Friday 30 July 2010

a day dream

okay i have been daydreaming about this for a while

what if you had some Chinese no-name tech company, but they want to stand out from the crowd but also like cloning, so how about this they launch themselves as a cloning rival to Apple but call themselves 'Pear', Apple have MacIntoshes and Macintoshes are also a famous brand of apples, Pear could have Bartletts and instead of MacBooks have BartBooks, they could have Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx instead of 10.6 Snow Leopard, and have Cairo Dock instead of OSX Dock, they could have on their notebooks lid a glowing Pear with a bite out of it, they could include things apple did not, a sim card reader, sd card reader,very very large hdd (1TB)and 4 GB of RAM, also things apple did include like the large multi touch trackpad,and a top display.

just some daft thoughts :D

Restaurant Brigade (Kitchen brigade).. stuff I keep imagining..

 Ahoyhoy.. After watching a load of Kitchen Nightmares years ago.. and more recently, watching The Bear and Food Wars.. that SAME thought ke...