards.. aka 'the universe builder').. smaller groups of heroes band together to fight Doctor Doom.. Alpha Flight, Excalibur*, X-Factor other groups.Sue says the FF are NOT to fight as FBR will need his 'family'. Silver Surfer comes back to life drags Doom into the outer cosmos. 5 years pass, FBR is a little kid. Doc Doom comes back having beat the Surfer. The groups take on Doc Doom..but are heavily wounded or killed, the FF MUST fight.. and so they do! But Doc Doom is magnitudes more powerful this time than ever before Johnny remarks 'hey! this guy's been eating his wheaties!' 'working out??'. Doom kills them all. but FBR wanders into the place they were fighting sees this and FREAKS THE FLIP OUT. He restores everyone's life who died and then he CREATES a universe of hell for Doom. he *actually* builds a universe of hell for Doom and sends him there.. whatever a 5 year old thinks hell is. I don't know what that is.

Cinema release?

Man that's good if you're going on a date.. but this is a *classic* with the fan base is already established! you want to make available for DL on iTunes, Google PLAY, few other places.


What you did do:

Take a load of  freshman actors and do reboot.

The early FF movies are superb, and your throwing away a resource of existing fanbase for a reboot when the original is fine.. idk what to say about that. flip even throw in X-Men Universe (XMU?) stuff properly.. FF are NUMBER ONE Marvel family, and you have them sitting there twiddling their thumbs.. Marvel for its entire history whenever they wanted to launch a character they would use FF to intro them.. WHY you are not doing this already is beyond me! Another wasted resource. If Fox is thinking of launching individual lesser known characters.. an Iceman + Rogue movie (present timeline) Kitty Pryde movie, Gambit movie, Guardian movie*.. each with a mini TV series four parter with FF as a showcase.



*(in the comics he can even challenge Doc Strange)

* make references to days of future past, trask, all the groovy stuff.
make XMU a THANG! :))

*WOW a Guardian movie that would KIK-..wait for it..AZ!
He's basically the Canadian 'Captain America' meets 'Superman'.. WHY 20th CENTURY FOX WHY?  are you not building this awesome character?.. flip Alpha Flight should be your next franchise!IF YOU EVER WANTED TO DO AVENGERS STYLE STUFF..right there.
Also prime candidate for a FF TV four parter .. flip for amount you spend on marketing you could put the series on YT for FREE, and who wouldn't want to watch the movie if you leave it on a cliff hanger?

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Letter writing sign offs..

Hi www

I feel that letter sign offs are woefully underrepresented emotionally.. so without further ado.. here's my recommendations:


Yours Sincerely ...      To a Lover or to an Official; like lawyer etc.
Yours Faithfully ..      To an employee/employer or to an engaged spouse out-of-contact.
Yours Regrettably ..   family member sending condolences or a resignation letter to a mentor.
Yours Expectantly..    mother-in-law to son-in-law on the announcement of pregnancy.
Yours Somberly ..      A friend of the family who is also the undertaker in charge.
Yours Passionately..   sexy love letter to spouse/engaged spouse.
Yours Respectfully..   sign off of a virgin to lover. sign off to a mentor.

'Yours' implies ownership, or someone you are deeply beholden to.  'Yours' is in no way a light word to use.. and has been emotionally butchered by professionals, however unintended.


Most Sincerely ...       To an ex Lover on good terms or to a former business partner on good terms.
Most Faithfully ..       To clergy of your faith, on a matter of faith. Hopeful job application
Most Regrettably ..    job refusal or refusal of a friend of professional courtesy.
Most Expectantly..    friends sending back 'yes to attend' letters for a landmark birthday.
Most Somberly..        if a group have a whip round upon a person's death to pay for the cost of the passing, the sign off to the family should be this.
Most Passionately..    sexy proposal of marriage letter.
Most Respectfully..    suggesting a job opportunity to an in-law.
Most Augustly..         when in expectant receipt of a Throne or title of King/Queen/Noble/Knight. Also  could be 'Most Augustly Yours' to denote service.

'Most' is used for things highly charged emotionally, but also for groups to use as 'Yours' wouldn't fit as it is singular.

Regards is when you do not know someone personally.

Kind/Kindest Regards = to let people know what was said was not in anger. good business sign off.
Sympathetic Regards = wishing well on someone who is sick or had a bereavement.
Fondest Regards = slightly flirtatious sign off, should only be said with that intent*.
Earnest Regards = when signing with a nom de plume but are however,  being truthful.

Regards when you are ANGRY.
Maleficent Regards = you hope that person is in a horrible accident.
Malcontent Regards = you hope that person will never be satisfied in life. This can also be read as you are uncontent.
Malodorous Regards = you hope they will always smell bad.
Maledictive Regards = wishing them all of pandora box's upon them.

Wishes is for when the person is an acquaintance. Regards being more formal and Wishes being poetic and so more familiar in tone.

Kindest Wishes = You wish well on this person for the immediate and intermediate future.
Sympathetic Wishes = wishing well an acquaintance who is sick (cold cough etc) or had a bereavement (distant).
Fondest Wishes = flirting with a dalliance*, an old flame (when both parties are single) OR an acquaintance you are beginning to think of fondly and miss as a friend.
Heartfelt Wishes = when an acquaintance has suffered greatly in person or had a close bereavement.

* (fond and fondle have the same root word)
*I see dalliance as a post, like girlfriend boyfriend.. but not friends.. more like an acquaintance, a delicate, and very subtle romance.
the acquaintanceship of romance.

Guitar Gear of my Yester-Year..

Hi guys

Just wanted to chat about gear that I owned and now miss..

I miss my Charvel CX-391 in dark cobalt blue.. things were crazy at that time and I had to leave it in the states OR risk being a badguy to someone who didn't deserve it. Here in Scotland the English tax everything into the dust, so if you want buy something from the states it costs double. miss that guitar!

I miss all my Ibanez Soundtank pedals.. my TS, my TM, my PL.. I moved house and never did find out what happened to them. Strangely enough I still have the phaser.. my EH Sovtek BassBalls filter went missing too, probably few other pedals.. I replaced the Bassballs last year.

I from time to time miss my Dano Guitarlin.. I had an offer to buy it back, maybe I should have, but I have to sort out things regularly (visa req. for Ruthy that cost a fortune then they deny us)..

I BADLY missed my purple sparkle Squier Stagemaster 7 string with floyd rose and matching purple lighting strap.. so much so I started collecting showmasters and stagemasters, I have a V1, V5 Deluxe, V2 and Fender Korean ..reallyastratbutwellcallitashowmaster.. its pretty much a Fender Korean Custom Shop Strat. No purple 7 string with floyd tho..won't see that guitar ever again.

I missed my Squier '51.. and bought the reissue, so all good on that front.

Something I didn't own but want to share a story..

Back when I was 23/24/25 around 1998/99 my jamming partner used to on odd occasion come down to my site, I was a site security guard, looking after a load of heavy machinery..

One time he brought his pignose amp and jap Squier.. wow I still rem the awe of feeling that amazing tone, now I'm not a guy for low gain.. but those subtle tones.. just wow. it made the night!


Stuff I'm still glad I have?

My Monarch Fuzz.. that thing oh wow! My Melos a Univox!

Every Alden set neck I bought! XG Special, XG-HR (three pickup) Corsair, Bluesline Custom Plus.
MAN.. I wish I had bought the XG Custom at the time.. it had a black to red to orange tequila sunrise!

My Jap lawsuit Marauder, from when I was 19yo.

Eros Raven 606 Acoustic I got in exchange for a fireplace when I was 17yo. Still blows ALL other acoustics out the water action wise! IF I ever try your acoustic.. I am secretly laughing at you, not in a mean way, but coz the Raven is amazing! 'feels' like a very low action electric without buzzing.. feels amazing to play!.. sounds OK.. nothing like a martin or anything, but OK.

Thanks for reading guy, hope you enjoyed my thoughts!



Update 08/April/2022


Charvel red (Japan) CX291 1991 upgraded with a floyd.
Squier Stagemaster VII Cobalt Blue Metallic

Soundtank pedals replaced + more.

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